Is there anything better than being a neet, doing drugs and drinking and playing video games whole day?
Is there anything better than being a neet, doing drugs and drinking and playing video games whole day?
Neet + Teenage prostitutes
How do you fund this? Welfare scum? or leeching off mommy and daddy? Degenerate either way
Living in a nice house in a wonderful neighborhood with a family who loves you just as much as you love them. Going outside on a beautiful day and teaching your young white son how to play catch, while your beautiful blonde wife watches with a smile.
Being a millionaire neet living off investment income
And it'd be great if we all lived in mansions with free ice cream. Of course, that's not possible. Realistically, NEET is the best lifestyle.
Being a neet and too fucking poor to afford drugs or booze and opting to read, meditate, and exercise
Yes. Being a race car driver or an attack helicopter.
Including exercise so you don't drop dead at 50
Real estate investments and new media marketing which I do from home for $1.5K a month.
life is super easy if you have high IQ
isnt that just self-employment?
LOL, dude just get a job. You can make more than a 100 thousand dollars a year with no college degree. You people are beyond pathetic, might as well put on a diaper and just be a forever "man"-baby, because if you continue down this path you will forever live in an unhappiness that you forced upon yourself.
You will have no one else to blame, and no one will spare you their sympathy.
Fighting for the Holy Lord, Smite degenerate Commie Filth, Purging Muslim invaders, praising the Sun
Great shitpost you dumb nigger, whats this 100k a year meme sbout anyway?
nope, life is literally too boring to do other things
Having meaning in your life.
I'm about to start a 150k a year job (lawyer).
I hate my life all the same. You earn this money and then some. I will be a bitch slave for many years here, working every day until probably 8 or 9pm at least.
Everyone hates aspects of their life. Enjoy your free time. Do shit like work out and learn cool things. Being red pilled is one of those things.
Just take advantage of the time you have. You don't need money to improve yourself.
Yes: sorting yourself out.
Wow. 18k a year.
Being a joocey warrior and dying in glorious battle for your jarl and your land so your numerous children can go on to even greater things and join you one day in Wotan's corpse hall to fight and feast for all eternity.
Meaning means nothing. You just do stuff and this will make your life enjoyable. With free time you could do so many different tings you never tried before.
Hey guys should I bike to Taco Bell or get drunk and play OVerwatch? Keep in mind it's 12 AM and I live in a majority white area
What is better? To crush your enemies. To see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.
>get drunk and play overwatch
are you in the same boat as me? I can't play overwatch without liquor. that game is fucking garbaggio
My dream is to be able to work from home so I can be sort of a half NEET.
do whatever, maybe it could be your last day. life is fucking short to be angry and to think what other people thinks about you.
Yes getting up every day, riding a hot stuffy packed out train to a job you hate and with people you can barely tolerate there.
Then doing the revesre at 6pm, life is such fun
I think 2004-2010 was the best time to be a NEET, most of the best non classic games were made then, before sjw poisoning, before talent vacuum
Way less normies in the game back then too
I'm hungry but I want to go to bed but I have no responsibilities in the morning
But how much debt do you have...? And how much in net assets-minus-debt overall?
sucking your own cock 10 times by day
This. I make 85k in the oil fields doing what's arguably an easy job. But I log over 120 hours a week and want to kill myself. Quitting next week and doing any fucking thing else. I can't even get home for a shower but once a week let alone do the things I used to enjoy. Money isnt a magical make life good button. I mean it helps, being a bum isn't the answer either, but you have to find that happy medium.
1. You don't know where I live. That is good money
2. That's just one income out of the two I listed, the real estate being higher.
If you hate your job and can't stand the people around you, you will likely end up being fired anyway.
congrats you make $14 an hour. 85000/(120*50) = 14.
Play Paladins, it's an Overwatch killer.
Never went back to OW after tried it :)
sure but don't you have mortgage payments on the properties? and how did you get the original principal? something doesn't add up here. unless you were just lucky and bought the bottom before Fed QE pushed everything to the moon.
can i be your buttslave for 500 bucks a month?
>playing the blizzard version of tf2
>being a complete slave to hype
Drunk and Overwatch
There are bad games like ALL fireemblem games since not only gameplay but it promotes being NTR and a cuck since it contains that.
Same thing with disgea or other games where its against killing, like valkyria chronicles.
are you a grill? :)
Living a long and fulfilling life.
Wow, enough to live.
You need about $1 a day for food to live (shit ton of potatos and rice for soup and gumbo) and housing can be cheap if you don't get a large house and walk everywhere.
sorry that sounds so boring and fake lifestyle for me. Wouldn't even take it if i got it for free.
where to find?
Yes. Having a good job that is enjoyable, contributing to society and finding a hobby.
Because you're not old enough and your brain hasn't developed yet.
Actually being a man.
Facing your problems and tackling them rather than feign ignorance, NEETS do not want to face reality and hide behind stuff, makes them lacking in all aspects in life.
And no, twiddling with your fingers is not a skill,
My friend does this. He's pretty much high all the time and his opinion of himself and everything he does is through the roof. Another is the same as of lately. They're both sad degenerates, one on welfare, another "rich" through bitcoin who realize this whenever they're not stoned and drunk.
Playing games without drugs and drinking.
I was neeting it on trust money smoking weed all day and playing vidya/binge watching shows.
My rock bottom was, after the opening scene, quietly weeping and singing along with the theme song to Veronica Mars.
Playing fifa or madden against fools online i would just be enraged the whole match win or lose.
Humans are social creatures by nature. You are lying to yourself if you say you are happy.
That beer name sounds like huge dick in spanish. You're drinking piss from a large penor.
>checks flag
Nvm, you probably drink it on purpose.
sure user whatever you say.
>btw 27
>$1.5k a month
>having a high IQ
>Checks flag
What kind of kikery is this?
Yes, being completely independent and self-sufficient, you stupid faggot. Sage.
>be me
>fight for zog
>come back and get 100% v.a. rating
>get $1500/month on top of my wages totaling almost 3k
Should I go neet or invest in something?
>Humans are social creatures by nature. You are lying to yourself if you say you are happy.
Than go outside if you like to connect with people you stupid fag.
Use your brain. NEET doesn't mean you can't go outside.
i can be wahtever you want bby ',:^)B===D
no boispussi pls xD
you can't read, maybe that's it explains why you are a wageslave
Get a new job, same thing.
Work is a trap we fall into and can't escape.
I tell nu-Sup Forums's anti-intellectual crossboarding meme spouters to fuck off when I'm on Sup Forums, and I'll tell Sup Forums's degenerate shitposting element to fuck off while I'm on Sup Forums.
Get a job.
Nowhere in his post did he mention social interaction as why his life is so great. Hence my post
Being dead, this life is just fucking tiring. You watch shit people get rich and get everything they want being complete douches, and what do we get? We get scraps because we play by the rules, fuck this world and its leaning preference for unethical people.