Audio recording of the late American chess grandmaster (And the eleventh World Chess Champion) Bobby Fischer speaking about the Jews.
Audio recording of the late American chess grandmaster (And the eleventh World Chess Champion) Bobby Fischer speaking about the Jews.
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I'm not sure why he bashes Jews when he's Jewish himself. No doubt his IQ is so high, and therefore so skilled at chess, because of him being Jewish.
>I'm not sure why he bashes Jews when he's Jewish himself
listen to the video cunt
Although racially Jewish you're right (Both his mother and his father were Jewish, though only his mother really matters in regards to that), he didn't consider himself a Jew, he felt he was targeted by them for speaking out against them.
Fischer's last dying wish was to forever alienate himself from the tribe. He requested a Catholic burial.
there's a long history of Intelligent Jews wanting to convert. I personally feel Kubrick wanted to become Catholic because so many of his movies have Catholic themes (most notably Clockwork Orange). I see the same thing in the Coen Brothers, who inevitably show Judaism and its systems of control in a bad light.
Jews that named the Jew.
Speak of the former Jew and he shall appear kek
14 secs between posts
I disagree with him that nature is beautiful. It's full of scripted suffering and inequality. And Jews are destroyers? Then they should be regarded as the good guys since we live in a pointless and cruel world that is only perpetuated due to selfishness that stems from people's own delusions and agendas. Jews aren't different from others; they're just at the top of the food chain; which is ironic since he thinks nature is so great.
he did encode Kabbalah into 2001 though.
Reposting from previous BASED BOBBY thread:
great tune.
When people ask why would they hide the fact the Earth is flat
Remember this post right here, this post is why atheism is pushed along side the big bang accident theory along side we are on a round rock spinning in the vastness of said accident
>8 inches per mile squared, go measure it
post proof its him
Nice try rabbi schlomo but, jews are literal retards you dumb kike.
>Bobby Fischer
>Hating Jews
Fuck cunt how new are you? He didn't exactly hide his powerlevel.......
What do you mean provide proof it is him? He didn't exactly hide his beliefs about the Jews. Anyway the unedited audio is out there, easily found.
oh fuck. i just noticed my post was at... 20:01
i think i'm done for the night
The only intelligent Jews are Ashkenazi, who are mixed with German. It's Germans that are smart. And I don't like admitting that because I fucking hate the current incarnation of Gerrmany, and that's not to say that anything they're doing right now isn't backwards fucking retarded, but Germans have historically been extremely intelligent and global contributors.
2001 was just one big metaphor for dicks, sex and ejaculation.
It even ended with the conception of new life.
>the ancient Jewish tradition of mystical interpretation of the Bible, first transmitted orally and using esoteric methods (including ciphers). It reached the height of its influence in the later Middle Ages and remains significant in Hasidism.
the film starts at the bottom of the tree of life and ends at the top.
If anything 2001 is about zoroastrianism and procreation.
What is your idea of "nature"?
Kabbalah can be traced back to Zoroastrianism.
Most people in the world don't know what actual ethnic Jews look like. They're short, hairy, hook nosed little Arab trolls. It begs the question of how the fuck the Ashkenazi ever came into existence in the first place. I could only imagine slavery being the root cause because the people are just flat out hideous.
Its almost like we have a genetic predisposition towards finding them repulsive and wanting to stay away from them.
Khazars converted to Judaism
This is stupid. I am no fan of Jews but this is just incipid... " Jews are bad! Jews are evil! He unironically SAYS "et cetera" and "dot dot dot." Indicating his own statements are repetitious and without explanation, lmao.
Chess is a game. Intelligent people play it sometimes. This does not infer that people who play chess are intelligent.
>A Jew isn't knowledgeable about Jews and their tricks
No, it's about 2 different paths the evolution can take. 1) technology (that evil computer, HAL, iirc) - easier and wrong one since it's not really us evolving, but our creation on which we become dependent and thus, enslaved. That's where humanity currently is, evolving towards man-machine singularity. By the end of the movie, he destroys HAL and instead of artificial intelligence, the evolution shifts into a 2) starchild - man finally becomes a god. That's your conception of a new life.
The movie basically follows the evolution of humankind. From chimps who started evolving with the help of some extraterrestrial power - monolith, to humans and in the end towards 2 different pathways our evolution can take. Fast and fake one (tech) and long and true one (starchild)
Except Askenazi Jews empirically have higher IQ. Hence why they control everyone too. Fucking subhuman, learn your place already. I guess it takes a while since you have such low IQ.
But you cannot outsmart everyone...
this is more accurate.
All the smart Jews are smarter and more powerful and better organized than Sup Forums and its users.
>High IQ
True, but at a cost. The man could barely function as an adult. His biography is one of the most depressing books I've ever read.
You don't have to worry only about Sup Forums is easy to connect the dots, and once the genie is out is difficult to put it back in the bottle. It has happened to Jews time and again thought history, they are smart but not even half as smart as they think they are.
So smart infact that they get themselves genocided/banished every few decades.
Doubtful. Only people that hate Jews are Sup Forums and stormfront and Arabs. But if you want to talk about repeating history then note that Jews end up more powerful and subversive each time.
Reminder: Assuming there are 1 billion white people and 20 million Jews, there are 23 million white people with IQs above 130. Even assuming all Jews are Ashkenazi and them having 115 IQ, they only have 3 million people with over 130 IQ. If you account for the fact that their visuo-spatial IQ is apparently not very great, they are completely over-hyped. They just have a presence in major western cities, high group-cohesion and very high verbal IQ so they are more numerous in prominent positions. If your confirmation bias was to find Germans, Anglos or Catholics in power you would see them everywhere as well.
>Only people that hate Jews are Sup Forums and stormfront and Arabs.
But everyone hates the bankers and more and more people are starting to wake up to the media. Nationalistic parties are on the rise and sadly extreme right groups are the best positioned to profit it. Opposition to globalism will only grow. Everything most Jews support or profit is coming under scrutiny.
>more powerful and subversive each time
Only in recent centuries their influence has exploded, using the holocaust as emotional blackmail. But their position is pretty precarious. One slip and it's over. They are surrounded in the middle east. Without the west sympathy they will not last long.
I'm not going to argue with people of your kind, because I realize that some people cannot accept the fact that our existence is meaningless
Jews from europe and the u.s. are typically 95%+ European typically German or Polish/Ukrainian. The only thing that makes said people "Jews" is namesake and their cultural adherence. Its insane the amount of effort we've delved to the JQ f w simply played their identity politics for a day and forcefully assimilated them, their culture would be extinct in a few decades.
Zogs are a glass cannon of absurd proportion, they cause a lot of problems but could be easily absolved in several manners.
You think the people are in a position to stop globalism? The west is bending over. And Jews own the governments and citizens aren't in a power to overthrow them, except maybe the US. Nationalistic parties are gaining negligible increase in support.
False. Ashkenazi Jews have about as much European DNA as they do Jewish DNA.
Nobody in their mind mind would marry a joo here, amerifat. And it was like that for millennia.
>You think the people are in a position to stop globalism?
You seem to have missed the last year. You have a lot of catch up to do.
>citizens aren't in a power to overthrow them, except maybe the US. Nationalistic parties are gaining negligible increase in support.
And you don't know much about international policy either...
Unsurprising for a burger.
What is the FN. The most voted party of France?
Holy shit, you're fucking literally subhuman. You're as good as a communist. So existence is meaningless? It's pointless? So your pain is meaningless too then. You being pulled apart as slow as a human can be would be meaningless too right so why not? Learn how to find or create meaning or die as the worthless husk you seem to be. Don't try to act as if you're smart when you are also stating that you are mentally behind most humans in history.
Right. Jews from Europe look white with a little troll spice added in, and they are successful, meanwhile Jews from Spain look Spanish aren't shit, Jews from Israel look middle eastern and aren't shit, and Jews from Persia look Persian and aren't shit. It's literally the euro blood that they benefitted from, and they won't admit it
But why are Jews from everywhere else not that successful? It's the European blood that made ashkenazis smart, and they are no smarter than Europeans. And they are bad people to their cores
I know a lot of normal people who really don't like them. nobody likes them, especially anybody who has rented an apartment
>What is the FN. The most voted party of France?
Clearly not.
What are you referring to?
No, it's European blood and promoting the smartest and most successful Jews to reproduce the most. Practically eugenics.
There's not many people that dislike Jews particularly.
>There's not many people that dislike Jews particularly.
both my grandmothers speak badly of them even though they lived through the war, it's not uncommon to dislike them, it's uncommon for people to openly admit that they dislike them.
>What are you referring to?
Kek. I was spot on.
Brexit, Trump, FN first party of France. Have you being in coma?