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tl:dr nasa say's they've found new "earth-like planets" that could potentially harbor life or even aliens
This could be the single greatest discovery of our time gents!
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tl:dr nasa say's they've found new "earth-like planets" that could potentially harbor life or even aliens
This could be the single greatest discovery of our time gents!
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So? There's thousands of "earth like" planets. It doesn't mean shit.
Good thing the earth is round
Yeah. There's a few.
I haven't been to Australia either yet I know it's real.
We've known for years that from a standpoint of orbiting a star in the habitable zone, Earth is not unique at all.
Just more planets with the possibility of supporting life to add to the list of already known ones.
Call me when life, much less intelligent life, is actually discovered on another planet.
Literally who gives a fuck,in 100 years we will all be shitskins and muslims and we will stagnate on this rock.I've seen peole living like its the 13th century in my own country and in africa they still are in 5000BC.
Al the western countrues will get there soon and chinks and japs will have a really small population due to the birth rate.Maybe Indians wiop explore the universe but personally i would rather burn in a nuclear fire than see those gypsys succede.
If life is found on another planet, will religion be btfo, or will Americans somehow deny it like evolution/4 billion year old earth?
It will only take us 9000 years to get to the closest one if we travel slightly below the theoretical maximum speed, approaching the speed of light, using the technology that we dont have. This is the most irrelevant thing ever. The notion that : maybe there are planets like earth and maybe there is life there lol was around for a long time and this "discovery" barely improves of that. NASA is the worst producer of hype and click bait ever. That said they should get funding and continue sending shit to space instead of whoring themselves out for clicks.
I meant thousands of known earth like planets. Ones we've already identified.
Shut up Shlomo
They discover planets every month.
and they're all over 9000 lightyears away, thanks NASA
The killing can't start soon enough
OVER 9000!?
Let us use the wormhole technology. I know you got the hookup, senpai.
Good to hear, but I'll be much more impressed when we have confirmation of life.
They did a spectroscopy experiment during the Venus transit a few years ago that proved it should be possible to determine the atmospheric composition of transiting exoplanets, if we find a planet with traces of molecular oxygen in its atmosphere (which can only be produced by a handful of reactions, of which photosynthesis is the only one we know of that can produce it in quantities high enough to be a major part of a planetary atmosphere) than we'll basically have proof of extraterrestrial life (of some form).
First thing they should do with the James Webb Space Telescope is start doing a spectroscopic survey of exoplanets.
If humanity were to colonize far away planets, would the humans after a thousand years or so be considered another race?
Even more than that, google the Drake equation
The government have been contacted about your racism, enjoy life in prison.
Proof of god. Lights on the firmament thousands of miles away. Not suns light years away.
Genesis 1:14-15
14And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: 15And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.
A Star Close Up
Let me translate this news to you guys.
>We found planets roughly the same size as Earth in an orbit around a far off sun that would placce it within the "life zone" of that solar system
If they are talking about spectrometric analysis of the planets atmosphere showing signs of carbon, water and oxygen, then we are talking, before that you could be talking about a micro gas giant or a dead rock with no atmsphere.
It's actually 1500 light years.
Well a majority of Americans believe in evolution, whilst also a majority of Americans are religion.
newfag detected
Maybe, but they would be still human genetically.
Xenos on the other hand...
closest star is reachable in 45 years with 10% light speed,which is perfectly achievable. Speeds up to 30% of light speed are within our current ability.
Atmospheric bending and distortion of light you tard.
It won't happen. There is always a reaction. The example of Jews shows that there are populations which separate themselves out, on purpose.
Also, the coming automatization of driving will mean a lot of unemployment, and hence a lot of resistance to importing people into economies which absolutely do not need more hands for work and have to solve the inverse problem.
That is pretty cool desu senpai. I doubt that this is one of those stars that has a planet in a habitable zone though.
>the Drake "let's just make up numbers and shit" equation
Kill yourself.
you guys are idiots. (((they))) know aliens exist, and any real redpill person knows they exist, these headlines are just getting more frequent to prepare everyone else for the soon to come "aliens exist" announcement for the rest of the cattle.
this is atmospheric disturbance to atheists
The only thing that is important is the raw material in these solar systems. We won't colonize planets outside of this solar system just dismantle them for dyson swarms.
let me know when we have the technology available for it to matter.
Doesn't matter. God did not make alien life. All those planets and every other one they find is empty.
>bridges captcha
1000 years would not be long enough to change the species genetically in a significant way to create a new species. I'd say it would take 100,000 years. But it depends on factors such as if evolutionary pressures were different, and contact/breeding between earth and space colonies.
Certainly, 1000 years could cause some physiological changes. Height may alter depending on gravity. Skin colour depending on solar activity.
It's also possible that humans may advance enough that natural evolution doesn't occur, and that through gene editing we begin to evolve ourselves artificially.
>he fell for the alien blue pill
Good goyim
tfw all the other planets are round but ours is somehow a pancake
Do you even know basic science?
two real options here
1) we are alone
2) relativistic weapons are possible and we are fucked
>he thinks we've found other planets, let alone been to space
Government education is sad
>NASA admits we've never traveled past van allen radiation belt, which contradicts moon landing
>All moon landing telemetry data destroyed by NASA
>All pics of earth are CGI
>Admiral Richard Byrd said theres more land to be discovered outside of south pole
>Byrd says antartica (south pole) is full of uranium and mountains of coal that could "generate enough energy for the entire earth for centuries"
>Byrd says theres a continent as big as america beyond the south pole from south america
>Weather balloon footage creates web stir; 120k feet, no curve
Heres some interesting links
EESA (Europeon NASA) fucked up their CGI, see 15:10
Webcam footage, sun distance seen 3:30
Byrd on undiscovered land, see 1:15
Nasa admits never surpassed Van Allen radiation belt, see 2:50
Science explains globe fallacy
>what, the post
Listen here Juden there has been a discovery of an Earth like planet a mere 4 light years away.
But once the Zionists and their Illuminati friends are defeated by the God-Emperor we will have FTL so it's not that important.
you forgot Diversity™
having too many white people in one location stops all Jewish advancement
jews need good mutt goyim that cant identify with any race to be good wage slaves, as long as the drugs, booze, and rap music keeps flowing the nigger populous will be pleased
We haven't even conquered our own solar system yet ;_;
Too bad theyre all really really really far away lol
I know you're trolling but for anyone curious:
Stars are so far away that they are effectively infinitely small points in the sky. If you magnify and infinitely small point (+some atmospheric distortion) the result is an infinitely small point (+magnified atmospheric distortion). There is only one star (aside form the sun) that is big enough and close enough that it has enough angular size in the sky and can thus be usefully magnified and that is Betelgeuse. (pic related)
actually you can magnify on all of them with a regular camera because the earth is flat
nice try
>now we can finally escape drumpf amirite fellow millenals xD
>there's a continent as big as america beyond the south pole from south america.
So he discovered australia?
>Wow look at all the planets we can't go to great!
I think we have bigger problems here desu
Drake equation is just a string of incognitae. Brainlet-tier.
Protestant young Earth creationist brainlet. Get in line to be sterilized, we will do away with your heretical kind.
Are you ... retarded?
Drake equation is just a demonstration of the scale of the universe. It's hard for many people to imagine just how large it is and how that matters when we're talking about the probability of finding something.
Right tho, a real redpilled would realize that because technology advances at an exponential rate, other worlds life would have killed us first already. I think our world is the fastest and first to spring up, unless perhaps reptiles keep us in the matrix to test us
>2017 still believing the (((space))) meme, good goys
The universe is a big lie made by our governments to control us.
Why are there no independent studies done by non-whites? Hmm? Find me one article on this done by an independent African university.
>1800 feet
Is the earth a fraction of its actual size in flattard land?
>because technology advances at an exponential rate
It does so now, with us, in certainly fields. Moore's law is just as retarded as Drake's equation.
Huh. That's cool. I guess it means we're that much closer to full disclosure.
lol fucking retards believing NASA.
>Gi-Gib monies pls
These "WE FOUND AN EARTH LIKE PLANET" reports have been around since the mid 90s. Bottom line is that NASA is a civilian front program to feed brain dead idiots like yourselves
lies to draw attention away from the secret space program.
We've already traveled the stars using back engineered craft from crashed saucers.
10 planets that have liquid water on them?
great scott aylmao.
are there any good 3D maps of the galaxy that include all of these exoplanets and details about them? i want to explore.
We are certainly not alone and you don't have to work for the NASA to know it. There are over 400 billions star system in our galaxy only, pretending we are alone is completely retarded.
We'll probably never met them though; even assuming we can reach lightspeed someday, travel would still takes dozens of years just to reach the closest system...
Try again friend
Air is acts as a transparent liquid when looking at things really really far away.
Ever noticed how light bends on the road on a hot summer day?
Honestly how can anyone look through a telescope not notice that the stars dance around as if they are submerged.
also, the stars are so far fucking away i don't think there is a telescope in the world that can get a proper actual zoomed in picture of one.
Seems like you're just as batshit insane as Eddie Bravo.
Nigger, the earth is flat.
I saw a ufo once
Please seek psychiatric help immediatly!
Other life probably isn't eager to kill. After discovering some civilization, their reaction would be "another one, great." And leaving.
Y-you do know that Trump is the best thing that happened to Israel since landing money with interest? There were literally celebrations on the streets when he got elected.
Pretty cool that there is a potentially habitable planet only 4 light years away, when are we sending a drone to have a look at it if we have all the tech?
A majority of Americans certainly do believe in evolution... much more than those who do not, you are very mistaken
As you approach the speed of light you experience time dilation, so the people making the flight would be fine. Everyone they knew back on Earth would have long since died.
>basic science
And you'd need some hefty computers to dodge the 5cm diameter asteroids at ludicrous speed2
They've discovered planets that may harbour life.
Those planets will remain as obscure flickering dots and data points for the entire remaining history of mankind.
>speed of light you experience time dilation
your matter also expands indefinitely until it reaches the speed of light at which point it turns into energy.
There's also the footnote that the massive amounts of energy this would take would basically rip everything you leave behind asunder. And when you finally stop again, same thing. So point A evaporates in a fiery bubble of energy ripping everything to atomic pieces, while point B will instantly collapse in on itself, creating a black hole.
But then again, this is only if you use puny minded 3D physics.
Something something was leaked and Nasa shows "new" discoveries again....
There's always their thousands of falsified public images if you're looking for something new. Often its quite telling when they (((mspaint))) a square png over their pictures. Its all over google sky.
I would volunteer for a 1 way trip. Id leave right now without hesitation.
Paging prof. Farnsworth.