Why is Sweden becoming the least cucked country?
Why is Sweden becoming the least cucked country?
Sweden is a really nice country, most of the people criticicing it on here come from multicultural paradises and should shut the fuck up desu.
Especially Americans.
Britain is the new Sweden. You're so amazingly cucked its insane.
>We always were.
On top of which it's not the best country to live in.
Still better than America. and whiter.
Sweden is a half-assed country and everyone who pretends our only problem is the sandnigger infestation needs to pull their head out of their ass.
I'd say people who unironically use the term cuck in any context outside of sex are the most cucked. So statistically, just find the country with the largest percentage of those people, and there you have the most cucked country. Is it America?
Sweden will either snap back hard, or break. It's up to them which it is.
well well well... you question is kinda shitposty, so I'll just say someting random but usefull.
The media climate in sweden has changed alot in the last 6 months.
The mainstream hasn't been as willing to talk about problems concerning immigration since maybe the early 90s.
So basicly the, the average uninformed swede will be able to get truer (less false) information about curret demographic problems than they'd be able to get in a quarter of century, and now it's not speculations about problems, but hard facts.
Trump was a part of this shift whit the Sweden remarks and the afterplay.
Sweden is also going to elections in a year, and SD ( 50% civic nationalism / 50% social democratism atm when judged by international standars of political parties) could become the biggest party, or most probably second largest party.
So shit is happening for sure, shit is hitting the fan on many levels in sweden.
I am listening to Hanif Bali with Gad Saad and he mentioned the Swedish Democrats, I looked it up and they are now apparently the largest party... I wish I had Democrats like that
Its a country run by a bunch of clowns that are spending our tax money in all the wrong places. People are scared to talk about the problems and if they do dare, then they are socially shunned, loose their jobs and get their lives fucked over.
Its political correctness gone fucking mad, the country.
But other than that, yeah its fucking nice
Seeing your nation go from the most prosperous, safe places in the world to the "rape capital" of Europe while having more and more of your land being declared as not safe to even fucking enter will probably make a few more people racially/ politically conscious.
What are the other problems? Housing shortage?
>hidden flag
Swedes. Socialism. Envy as law (ban on gifted, private education). Housing market fucked to hell and back. Maybe the worst media and politicians. Garbage laws and legal system. Intentionally vague laws. Extremely low return on education. Horrible educational system. No sense of rights.
Isnt everyone praising swedens education system?
The schools system is utterly fucked, and has been for so long, that we miss 25 years of competent teachers, noone want's to become a teacher, teachers quit their job and change career, getting into the teachers program at university (is ofc free) is the the lowest of any program and accepts anyone basicly.
Then there is the crisis in the police, the swedish police has similar problems, but it has only been bad in the police for maybe 5-10 years so it's not as bad yet...
Did I mention that we lack a military beeing able to defend the capital for a week?
All of the above has also been the target of 25 years of feminist indoctrination.
You're close to half a century late on that one. We're performing under the USA in pisa tests. The aggregate US score, including niggers and mestizos.
Our education system has gone to absolute shit since the 70's.
If SD wont get 50% nothing will change anyway.
You forgot the firefighters, how everything went to shit when they decided to lower standards and have slots for women and minorities putting actually qualified and experienced firemen out of a job.
After a while they even found out lowering the standard affected everyone, that men couldn't pass the old standard after getting used to the new ones.
Please tell me you Aryan godmen can bring it back.
You are Vikings.
change already happened, nothing huge yet, but SD ha become so big that their voting base can't be ignored.
But it's not noticible when you look at the country, won't show up in statistics yet, it's more of a media thingie, and something you might notice when speaking to people.
But there are three political parties fighting for their survival in sweden atm, and the big "right wing"-party (think Tony Blair) is having a huge crisis atm.
I'm not saying that Sweden isn't fucked, I'm just saying people are starting to notice that the canary is sleeping...
First the rats will have to abandon the ship... then we can build a raft of the pieces of shipwreck and sail to some island, build a new ship and continue.
Sweden can be brought back, but our 40 years in the desert will come first.
Sweden needs to become libertarian before becoming free again.
is a police state
I think people using the pirate flag instead of the nazi flag are cucks.
>least cucked country
There is no Sweden anymore, just Western Syria
This is all true. It's easy to forget these things given Sweden's current situation though.
So communism with a bit of democracy make-up
Housing shortage is part of the rapefugee problem.
What you have to understand is that Swedes, just like Germans, voted to get those rapefugees, they support the open doors policy etc. The reason for it is complex but part of it is that public dissent in Sweden is completely suppressed by Swedish society. There's that video of SD politician explaining that majority of rapefugees aren't from warzones and aren't "children" as they've tried to sell them and some cunt was constantly interrupting him and going "BUT MUH CHILLUNZ U MONSTER". This shows the way Swedes were taught to think during their formative years. Their parents, schoolteachers and other authorities(like electric jew) promoted this kind of overly emotional, hysterical thought patterns and they became a commonplace in Swedish society.
Also there's a constant doublethink everywhere. If somebody says that there are no-go zones they will start argue semantics with you. It's not a no-go zone, police can drive through it while in armored cars! Or when you tell them that in those zones Sharia law functions they will start citing you Swedish law saying that - hey, Swedish law doesn't say Sharia law can function anywhere, so it doesn't because it's not written down!
This is a brain virus problem, not just hurr socialism, hurr sandmonkeys or whatever.
>If somebody says that there are no-go zones they will start argue semantics with you. It's not a no-go zone, police can drive through it while in armored cars!
The issue is that people have misunderstood the concept of "no-go zones" and Swedes who do identify the problem rarely exert the effort to correct the misconceptions. They're not called "no go zones", nor do the police have any restrictions on going in there. In fact, most of the zones on the list aren't even dangerous, they're simply on the list of zones requiring special attention because the police knows people are selling drugs openly in the areas. Some zones are actually dangerous, such as Rinkeby/Tensta, Rosengård etc. It's true that there are restrictions on emergency vehicles entering these areas, but there's a misconception about this as well. It's not that the police aren't allowed or willing to go there, it's that other emergency vehicles aren't willing to go there without a police escort. The police do often choose to bring 2 cars every time they enter one of these areas though.
like the usa?
No, very different in many ways in regards to that video. They are not corrupt as here, no food cartels and shit like that. Tons of people here go to Sweden to buy fucking food, which is decent there. An example
>A small piece of beef here 200kr fast
>4 big pieces of beef of better quality in Sweden about 100+ krones
I can go on for ever
We have many similar problems, but very different. Varg presses his power level button here to get out a point, he does that sometimes.
Not quite but it's getting there. Swedes are gluttons for punishment.
By 2030 Swedens welfare system will have collapsed. 1,5 year ago it was said that we would have ~1 000 000 people on welfare (socialbidrag) in Sweden by 2020, this number have probably risen a lot since and I would estimate that it will reach a couple of hundred thousand more people by then. This analysis is made without taking a possible world wide economic depression into consideration, which will very likely happen in the next two-three years. In that scenario, it will be worse.
Furthermore, since we Swedes will be a minority in our own country in a few years there won't be enough people with high cognitive ability, sense of moral, cultural understanding etc. enough to run the society without ruining the system with corruption and so on. Sweden has about 448 government authorities (including ~80 foreign offices), over 200 municipal authorities, and when even half of these are even about 30-40% full with shitskins - well then its going to be the fucking wild west. Corruption, embezzlements etc. will be a thing because of foreign races tribal minds, low IQ, lack of morals.
Read: Volkmar Weiss - The Population Cycle Drives Human History – from a Eugenic Phase into a Dysgenic Phase and Eventual Collapse
It will shock a lot of people, because it hasn't been seen ever before in this peaceful country. I don't think people who even are aware of the problem with our current situation are fully aware of the magnitude of it.
It's going to be a hell of a ride.
even before the racial suicide,
aren't swede's pseudo commies?
And yet some of the highest living standards in the world on most metrics.
I criticise my own country a lot too, but I also realise I am a lucky cunt.
If the (((UN))) predictions are correct, by 2030 Sweden will be worse off that fucking Libya in living standards
What was in the basement?
Islamists took over
Yeah you guys will get fucked on, but the white race will survive, and the documentation when the remaining whites ask what went wrong will all point to the jews. So once the whites succeed in retaking Scandinavia, the hook nose clan will have no respite. DNA will be checked for the ashkenazi scum.
> they discovered a kidnapped Swedish woman chained in the shop’s basement. The brutalized victim was being kept as their own personal sex slave and had been repeatedly raped and tortured by at least 7 Arab Muslim men.
> The horrific revelation provided investigators with proof that the unnamed woman had been kidnapped at gunpoint from Malmo before a group of 4 Muslim asylum seekers transported her by car to the cafe. She was then chained to a water pipe in the basement of the lounge in Helsingborg, where the men repeatedly gang raped her.
> Hegrs and Bakkar were each sentenced to 4 years in prison for aggravated rape and forced to pay $30,000 in damages. Neither was convicted of kidnapping or torture. The judge has finally agreed to deport the pair, although the convicted may appeal their sentences, as most migrant offenders do. Incredibly, the court is still struggling to convict the other 5 migrants.
> Just days earlier, authorities announced that they had recovered 48 different stains of semen from a gang-rape victim’s clothing after launching an investigation into one of the worst cases of migrant sex attacks the country has ever seen.
Sweden is shit and cucked beyond imagination, but you can't be so retarded that you actually believe that to be true
you forget to change your flare mate
Is there any hope for you elections?
will they make it? Are these people enough to vote for non cucked parties?
Because of women and feminism. That's the only reason for it.
(((polls))) SD is 30%+ in reality.
plus our schools are filled with
which one of those parties would this guy vote for?
> that is the party i would like to see sweden elect
Swedes are the ones of the whites that are probably going to snap first, because of how cucked their politicians have allowed them to be.. They are also one of the white nations of the planet that have been majority white for the longest, the very northern europeans have been tightly knit for tens of thousands of years.
and pic related is happening to them. When you see shit happening in sweden you know something big is about to go down all over. That being said.. it's not happening yet..
Especially sweden because it was under denmark and the norwegians for a long time, and only relatively recently got its independence, so whilst the danes (the predominant kings of the viking empire) got btfo by the krauts and others as the triumvirate split apart the swedes were safe from all of that.
So then they cucked themselves massively and are not used to this kind of situation..
It's complacency is why they're going to snap eventually.. they never thought their situation could change because they are not used to fighting that kind of fight.. and why danes for instance have very much hardline policies in comparison.
It's like a guy delicately crafting a bottleship, takes a lot of effort, then comes a flood of immigrants, grabs the bottleship out of their hand, smashes it and stomps on it and says "what you going to do about it?" at first perplexed behaviour, they can't believe this is happening or that it could even happen.. but eventually they're going to snap.. And probably reform the triumvirate with norway sweden denmark which was the foundation of the viking kingdom. This is why both norway sweden and denmark have as symbols in their banners the 3 lions in their battle crests.
Good to hear. I hope they are able to end the cuckening of your country and succeed were Le Pen and Wilders failed.
Oh hush, P*land, you're equally as cancerous as sandniggers
"The party had its roots in Swedish fascism and was a part of the white supremacy movement in the late-1980s; initially, it was characterized by right-wing extremism and activism. Among the founding party officials were several people that had formerly expressed strong support for the ideology of Nazism." - wikipedia
>Swedes are the ones of the whites that are probably going to snap first
I wish they would but I don't see it happening
>I wish they would but I don't see it happening
That's why i said it's not happening yet, the op claims that it's happening, it's not happening.. yet.. not even next year, but perhaps in all likelyhood sometime in the future the swedes are pushed so far into a corner that they'll snap and go massively to the right.
The only alternative to that is that they lose control over their entire country and they plead for other north european nations to help liberate them. But it's pretty obvious that the swedes are being pushed the hardest here is why i say by logical deduction that they are more likely to snap first. Atleast out of the scandinavian nations.
Even though im Iranian, I still feel bad for sweden. They really shouldnt be bringing immigrants en such mass, or any at all. Wtf are they doing to themselves?
would be amazing if they were elected to rule over sweden.
maybe it would be even more amazing than if gustav was reinstated as king and made the shitskins 'go away'
oh so no-go just means emergency personal won't enter without police escort. wow thanks that means it's so much safer than i first though
Says the fucking american nigger mongrel :D Absolutely impossible to take burgers seriously anymore desu desu desu
>Even though im Iranian, I still feel bad for sweden. They really shouldnt be bringing immigrants en such mass, or any at all. Wtf are they doing to themselves?
I can explain their psychology a little bit, they were strongarmed ruled by denmark and norwegians for a long time.. danes had wars with swedes more than anyone else because of their desire to cuck themselves in various ways and over other disputes..
Swedes still celebrate independence day from denmark every year. So to them they went 180 of that kind of thing and opened the door and become "super capital of kindness" which they were warned by norway and denmark strongly about doing.
What's funny also is that swedes are not even part of nato and is like the switzerland of the scandinavians.. yet the radical sunni wahabist/salafist muslims just completely fucking run over them eventhough they've done the best to be nice to them, it's fucking sad to watch. But easy target is easy.. Others refuse to let them in so easily... They kill themselves with all this kindness.. that the radical muslims just see as weakness so the opposite is achieved.
wtf we all praise Sweden politicians and education don't tell me is shit
t. triggered swedecuck
you're thinking binland
By 2025
>Sweden will have fallen
>Germany will too or be very close
>USA will be distabilized
>Racial fighting in Britain and France but probs not full war, just small cells and gangs
We will make it though this. I just hope once America's civil war starts China and Russia will keep the fuck out so we don't get invaded.
>also hope Japan and Korea won't get conquered but that's a side note compared to America and Europe.
Stfu americuck proxy nigger kek
is it true that you have a 10 million population now, where 7 mil are swedes and 3 mil are various mixtures of middle eastern goatfuckers?
Looks like you are having a great thread guys.
Ask a teacher anything! (Social Science for 7 years in a 50/50 Sandnigger and Swedish School)
>Especially sweden because it was under denmark and the norwegians for a long time, and only relatively recently got its independence
Um..... I think you gotta look up a history book. I can't tell if you are trolling or not or just misinformed... overall in your post.
But Swedes are prolly gonna snap first. The Slaves of the Polands, Hungary and such have all ready snapped.
"But it's okay, they are so racist, we are not" - Sweden.
I don't think that will happen, i.e. the death of the ethnic Swede. We will just become fewer and more radical.
Well, Sweden Democrats are going to be the second largest party, I have no doubts about that. Sadly, that will not change anything since they have no policys of repatriation of foreign races, or any racial policys at all, only "open Swedishness" (i.e. civic nationalism).
Maybe it will be a tiny baby step towards getting more radical thoughts into the heads of Swedish men, but I'm not to sure about that.
BUT, if the disillusioned left get too upset about the outcome of the election and goes full retard in public media etc. that will trigger a radicalization beyond what the Sweden Democrats could ever achieve in its current state.
Hope they get close to a majority in the Riksdag. I don't know much about how the Swedish goverment works, but chances are they will be cucked out of forming a coalition even if they became the largest party. The same happened here with Geert Wilders.
>sweden weren't under denmark and norwegians for a long time you are misinformed
I think you need to learn your own history better swedebro and why you celebrate independence from denmark as an annual event.
What is the kalmar union for 500 lars
>Some question the validity of this as a national holiday, as it was not observed as a holiday until decades later. However this event does signify the end of the Danish-ruled Kalmar Union, so in a sense it is a marking of Swedish independence, though the event occurred so long ago that it does not have as strong of a presence in the social consciousness as does, for example, Norway's Syttende Mai (17 May).
It's a nice day when you learn something "new".
Forgot pic. there's a reason for that constellation in the pic related. the danes got btfo by the krauts as they retook previously danish territory taken fromt he krauts as denmark stood alone against the krauts.
Yes that is true, but the numbers are an approximation since there is no data. But I would say it's true from experience everyday life in Sweden.
You said recently, year 1523 wasn't Recently. The Kalmarunion was between 1397-1523.
If you really want to discuss mentalty, you need to look at more relevant years such as the 1900ths and the 1960's Culutural Pessimism as reasons for the current psychological nature of the Swede.
But I am prolly just getting "cleverly" trolled or baited...
I wish you Swedes the best of luck. SD would definitely be a step in the good direction. Getting tired of all those SWEDEN YES posts.
ta ditt liv borgarfitta
how does it feel that your socialist utopia will collapse no matter what happens?
sweden is hardly socialist
Nazism and Communism, the Genocide Club Members.
>When you know you have destroyed yet another nation.
This, and flag hiding burgers will never comprehend how it is to not be a mess of world-spanning bloodlines and to have a homeland
Thank you, we will do our best.
"Har jag närt en kommunist vid min barm?!"
klipp dig o skaffa ett kneg pysen, behöver mina neetbux
Kalmarunionen was a voluntary union. Sweden left the union because of internal struggles between Danish and Swedish nobility as the center of power was moved closer to Copenhagen. Even so, Sweden wasn't in Kalmarunionen for a very long time, and the Danish throne didn't have any significant power over Stockholm for more than a couple of decades. The Norwegians have never had any power whatsoever over Sweden. Sweden-Norway was ruled by Sweden.
>Housing shortage is part of the rapefugee problem.
Not entirely true. We already had a huge housing crisis before we took any "refugees". The system was so convoluted it took decades to get building permits in high-demand areas. In the end they of course decided to ignore the entire problem and instead opted to go through with the "million program", building a million residencies(in a country of 8 million people) made up of butt-ugly commie blocks and tearing down much nicer things to get the space for it. They never fixed the underlying problem, they just slapped the world's biggest bandaid on it. Without "refugees" we would still have a fucked up housing market, just a little less and going boom a little later.
Länge leve Kungen. Länge leve trump också.
>But it's pretty obvious that the swedes are being pushed the hardest here
Finland - Axis
Norway - Nazi occupied
Denmark - Nazi occupied
We made a big mistake giving jews refuge.
The education is objectively a pile of dogshit. Sorry, that's just the way it is.
You could argue our politicians aren't that bad, us getting quite low corruption scores by most measures. But then again we have 7 parties openly colluding to circumvent the will of the people, so you can't really praise us as a functioning democracy since we aren't.
Agreed. Sweden is still 90% white. The fucking audacity of these Americans shitting on Sweden while living in a country that's barely 50% white.
Swedens is not 90% white, more like 70-75% white. Heavily segregated though, not much race mixing going on.
>50% starting income tax rate
>25% VAT
>29.2% of all jobs taxpayer funded welfare scheme
That's too socialist.
>Sadly, that will not change anything since they have no policys of repatriation of foreign races
No open policies. They do use a lot of proxies. Wanting to reevaluate residence permits granted since at least the "refugee" crisis, wanting criminals deported, and so on.
They're also a very authoritarian party, internally, having their old core whose motto was Bevara Sverige Svenskt. Just those two policies alone, and that's not all they promise, will see some 300k to 400k gone and Sweden at least 3-4% whiter. And that's step 1.
I like your optimism.
I had to do some research on this because I hadn't heard about it before. Apparently the woman was from Iraq. Not that it makes it any better, but it might explain some relation to the perpetrators.
>Especially sweden because it was under denmark and the norwegians for a long time, and only relatively recently got its independence, so whilst the danes (the predominant kings of the viking empire) got btfo by the krauts and others as the triumvirate split apart the swedes were safe from all of that.
Are you being retarded on purpose?