What was it like before the Iphone?

What was it like before the Iphone?

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>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.


People were more aware of the Jews


you had to flip your phone open

charming and personal.

You could lie and noone could fact check you on the spot.

people spent a lot more time staring at random things or reading physical stuff like newspapers

If you had those sideways flip phones with the keyboard you were the coolest kid in class


Came here to post this

You could send a txt with your phone tucked away in your pocket.

Also, the helicopter flying through the cave game.

Was meant for

step aside

Is that really yours? It still works??????

It's not mine but i had them grey/orange one, it randomly rebooted on me when i had it in 00's, so I traded it for 6600 and it still works up to this day

I think we all bought the hype that it would be the next generation of gaming. Too bad though.

Why are you so surprised? I had an old Nokia N-series phone, it never broke on me, apart from deteriorating battery. The only thing was, it got so annoyingly slow and feature-less compared to modern phones that I gifted it to a colleague's kid in the end.

No im not surprised at nokias quailty, just that the battery for that model is different from others so i dont think a battery from that time would be able hold a charge.

Yee sidekicks

In hindsight they were stupid af, at least motorola razrs worked AND looked sick


We had clam shells and your screen didn't get broken.

>What was it like before the Iphone?

Pretty cozy, actually. Everyone had jobs and hobbies. Most people could hold their train of thought longer than 10 seconds.

Africa Niggers couldn't see our world and thus were less inclined to leave their homeland for ours.

You actually had people paying attention at the university.

It was also bad manners to keep your phone switched on during a lunch or coffee while talking to someone else.

Your internet consumption was limited to your laptop/desktop computer.

At the end, it wasn't much different, just that people were mentally more stable.

A load of Sony Ericsson Walkman's, Nokia's and Motorola's.

iPhone broke the ice and was mainly seen as the link from their well marketed mp3 players to phones. All real advances were ergonomic software and one big touch screen, first iPhone was low spec 2g network.

Kids went and played outside using their imaginations. I think having been born in 96 makes me the last generation to truly appreciate the best toy ever, pic related. When I have kids I'm not letting them have any Iphones or anything until junior year of high school

>Kids went and played outside using their imaginations
i miss this thing in general, part of why it suck being adult, you can't just walk outside and have fun, you have to go somewhere, specifically do something "fun", socially drink

People weren't looking down at their phone every single minute to read some shit on facebook or to chat on some retarded app.
People were actually working when they were at work, and would actually talk to each other when they were near other people. A notion that sounds completely foreign to people nowadays.


only real answer