>Have you read it?
>I'm just quoting it
>I'm quoting quran
Other urls found in this thread:
I've been waiting on a Sup Forums discussion on this. How was it? I can't watch it at work.
He's slick and can worm around a lot of interviewers and bait them into losing their minds.
Pretty good 8/10 was enjoyable.
He should've spit on that cursed book and piss on it,
Tommy Robinson is a government spy
holy shit the guy on the left makes me want to punch him
>hurr durr you are insulting their faith
Yeah, because their faith tells them to kill me. Fuck their faith.
At 3:36 you can see a happy merchant face in the buildings in the background.
Tommy wrecked him.
It was good. Tommy quoted William Gladstone "so long as there is this book there will be no peace in the world" and "it's an accursed book".
Then Piers Morgan lost the plot lol
Should of busted out the bacon bookmarker.
I dread watching it.
Fuck Cuck Piers Morgan turning to Liberal spineless Islamist cock lover the minute a drunk bumps a few Jihadis with his van at a bus stop. It's hilarious.
piers' argument was basically
>they feel strongly about this so you aren't allowed to criticize any of it
How long until Tommy is back in jail?
You know May is going to make an example of him.
>5 years
>2 years with good behavior and "co-operation"
>Gets shanked by Abdul on first day in
>Media celebrates (with an andendum that political violence is never the answer)
The bit where Piers said show some respect to peoples religion so Tommy quoted the koran where it talks about killing people had me in stitches lol
God I wish Piers would do us all a favour and throw himself off a bridge.
Piers Morgan for the uninitiated
why are all pol heros a little off?
Spencer-literal marxist
They let Piers Morgan back in?
He's actually not. It's why he did so many rounds in lock up, because MET Intelligence found him "uncooperative".
Would have been in there even longer if an anonymous, (((canadian))) donor hadn't put up a top QC to get him of an attempted murder charge for simply defending himself from a beheading of peace.
It made ITV look bad. The female host was about feeeelingz completley out of her depth, Piers was interviewing Piers and Tommy was calm and had an answer for all their idiotic questions.
holy shit these cunts are infuriating
tommy is great
>English Defense League
He hasn't been with them for years. Why are they mentioning this now?
Why not mention PEGIDA?
I also love that he caused "fury" by;
>Most exactly the same comments that all mainstream media personalities and politicians posted after Manchester and the TWO London attacks but simply swamped "muslim" for "white"
>Stated the objective, undeniable fact that the mosque targeted was a notorious breeding ground for actual people-got-killed terrorists
And how furious Piers is even though we have a """""terrorist""""" attack in which no one fucking died.
>a little off
>EU flag
really makes me think....
That's the Islamic defense go-to;
>If you don't bow to our religion we have to kill you
>Show some tolerance
All a front, lad. he's being paid.
Islamophiles fuck off.
These guys are the real islamophobes and should be sued. The guy just wanted to read them some stuff from the Koran
I don't know his other political views, but this guy is completely right on Islam. Fight cultural marxism
Man you can really tell just how much stability in the united Kaliphate depends on propagating politically correct propaganda by how unhinged piers got.
Dark days are ahead of us.
I should thank Christ every day that we booted this awful cunt back home. Maybe he'll get shipped off to Australia next.
Get in line. Everyone wants to punch piers Morgan
Tommy Robinson is sounding more and more rational as time goes on, and he hasn't changed his views either. He's right. Everyone else is playing catch up. May God and Christ bless you, Tommy Robinson.
>terrorists abuse the nature and wording of Islam
top kek
>The current board is run by literal terrorists who have called for the execution of British troops
Fucking hell - How can a professional media propagandist be made to look the absolute fool by a soccer hooligan ex-con?
>Why are you tweeting about this within an hour of the tragedy in a historical context?
Maybe because i'm a journalist, and that is my fucking job you autistic sperg.
I had to stop the video there.... the guy deserved to be walked over.
Yeah, it's not from the government.
It's from (((them))) (I mean both sneakily and under the table and quite literally as an employee of Ezra Levant's)
Which is why he will ONLY ever focus on the Muslim question (which is fine by me).
>How can a professional media propagandist be made to look the absolute fool by a soccer hooligan ex-con?
There's nothing as powerful as the plain truth in a world of lies.
His only views are basically Islam Get Out.
On all other matters he's Civic Nationalist.
Pretty much anyone shilling against him is either Antifa/Lefties or guys he's pissed off in the BNP/NF or other proper Far Right groups.
I kind of thought he was a "yob" or something, but more and more I see Tommy Robinson as a hero and martyr.
He's a kike lover though, and will protect 'moderates' with his life.
He's only good for getting pissed and his story showing how fucked the police state is there.
Tommy is a top lad. He isn't perfect but I doubt he is controlled opposition given his views which is more than can be said for most cucks on the right.
Piers is shitting his pants because he's been vocal recently about Islamic Extremism, and he's worried that his reputation will be in ruins if we start to see lots of anti-Muslim attacks, particularly in relation to his support for Donald Trump. This is why I believe he's relishing this opportunity here.
He actually went rather easy on Tommy compoared to most of the people he has on his show, primarily because a lot of his readers are vociferously in support of Tommy.
But Jeremy did! Cheeky sod
holy shit
>How dare you slander the Finsbury Park Mosque
>But it's full of terrorists
>The attack wasn't even at a Mosque anyway
>This was clearly an Islamaphobic terrorist attack because he attacked the Mosque
Well, nice to see the MSM cucks still haven't got their narrative sorted out.
I think you have to take into consideration the level of stress he must constantly be under. He's attacked from all sides, so winning support from Pro-Israel groups is actually a massive relief for him.
Brilliant. Ode Tommy holds his own but gets overspoken by Piers big mouth half the time when Tommy is dropping red pills.
>its an idea
nono its a faith
>like scientology right?
oh fug he got me
Also the women knows when to shut her mouth. Always.
I hate Tv the people in talkshows or in news shows are literally the most snakelike fuckers that ever existed i hope someday in the future television gets obsolete and jewish shit can't be spread so easily anymore
Fucking Piers, god fucking damnit what is wrong with this retard
Tommy Robinson is Irish and poses as English and his a huge anti Muslim race baiter, don't even know why he gets air time
>Islamist terrorists abuse the Koran
>Picks up Koran and shows it's actually the Koran
Normies aren't going to get shit from this interview. Piers wasn't listening to him speak and was just talking over the top of him most of the time, not refuting anything or engaging with him at all.
gotta love how the one shaking in fear is calling peoplpe anything-phobe
Piers looked like a loud idiot - Which is what most people expect.
Tommy dropped red pillz on Islam, which everyone already knows.
They pretty much avoided the "attack" and the bullshit double standards from the media and government.
Piers kept contradicting himself to.
>Why are you mentioning historical incidents
>Brings up a nearly decade old EDL video of Tommy right after
It's bizarre frankly. It's almost like, honestly, Piers was just controlled opposition pretending to be arguing with Tommy.
Fucking surprised they even put Tommy on at all.
two against one and Tommy still wins.
sopt on tommy.
Absolute madman!
he's a shill and a snake
he lacks conviction
most of all: his head is up his own ass
he doesn't think anything is more important than he is
He could've just dropped it by 'accident'
You don't know what that word means, and don't know how to use it
Tommy kept redpilling
Piers looked like a retard, who lost his temper and started autistically screaming
Female presenter just didn't speak because she was completely and utterly out of her depth
Tommy done really well, every time they tried to talk over him and change the subject he just talked over them and repeated himself.
No he's just a kike civic nationalist
>Show some bloody respect for peoples faith
> quotes the koran
Why do people go on the fucking bs programs
Funny as fuck how quickly they shut him down when he starts quoting the quran
He just annoys me to no end when he's debating people, he has no clue on how to debate, absolutely none.
Well, he's pretty bloody good at it. And being civic nationalist keeps a lot of normies on board. I'm way to the right of Tommy, but he's a brave guy.
what does Russian law number 282 say?
Jesus, he invites the guy and doesn't even let him finish a single sentence.
Is this the new tactic of the elite? He basically just invited him to have him sit there silently like a pupil and be berated.
Jeremy Clarkson broke his finger punching Piers in the face
God I'm glad piers isnt on this side of the atlantic anymore, he'd halfway come around on somethings but I knew he was still a cuck at heart
>is a huge anti Muslim race baiter
So you mean he has a common sense?
>anti Muslim race baiter
1) Muslims aren't a race and 2) they are a plague on the UK
Showed Piers for the worm that he is which most of us already knew.
They probably figured he would come off as being a racist white hooligan but probably started to shit themselves once he was destroying them in debate and quoting the Koran.
>Keller studied Islamic studies, Turkish and Jewish Studies at Free University of Berlin and at Sabancı Üniversitesi in Istanbul. She speaks, besides her native tongue German, also fluent English, French and Spanish, as well as some Turkish and Arabic.
Literally all we have now. There's no fucking Enoch's out there. There's just a former soccer hooligan who has the balls to do anything.
>watching an 18 minute long interview
It doesn't matter a fuck what they said mate, normies won't watch people talking for 18 minutes straight about abstractions and ideas. They want VISUALS and AUDIO and STIMULATION - they don't want to think.
Muslims are a race now like Jews are a race
>Kike lover
No he's actually a kike himself.
LMAO Cuck Morgan lost the fucking plot.
>"Would you do rhat with the bible?"
I'm pretty sure people have picked up the bible before, for fucks sake.
Piers was virtue signalling + doing the "I agree with you Tommy, but you just need to be a giant cuck like me and stop making people aware of what's going on because we're about selling papers not enacting policitical change"
The woman was just a typical woman.
>5:20 am
>reading that made me laugh loudly
Can we start saying islamofetishists?
Wasn't this just a morning talkshow? You'd probably get normies tuning in when there's nothing else on.
>anti Muslim race baiter
Are you always just putting together random words and pretend to be outrage afterwards?
Please explain to me what race someone is baiting by criticizing a religion that every race can and do follow, no really cmon explain, do it.
I prefer Ethnomasochists.
Fortunately for Tommy the alternative to the facts are so retarded he doesn't really have to "debate", he just has to revert to the truth and it makes them look ridiculous (and makes Piers hysterical).
Nah. It's GMB. It's like Sunrise or Today. Middle aged mums watch it in large numbers.
It happens mate.
>speaking of being in the wrong place
How long till we can ethnically cleanse the wet of all non-whites?
>East Asians can still visit and live temporarily but never become more than 1% the total population
Piers Morgan a massive cuck.
Sums it up quite nicely. Probably Piers also wants to separate himself more clearly from Tommy Robinson.
Yeah but they don't watch it, they have it on in the background while they make breakfast and get ready for work. At least maybe some of his words will sink into their sub-conscious...
But hey more people are waking up everyday!
>1, 2, 3...
>1, 2, 3...
>1, 2, 3...