Tick tock, you stinking bastards.
Tick tock, you stinking bastards
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Brittain will go down first
Doubt it m80.
France has the single largest muslim population in Europe.
They're even more fucked than Sweden.
Western Europe more like it.
I want to feel bad for the French but it's hard to have any respect for them because they make shitty pro-macron and pro-eu threads and hide under the eu flag. Fuck em
Wasn't France supposed to be killed by a turboISIS blitzkrieg by now? I'm sure there was some countdown recently, but maybe I've missed France being destroyed in the news.
We got a terrorist attack on the Champs Elysée just yesterday.
France has chosen suicide by an overwhelming margin. The Rothschilds rule out in the open in France now. It is an enemy state, lair of the beast
yet you still managed to be more cucked than us with less muslims .
Really activate my almonds
you don't have a political point
in France:
burkas are not allowed
islamic law is not accepted
communitarianism is hardly tolerated
the UK is already fucked up, open your eyes
1400 times more cucked.
53% talking....
you're fucked up just like the UK
Way more people have been killed by islamists in France than in Britain.
The most fucked up Muslims are from Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia.
53% of French men know what semen tastes like so it evens out
U.k'is way more fucked than'us.. Communautarism isn't really tolerated over here...
not an argument
please mail the staff and ask to be permabanned
What is wrong with you people down in central Europe, do you read what you're writing out loud?
Cuk CUcck cuUUkck, you're cuck.CUKKCK
I recommend suicide
yall eurofags are done
doesnt matter who will drown first
Brother went to Paris recently and said it smelled bad, there was garbage everywhere, graffiti everywhere, and the city was like 10% white.
France seems pretty fucked.
Brother said London was pretty nice in general.
Brits have shown a capacity to fight back, but they'll probably lose their Internet privileges soon. Comrade Corbyn might get into power. Immigrants are still flooding in.
We're all fucked desu. White people that are left are too stupid to actually realize what is going on.
who gives a fuck? we're all done for
Yes, down with the french fucks. Oh my Godoy what a piece of shit of a country It is.
this is France when you get salt on the escargot.
but yeah France has no bite in it left. Hasn't since they got rid of the monarchy. Can't even question the holocaust or draw Muhammad without getting jailed or shot down. Better to be 53% white and vote for trump than 90% cuck and vote Macron over LePen 2 to 1
France should listen to Sweden
> Tick tock, tick tock.
Katniss later realizes that Wiress' "tick tock," actually hints that the arena is a clock with 12 sections that each hold a new disaster that repeats.
>tfw france will die in your lifetime
thats for trianon and versailles you little disgusting pieces of shit
Why do brits hate France so much?
Is it just jealousy or is there something else?
>when europe is so fucked europeans end up arguing who is less cucked basing on who had less people killed by sandniggers
Call me when the mayor of Paris is a Muslim...
It is jealousy, they envy us the class, refinnement, fine food & drinks, our lovely women
can i move to italy, mario? Best place in eu, so far. will rebuild your eco btw.
You are the one that will go down first, i can garantee you
As a burger it feels super conflicting seeing Europe sink. For the most part I feel terrible about it and about the ways that the US is cucked. But then I remember how arrogant and hostile Euros have been to burgers over the years on the internet (especially on Sup Forums) and then a small part of me feels like you deserve whatever you get. Especially when your populace isn't waking up to seemingly anything.
you seem to have ahting against Macron - who has sensible policies about the environment, the economy, social issues, foreign policy and the military, but think Le Pen who has none of those things is better? Tell me did you vote for Trump? (ie, are you really a moron entirely, or just about French politics?)
by the way, Brit here, not French.
as a Brit living in France I can agree with this.
Maybe cause we fought each other for 800 years
but half of your population will die cleaning our public shitters
I'm also a brit living in France and I agree with this
France is the superior country by far
But anyways Scotland will leave UK and we will get the Auld Alliance back
I don't really like any European politicians outside of Poland at this point. All of the ones with sensible balanced policy suck EU cock and love refugees. All Euroskeptics and people that are remotely anti-refugee are either degenerate as fuck, have retarded policy, or have almost no other policy to speak of. At least from what I can gather. I might be wrong. I honestly did vote for Trump and enjoy fiscal conservatism as well as the nationalist platform. Some things could be better and some things are outright bad, but overall I like his presidency. He was the best candidate in my opinion. The other options were communists, corporate neoliberals, neocons, and bible thumping conservatives. None of them would have withdrawn from TPP or the Paris Accord, refunded ICE, started plans for a wall, or even tried a Muslim Ban.
i dont think that even bydło wouldnt like to live in the caliphate
i think that even bydło wouldnt like to live in the caliphate ***********
What do you want little shit?
>sensible policies
>literally all talk, no action
>literally awol since his election, too busy going to vacation in germany even after terror attacks
>peopple still believe he's going to change anything
This is a suicide cult you join, no other way to explain such dumb servile blindness and fanaticism.
Holy shit really? I didn't hear about that part until now and thought that he was actually at least getting something done with how much the US (((media))) sucks his cock. Even if it was him doing shitty anti-France things, I expected him to be doing SOMETHING.
There will be a palestinian muslim state before it happens
That being the case, you really think you'd do more to hold on to those things-- instead of say.... trading them for unwashed hordes of barbarians.
Economic impact of terrorismo in France
This for one time was discussing with a Maghrebin with French flag - that tourism was growing ...
Macron's goal is to keep flooding France with afro-muslims. Tbh, France is so fucked that it wouldn't change anything. I really hope he does a Merkelx100.
Surprisingly we have laws preventing entire cities to turn into Islamabad. Not you. Your muslims are way more free to do whatever they want.
Actually we are the only country in Europe to have anti muslim laws... (probably the reason we're also the most attacked)
>nice navy flag
Elle a qu'elle goût la croute vaginale de Brigitte sur la bite de Macron?
You both sucks
Britain and France are both equally shit
1400 white little girls raped by pakis (and thousands others probably submitted to the same thing) is worse than any attacks we had.
Also we don't have shariah courts or a muslims mayor.
London is multiple times bigger than Paris, the shit is just more spread but it's just as bad.