German supreme court rules against gay marriage

So basicly rapefugees still get away with probation for rape while im not allowed to marry my bf.

I cant wait to leave this piece of shit nation

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Gay people must die

Hallo Abdul

That's strange. You would think they would jump at the chance to be progressive. Guess they have to keep the new Germans happy.

Yep, will try to get a greencard or anything.
Now they only lobby for no gay marry, tomorrow it will be jailtime and then death penalty.

I side with the gays over the Mudshits

>You would think they would jump at the chance to be progressive.
Germany is a muslim country. Muslims do not like gays. Nothing surprising here.

Nah Gay Marriage isnt as progressive as it used to be. Sharia law is where it's at for the Jerries

>When you spend decades pushing for gay rights but then you take away gay rights

what did (((they))) mean by this

Wtf i love gay people now.

Looks like your government has picked their priorities.

Hope you can fly.

You will never hear me advocate for the same marriage rights for gays.
But if you want to get rid of any state involvement in marriage, I will support you.

Well i guess they chose muzzies over fags. Sounds like retarded a decision to be honest.

Germany is practically the Muslim capitol of Europe, who ever thought they'd allow gay marriage? They're a few decades shy of total Sharia.

see they can't afford to piss off their new overlords.

Being gay is not halal. Repent so you dont got to hell.

I left germany aswell, im not gay but im smart enough to leave this muzzie shithole, george soros was succesfull.

Why not spain?

Congrats, you are no longer the pet of the left any more. :^)

Merkel loves BBC like no other, but she still and always will absolutely despise fags.

I hope you will be pushed from building

Meanwhile the Taiwanese gooks legalized gay marriage a few months ago. My sides.

And thank fucking god, at least allahusnackbars doing something good

Aids wasn't killing enough whites so they've decided to use Muslims instead.

>while im not allowed to marry my bf

You have not even read the article have you?

>I cant wait to leave this piece of shit nation

You won't.

Its only a question of time until it will be "enriched" by EU, but it is also an option.

If i stay in europe i would either go to spain, croatia or czechia

Enjoy your multicultural hell

>tfw no german bf

I'm excited to see what they do next

They didnt. This was not a ruling about gay marriage. The supreme court doesnt make laws.

With that said, we wont have homofag marriage for at least another 4 years. Maybe never since the muzzies are taking over soon.

faggots are not a big voting demographic, muzzies are.
Jokes on the faggots who supported progressivism thinking they wouldn't be used as puppets by leftards to import millions of third world savages who want them dead


Majority of mexicans is by far not as worse as our muslim shithole, atleast we share a christian herritage,black people are not really a thing in arizona and i saw only 5 hijabs over a year. Still 100 times better then germanystan

It's been possible to form a civil union since forever. You simply can't marry. Marriage as an institution is for creating the best possible environment for raising children, gays can't do that.

>muzzies are

Voting participation among immigrants is low as fuck, gays are a more sought after group by just about any party because they actually do show up to vote.

>Achmeds are the only ppl who hate gays
your lifestyle is a deathpenalty, you aids riddled sodomite.

marriage is just a contract, people should be able to marry their bfs period!

>tfw no brazillian boy to show me Copacabana
Yeah, i wonder (((who))) could possibly behind this.

All American vassal states end up degenerate eventually. It's just a matter of time for Germany.

Here we are again at the cross roads, faggots or islam. Liberals must choose.

I'm sorta ok with that....

germany is just preparing for sharia law. you should leave before they start tossing gays off buildings

That would be islamophobic and Mama Merkel knows it

Haven't seen a muslim or any non-white people in over a year.

Just don't be so stupid to live in a city.

It doesn't really matter. Long term, muslims will be a far larger demographic which you can bring to the voting booth. How many people are gay in Germany? 0,5% of the population? If you can bring just 2% of muslims to vote, you alredy have 4 times as much votes as faggots

Its kinda good cause shitskins who tried to get citizenship by marrying fags like you get denied

Germany, no!

jesus christ

gas the fags

im going to throw up.

It's an old Germanic tradition after all

That's what civil unions are for you retarded monkey.

>george soros
>not winston churchill

You're complaining about refugees while helping to expedite their takeover of our countries by not having white babies.

Not exactly.

The german government has allowed civil unions between cocksmokers.
But only an Inam can bless the marriage, from a ten story building.

Somewhere, over the rainbow ......

Thats why you should go there and vote lefty.

They better not chimp out again

>le all gays are into scat and straights never are maymay

What state? and how hard was it to get the permanent residence permit?

Im a simple car mechanic, dont think i will get another option but the green card

DEPORT refugees
kill faggots

Of course this Nazi Fascist shithole would take away my rights to get married to my 5 year-long partner. We're humans just like all you breeders, why is this even a debate? Why are we denied this basic right that everybody else has because we like docking our dicks together at night?

Well a civil union is not a marriage. Its basically just for legal / tax reason.

We arent even close to a majority wanting fag marriage.

OUR BIGGEST PARTIES ARE CALLED CHRISTIAN you fucking degenerate fucks.

>le gays are not entirely degenerates


>We arent even close to a majority wanting fag marriage.


It's because they're becoming an islamic nation.
I don't think you should be able to get married either but I just want faggots to keep their shit hidden so that nobody knows faggots are real. Muslims will kill you.

If only THAT slippery slope was real... but we both know the opposite to be true. Don't get your panties in a bunch, degeneracy is going to destroy western society eventually.

Oh, you will have your little non degenerate islamic caliphate soon enough

>You're pro-Islam if you're anti-gay

Kill all the faggots

Millions of degenerate germans with millions of sexually willing men. Yea its gonna be good

Wow thats fucking gay!

There will be no Gay marriage with Merkle/CDU as strongest party though.

Arizona, i was lucky that my wife lives here so i had a fiance visa which makes it easier but also without having a fiance here its not impossible aslong your skin is white

Does this mean there is still hope for Germany?

Well, I imagine the muzzies might pick up the pieces after leftists and degenerates like you have completely eroded our society from the inside out. But before it all comes crashing down, faggotry is going to gain some more ground. It bears mentioning that the supreme court did not actually rule against fag "marriage," they basically only ruled against its fast lane introduction. In other instances, the supreme court has urged the government to work towards complete legal equality of actual marriage and fag "marriage." It's inevitable. The CDU won't rule forever and once a leftist coalition is in place, introduction of fag "marriage" is the first thing they'll do. The Green Party made it the single non-negotiable demand of their program just a few days ago. Assuming the CDU doesn't fold first from the liberal media pressure anyway. Worked for supposedly catholic Ireland. You'll get your fag "marriage" before the muzzies take over.

Reminder that the appropriate response to sodomite swine is immolation.

hello sodomite

Germany is like 2012 Republicans.

What the fuck did you think would happen when you made Islam the state religion? Also dont come over here, we will be the same in 5 years

Crusade when?

These communists only care about power. Now that the demographic has shifted to muslims being in the majority, they will appeal to muslims until the country erupts into "arab spring" civil war.

when the video is so gross that its hard to tell what u are looking at so its less gross than it really is

Would be to warm for my taste i guess, but yeah i will try. Maybe PA. or something

So there are gays adverse to having anal sex?

can you give me a quick rundown? Im not clicking that shit

Please report to your nearest mosque for a gravity check.

It's quite a famous video, you've probably seen it before. Gay takes a shit, squirts cum out of his ass, smears himself with it and takes a bath in it.

That's what I remember at least, I'm not watching it again.

Me too. At least faggots don't procreate.


You know, because of gay marriage i can technically marry my pillow waifu. I hope gay marriage happens one day in your country, Hans.

>white skin is favorable to get you into america

the fuck are you talking about ? this whole thread is like bizarro Sup Forums

>merkel hates gays
>america loves whites


The thought of buttsex grosses me the fuck out. I think I'd rather just rub dicks with a guy if anything.

I don't see why I should pay more than you because you live in some sort of relationship. Marriage is supported by the state because it's the Keimzelle of society which breeds the next generation of citizens. Gay marriage doesn't do that, so why should the taxpayer give you a tax rebate for doing it?
We need to abolish the Zivilehe. There is no need for that anymore. It was a pawn in the game of Kulturkampf by Bismarck.

Bonus round: He also drinks the water.

Jesus fucking Christ. Germans pandering to muslims so hard that they'll rule against gay marriage. You people are fucking psychopathic. Why is nobody killing them?

The funniest thing ever about this is that without muslim fugees this would have probably passed but now you create danger by allowing this lol and now for the funny thing about this i distinctly remember the gay community supporting the import of islamic fugees even after pulse in us and after countless people told gays they would be the first to die in a Islamic country... lol
Its sad, stupid, fair,unfair and hilarious at the same time to me. I feel sorry for you, its shit situation.

I'm not gay, but I could get you in.

>Gay Marriage

Pick one

The court only says that it makes no sense to have a vote about this so close before the election. The greens hoped to push this vote so that it looks like they did anything of worth in the last four years. The whole thing meant nothing. But just so you know Germany will never give the right to marry to gays. That's a tax question and Germans love their taxes

Totally agree. Gays should be able to register as long-term partners in case of an accident or another health emergency, inheritance and so on, but they shouldn't receive tax breaks.

*breathes in*

Do u even "Lebenspartnerschaftsgesetz"? Marriage in germany is defined in the terms that people of the opposite gender go marry and get their taxes reliefs and shit so they have enough money to raise their fucking brat. Faggots can't get children so feel free to use the second best and not abuse a system so you can buy more dragon dildos

Gay is degeneracy++

Don't have to be mudslime to have a problem with it

So... your bf rapes you.. just trying to work out the correlation here?