Who Is His Successor?

William Pierce took the torch or National Socialism after Rockwell died. But after Pierce died his organization fell apart, and there hasn't been a good voice for years.

Jared Taylor and Richard Spencer are the closest thing to being a leader for whites, but neither are particularly charismatic and neither will name the Jew.

Will someone claim the mantle of National Socialism once again? Are they lurking here right now? Or did the Jews finally do the white race in?

Other urls found in this thread:


Is there no one? Is the white race in its final gasps?

We need to all be leaders
No longer can we rally behind figureheads

No ship can move without a rudder

Every movement needs a true leader to bring it to greatness

Perhaps the leader today is not one person
but all of us in this collective never ending debate and struggle on Sup Forums
seems to be working wonders looking at the past five years

NOBODY compares to Dr. William Luther Pierce or George Lincoln Rockwell.

Maybe through this endless debate and exchange of ideas a leader will emerge

David Duke

We can only hope
What better conditions could you ask for (except not being in this crisis to begin with)

whoever comes out of this as a leader that people will flock to will be someone that knows their shit, knows how to argue, how to persuade


I've thought about that but the disproportionate attention he receives from the media just screams controlled op at this point

>Richard Spencer
>Jared Taylor
No. Our next leader is someone else.
Whoever it is needs to stop being a pussy and step up.

What are the goals of your movement?

Your next leader is based trap.

The survival and continuation of the white race, and their hegemony in nations that they themselves founded

I wish Tommy would step up from being a Rebel reporter and get back to running the EDL, especially now.

Otto Strasser took the torch, Hitler never had it to begin with. You're following the wrong chain.

we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

white sovereignty and autonomy.

>The survival and continuation of the white race

This doesnt really seem threatened, but ok.

>and their hegemony in nations that they themselves founded
again for the most part it seems this is still the case.

So the biggest main thing is slow down the immigration numbers? That would be the biggest start? And then, kick non whites out? Or at least, what might be more feasible, move them to non white areas of the land?

>white sovereignty and autonomy.

(Universally for all whites worldwide? to return to their homeland?) How is this not currently the case? What do whites want that they dont have?

Hitler was a once in a thousand years messiah.

Just imagine how blessed he was by providence

>shot, bombed and gassed in WW1
>shot at at his Putsch
>50 attempts on his life

And all of this while he had great historical, philosophical knowledge, combined with an inner flame that inspires us till this very day.

There are not a lot of such people around.


Hmmmm leaf, german, or swedecuck?

Considering how smart, outspoken, and based you heroes of western civilization are, there seems to be a shit ton of silence naming (((them))).
Go start a YouTube channel. Don't be blatantly retarded. There is discussion of jews that won't get you banned.
But all of you have more than enough time on your hands, a Webcam, and seem to bitch alot while pretending to be part of some army.

I always assumed this was because Sup Forums is full of pussies.

Are you retarded? We are on the defense and decline for at least 100 years now.

What does not grow that dies. We need to reverse the trend.

The more I learn about him the more I realize how great of a man he was. No wonder the Jews are so keen on making him the biggest villain in history, he truly was their biggest obstacle to enslaving the goyim

all white nations are subject to a global governing body that states white centred immigration or the concept and ideal of a white society is inherently bigoted and racist
Tell me one western country that is unapologetically white, refuses immigration, and is not being attacked for doing so

Every country is deemed to be public domain, melting pots
And to a global minority amongst a sea of brown, yellow and black people

There is a definite anti white agenda, though it may just be "anti first world" considering Japan is also in the target sights of globalist multicult (named in the UN population replacement document for instance)

Jared Taylor is a kike shill, literally. Spencer is retarded and can't speak for shit. Don't you dare to compare Dr. William Pierce or even worse, Commander Rockwell with these two muppets.


I'm not, but he's one of the few good voices for huwhite people. And he's unstumpable in debates

Absolutely. They have to smear him with everything they have or people will realize the truth. Event he people that fell for the smear kind have awe for him.

I believe that he was a messiah

>the only option to save our people is to LARP like a 1930s german workers party
this is why you retards keep losing.

literally NO ONE finds your rhetoric or aesthetics appealing. if you actually cared about your race, you'd learn from trial and error.

protip: dressing up in uniforms and roman saluting with 0 self awareness or humor doesn't get results. being a cocky arrogant successful asshole who trolls the SHIT out of leftists and cucks does.

i'll never understand people who are allergic to winning. >muh principles

>I wish Tommy would step up from being a Rebel reporter and get back to running the ((((((((EDL)))))), especially now.

The EDL is literally the biggest band of phony kike shills and sodomite controlled opposition, it's natural Robinson decided to cut the middleman and work directly for the international jewish cartel at ((((REBEL MEDIAAAAA))))).

I encourage everyone to read the following article to gain a better understanding of the US pro-White movement. It is absolutely eye opening if you're just starting out or you've been in the movement for a long ti,e.

A Brief History of the White Nationalist Movement
(Have to post the archive as it's on a WP site)

Not everyone is tied to that aesthetic, rhetoric, or scene.

Thanks, I'll give it a read

I don't mind the people who troll leftists. But none of them are leaders

Damn I heard those echoes in Morrakiu's voice, nice touch with the extra A's.

>Jared Taylor

Taylor abuses the term hispanic and thinks it's a race

Pierce was redpilled about the term hispanic

>Thanks, I'll give it a read
Np. I admit it's a long read but it went by very quickly for me because it's just so fucking interesting.

It delves into every major figure of the US-based pro-White movement since Hitler and tells things you simply can't find anywhere else.

Morracow is doing the lord's work.

>We are on the defense and decline for at least 100 years now.
In what way? How much of the problems you see would be solved if A) white people lived in whites only areas B) white people had more babies. That is almost all you are asking for, mainly? ((C) the white women stay healthy and pure)

The point he makes is that Hispanics are a distinct group from whites, similar to how Samuel Huntington lays it out in Clash of Civilizations and the book he wrote after that


People are tired of democracy and chaos, they feel that our current leaders have no grit.
Commies actually display their hammer and sickle everywhere, shout the same 100 year old paroles and are quite successful with it.

The problem is that the NSDAP has become so demonized that it only attracts absolute outcast retard losers who would also join ISIS and often actually LARP as the meme perpetuated by the jewish media aka gas everyone who is not blonde and blue eyed xDDD

Look at the NSM movement, or Matt Heimbach.

>no discipline

Almost as bad as the kekistanis. If you cant deprive your self of that fucking burger you are not a leader and should gtfo.

Spencer is closest in that he has some genuine socialist/anti capitalist ideas along with his ethnic nationalism. He's a bit fruity but intellectually the closest to previous movement leaders.

Richard Spencer is a faggot. Jared Taylor is an academic. It is a shame that Jared is such an academic because it turns off a lot of people. Still, it is vital that white's have academics in their ranks.

No. You are totally missing the spiritual and cultural perspective.

>Tell me one western country that is unapologetically white, refuses immigration, and is not being attacked for doing so
poland, and stuff?

>Every country is deemed to be public domain, melting pots

There is also the question/issue, of what percentage of whites even what what you and yours are suggesting, regardless or on top of the, 'whether they want it or not or whether its best for them or not...its best for 'history''?

So feasibly, how many white only lands should there be? And feasibly, what percentage of non whites are sent elsewhere?

He's a pussy, Damigo is better speaker and can fight back.

Doesn't Spencer have no problem with faggotry on some level?

White Nationalists are.


their aesthetic is tired and forced. docterrr william pearsh is an insignificant peon only autist WNs care about. his rhetorical style has no appeal beyond those who already agree with him.

I understand wanting to save your people, we all do, but White Nationalism as a movement is poisonous, unproductive, and basically a dead end. they're prone to paranoia, reject anyone who threatens to succeed in their policy goals (which are vague and never clearly defined beyond RAHOWA), and scare away any normie who thinks "hmm maybe whites shouldnt be wiped out"

read some machiavelli. then read Burnham's "the machiavellians". the prize for "being most true to your cause" is extinction. serious people don't play dress up and congregate with other social rejects to promote some dead end movement that 99% of the population is repulsed by. play the game. win the game. that's the only option.

What about Nathan Damigo?

The EU is threatening fines and sanctions for countries that don't take refugees.

No. Poland is Cuckservative.

Also Slavs can not uphold Germanic made civilization.

Poland and Hungary are getting shit on by your kike flag because they're resisting their own destruction. They're considered outsiders and extremists for wanting to preserve their identity

I would follow Damigo. He's at least out there on the front lines and is unapologetic about his beliefs

poland is eastern europe
but it is also being attacked for holding its view that immigrants would be harmful to their nation and culture
so its not a valid example

>So feasibly, how many white only lands should there be? And feasibly, what percentage of non whites are sent elsewhere?
These seem like loaded questions because they are far in excess of the scope of the discussion - the fact that the very notion of a white homeland, or white autonomy in the face of globalist driven multiculturalism is a taboo, that it is an impossibility

this is the issue we need to address
at that point, we can start to figure the reality of it
basically all white countries are still majority white in demographics - if immigration was to take all of the above into account, if society started to proactively push for whites? Perhaps that would be enough - to stop the flow of foreign cultures, to promote reproduction amongst ourselves

>No. You are totally missing the spiritual and cultural perspective.
What is the spiritual and cultural perspective? Can you say a little about it? What would be different with the what spiritual and cultural perspective?

Damigo and the two Identity Evropa he brought going berserk on ANTIFA was glorious.

I understand that using terminology, phrasing, aesthetics, and generally signalling white nationalism is a great way to shut down normie minds - they are programmed into responding to triggers

So yes, I agree that those you are describing are misdirected, misguided
I disagree with the notion that white nationalism is inherently a dead ideology though

decentralized & leaderless for the internet age

truth is our leader

Andrew Anglin

When a culture becomes a civilization it gets cold and rigid and begins to slowly die.

Read Oswald Spenglers "Decline of the West" and "Prussiandom and Socialism" to understand this. I can't explain it all in some posts.

>>muh principles
You act like that's a bad thing

The problem with the modern natsoc (not talking white pride dudes) is the societal taboo element sure but fuck that shit. You should know better user.
What really needs doing is to deter edgelords from parading the aesthetics of the antique version of the movement and push for clarity against because I bet even you don't know what the fuck national socialism is under the hood.
That and fascism (literally take marxism and throw out the utopian bullshit and make a state that has internal revolutions, has nothing to do with "authoritarianism" or whatever bullshit you and I were taught as kids)

Also you're right. Humor and mockery is why Sup Forums's successful. It's why we thrive so well. We incorporate goofs into legitimate politics and philosophy and vice versa. This method should be incorporated into our political movements to an extent.

Sup Forums is not the answer. This is basically a free advertising platform for shills. They will win over time. We're not going to just "out meme" them. They will not give up. They will use every trick in the book, and hammer and hammer and hammer at the board all day every day. It can't be an internet joke. It's got to be a real life thing. Sup Forums isn't the answer.

>Andrew Anglin
Doesn't he sport bang brown pussy?

Besides, we all know the jew courts are going to crucify him in his upcoming trial. daily stormer will auto re-direct to the ADL.

He also does not respond to this

As much as I enjoy the idea of helping save the white race, I find it bittersweet to imagine the end of the movement. If they should succeed it will mean that I'd have to go back to my parents country of mexico. I know I know Hitler wanted each race to have their own form of national socialism but deep down I feel an heavy weight in my chest, for I know that the beans cannot be saved. We'd have to go up against the narcos, and they'd never loosen their grip on the country. Hopefully I can bleach my children's genes with my italian gf and raise them to blend in with you, but I see my brother's children and I see the brown.
It's a strange feel

you 88 fags are holding back the 14


Lol fuck off defeatist I've been here since before the JIDF raids this shit hasn't changed one bit.
Stop being a pussy and step around the shills, undermine them at every turn and deliver the truth to normies and the lost despite.

Fuck off faggot.

It does need to translate into the real world at some point
But it already does - we're upstream
Wearing down the taboo until it can become mainstream needs something like Sup Forums

I dont speak for everyone but I see places like japan that works with static immigrant populations yet can retain ancestral pride and heritage and think that someone like you, I could live with

No one yet.
It's not who nu-Sup Forums thinks
>pic related

What shills? Everybody can decide for himself.
We don't want pushovers. The advantage of Sup Forums is that there is no censor ship which means that our view will prevail since it is the truth.

Without the 88 you can't get to 14

You need to realize this

I'm at the 5th block

Should I lift, kill myself, or become Hitler?

>>So feasibly, how many white only lands should there be? And feasibly, what percentage of non whites are sent elsewhere?
>These seem like loaded questions because they are far in excess of the scope of the discussion - the fact that the very notion of a white homeland, or white autonomy in the face of globalist driven multiculturalism is a taboo, that it is an impossibility

Pretend it was not taboo and answer the question please. What do you mean by white autonomy in the face of globalist driven (you mean whites uniting as a group, political group?) But ok, first step is stop the flow of foreigners. And what of those who would say they help in some way, economic, whatever?

society proactively push for whites, what would that entail?

if theres no feasibility, vision, sensible goals, in you and yours discussions, imagine you and all those who have this inkling feeling, going your whole lives and just watching, and being mad, thinking and pointing at this and that, what are you pointing at, too many non whites in the neighborhood, too many non whites with white women; these are the problems yall have to plan to realistically solve? and you think they are meant to be solved, you actually think the white population numbers are threatened, and you actually think a significant number of white women (who would consider this) can be convinced that they should not start a family with a non white

Hence, our leader.

>deportation of non whites out of Europe
>keeping birth rate stable while automation advances
>cut any aid to Africa to make it shrink
>cut jewish influence of any kind on European people

The only way foreigners help economically is to keep infinite growth "sustainable" ie they have to pull in more people each year to adapt

I can't answer questions about specifics of numbers and which countries should be what and how each community would handle their non white citizens because I would be pulling an entire geopolitical plan out of my ass in the space of thirty seconds - chances are it will need more than one competent mind going at it

but as a general rule of thumb - stopping immigration from non white, conflicting cultures and instead promoting white births (acknowledging the reality of race mixing propaganda etc) in all countries that were founded by whites and still have a majority demographic

Its not a matter of over analysation, of misplaced paranoia - the statistics, demographics, reproductive rates, projections, everything is telling you that whites are dying out and becoming footnotes in a history that will be written by brown hands

its a reality, and the fact that it's not even acknowledged in public is the first obstacle

he's one of many in Ezra's flock.


>What do you mean by white autonomy in the face of globalist driven
White autonomy in terms of nations and their people deciding to keep their nation intact, rather than a supranational organization like the EU giving shitskin quotas to countries. And William Pierce talks about the atomization of whites, we need to see ourselves as a group in the same way blacks, mexicans, jews, muslims, and asians see themselves as a group

>And what of those who would say they help in some way, economic, whatever?
I don't care about them. I used to be a lolbertarian but it's simply a pipe dream at this juncture, because it would allow for the free movement of 3rd worlders into the US. That needs to stop and be reversed.

>society proactively push for whites, what would that entail?
It would start with acknowledging that whites have group interests and should not be afraid to show pride in their heritage

>and you actually think a significant number of white women (who would consider this) can be convinced that they should not start a family with a non white
Hence why we need a strong leader. Women follow strength, which is why white men who have been defanged by progressivism and Jewish propaganda are not seen as viable partners. It takes great men to mold great women

>retain ancestral pride and heritage
If thats one of your biggest concerns, you and yall "simply" need to connect everyone who thinks like that. its just also that you seem to think, every white person should think like that. So unite all who do think like that first, to live in your own land, celebrate your ancestral pride, etc.
but then you will be like. well now what.. there are still too many white people not celebrating their ancestral pride and heritage so we need to recruit and convert them, and then the majority of whites will consume good heritage and culture and majority will only reproduce with whites, and then we will have no worries any more, if only that could happen everything would be better.

if you have to ask, kill yourself

He's a pansy. He didn't defend ethno-nationalism when interviewed by RM.

It scares the shit out of me to imagine the future children of the booming african population demanding more aid from increasingly nonwhite european countries. If nothing is done to save the ethnic populations of those countries then it'd be like letting a wound get infected and doing nothing to stop that infection. The bottom percents of the lowest developed countries continues to grow, only now with a more connected world they grow up dreaming about the ever-decaying first-world countries and bring along their shit mentality of gibsmedat putting a larger strain of ethnic, self flagellating population bringing the whole world into a blade-runner esque nightmare. Lord knows the top percent is loving this connected world

Taylor is the best we've got, though he is weak on JQ because of people he works with.

Nah I got through that last year, I no longer have any suicidal urges

It's amazing how liberating it is when you don't hate yourself for being a failure because you don't live up to your privilege as a white male.

The major problem is the mainstream media channels along with a lot of independent media (self sustained ingrained propaganda perpetuation) is subverted or was created with the intention of misinformation and propaganda propagation

I can't honestly think of a better way to attack this than Sup Forums - an anonymous ongoing conversation that is starting to ursup the media for being the go to for opinion
Obviously it cant stay like this forever, but what is already happening is the beginnings of white sovereignty

>whites are dying out
"There are approximately 1.3 billion “white” people around the world" -(((google)))

They consider Arabs and Mestizos white

I welcome the chaos though because everything is better than now.
I think acceleration is our only way out.

In Europe we have rapes, bombings, stabbings shootings almost daily, not even counting the petty crimes and nobody gives a shit. I want it to get much much worse

white reproductive rates in all of their countries are close to or negative, all the while they are dealing with a sustained flow of immigrants from foreign cultures which are not assimilating, have no desire to, and are reproducing at 10x the rate of the native population. You cannot look to mainstream media or establishment for confirmation that we are being stamped out. That is the reality of the situation.

I am at tier 2 transitioning into tier 3

Are you analyzing our answers? For whom do you work?

Asatru Thor loses

>trans nazis are a thing now


It's the only way at this point. The left and the mainstream in general has shown its outright refusal to debate ideas of even listen to them

I want antifa to escalate. That will drive more people to us


>>deportation of non whites out of Europe
what organization/s is determining the degrees of whiteness? No matter how long they have been living there?

What if the majority of white people in europe do not want to deport all non whites, would you concede that an ok plan B would be to unite and gather all whites who do think just like you to buy out your own area, and then attract all those who think like you from all over the world to go and develop that area?

What do you think of how many places all over the world are heavily almost white only (towns, villages, counties), would that be consolation to live there, if it was proven your desires would never come to fruition?

The only non-degenerate trans movement is that of normies transitioning into Nazis

It'd take a new Hitler, a zero remorse dictator, to get the non-Whites out of Europe.