What's the deal with Africans and burning people alive?
What's the deal with Africans and burning people alive?
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It's really hot in africa
fire is cheap
people just spontaneously combust since it's so hot over there.
Sub-Saharan Africa is fourth world. Nobody with respect visits Sub-Saharan Africa.
>discovers fire 8000 years ago, pretty much stopped right there
They're trying to cook them so they can have something to eat
Neckacing is a proud South African tradition
it's easy,quick and agonizing
niggas are hungry out there so they need to roast them before they eat them
Sometimes I wonder how often the victims of mob justice are actually guilty of anything. Seems like it would be pretty easy to just spread rumors about somebody you hate and watch the entire village beat them to death or set them on fire.
that sounds familiar..
Blacks are the most flammable
it's a national pastime. like cricket or baseball.
part and parcel
They lack empathy, due to a general deficiency in abstract thought. If you're too dumb to put yourself in the place of your victim, it's easy to see their horrific torture as nothing more than an amusing spectacle.
America should do this to criminals desu.
Average African has mental development of 13 year old and fire is totally rand and kool.
They've only just discovered it. Let them have fun with their new toy.
It's the sign of a highly developed culture.
Fire is the element of peace. Look at them smoldering in their inner peace. Africa is on its knees. I have been a couple of times (Kenya, Morocco and DRC) - each place has its own unique and distinctive form of horror.
Also, African cultures tend to require morality be enforced from above. Whites are conditioned not to steal because they learned as a child that it was wrong, internalised that, and from then on policed themselves. Africans refrain from doing it only because they fear punishment from the community and/or local Big Boss Man. In other words they still think like children. Notice that African countries that abandon their traditional tribal structures and try to LARP as western liberal democracies always go to shit. Like most middle easterners, they *need* brutal authority figures to have a functional society.
Africans can't develop as they lack intelligence.
Cold weather forced us Northern Europeans to develop, thus gain intelligence.
They are sadistic and enjoy hurting other living things. They do not feel compassion, only laugh as a tortured person writhes in pain like a toddler laughing at someone who got severely injured
Funerals are expensive when you're dead..
>guy is accused of murder
>everyone lynches him
>everyone is now guilty of murder
>everyone lynches each other
We have learned that because the Catholic church has purged all who transgress against these rules from the genetic pool.
It is basically what the Saudis are doing in their country, only like 500 years later then we did.
They will have purged their degeneracy too at some point to an acceptable level.
When they're homosexuals, "sick with the devil" or serious-petty crime.
So religion or their screwed up way of justice.
There's a webm around of a kid being burnt to death because he stole something.
South African witch doctors tell them you need a person to make a fire so they take their advice literally.
Black culture
Mandela's legacy
good posts
Would you want to each another nigger raw?
Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.
also some buildings melt on their own and collapse like WTC 7
That's a BBQ in Zimbabwe they eat people since white farmers left.
They're kinda new to the concept of fire.
I am questioning the validity of this thread.
such a civilized race. I noticed in general nignogs don't give a shit about traffic rules or jaywalking. They are also always the slowest walking, or slowest at any register, slowest paying, and anywhere they go in public they find ways to always make everything difficult. I can't be the only one who noticed this pattern.
They weren't black enough
niggers are less evolved
So assuming I go to a non AIDS infested part of the continent, how hard would it to get a dumb qt 3.14 tribal bride?
Yeah that's why we don't do that in the civilized parts of the world. Our justice system is designed to prevent exactly this kind of behavior.
It turns out that it's really hard to build a stable society if you can just kill whoever you want for whatever reason at any time.
Or they would have if they didn't spend the last 1400 years having kids with their cousins and worshiping a pagan space rock.
This is excellent red pill material, too bad most would blindly dismiss it for being rayciss
They're basically big children.
I spent 3 years in Somalia doing humanitarian work and most cases were either the victim was accused of being a homosexual or they were accused of stealing someones cattle. They don't have any mental capacity for reasoning, over there if you steal from somebody or you're accused of stealing their 5 chickens and goat there's no proving your innocence and there's certainly no paying them back. They will start yelling at you, calling you a thief (irony) and before you know it the whole towns swamping them, beating them up and eventually when they're near dead somebody will throw fuel on them to burn them. It's done purely in spite to make them suffer. Stealing from other tribes, towns or from aid workers is perfectly acceptable though. A town ransacked one of the planes that came in with medical supplies killing the pilots and taking everything in the plane, a month later 15 people from that town had died of overdosing on morphine. The plane was fully dismantled and went off in pieces during that month.
I wish I could say I done any good over there. It's the reason I'm on Sup Forums now.
LARPing I'm interested in. Now take off your shirt, girl!
You're acting like white people don't steal shit because they collectively know it's morally wrong. I had shit stolen from white guys many many times.
Heres me in somalia, 07. That guy was about to buy a Bridgestone store in my home town of Footscray, back in Australia. But in this photo he looks like a standard mountain yogi. Don't judge a book by its cover.
>They will have purged their degeneracy too at some point to an acceptable level.
>implying the ones doing the purging aren't the degenerate ones
I can see your point with the catholic church, but it doesn't transfer over to those goatfuckers for one bit.
Get outside more, Robert.
Maybe they ate roast chicken once but couldn't catch any chicken later
which one are you?
Who took the picture and why did they take the picture and why were they so far away?
If thats really you, Don Whillans, how are you posting this picture when you're deceased?
thx for the wordpress - great read
negroes = cancer...thats what
I spent some time in a slum in Africa.
They have daycares in the slum that take care of 70 kids. They don't have food or anything for the children. They just keep them inside the squalid little room. The kids are 6 months till 3 years old. The only purpose of the daycare is to prevent the children from being raped.
I witnessed a lynch mob beating a thief to death.
I also witnessed that most people were drunk off their ass by 10 am. It was too dangerous to be there (or anywhere) at night. In the two weeks I was there, I was robbed twice. Once by a pack of children/young men who threatened me with a plastic shiv, and once by a policeman who robbed me at gunpoint.
I wrote these observations up (I am a journalist) and it was rejected for publication everywhere for being racist.
I will add that where I was it was entirely common for 8 year old girls to prostitute themselves, and 8 year old boys to begin robbing people. As they hit 12 they start using guns. This place was also known for tribal violence in which if they captured an enemy they would cut off his hands and head and throw it at the enemy.
They like their food fried.
They have never been and never will be civilized.
Vigilante Justice. Even the police won't intervene, because the people "know".
Literally everybody who is honest with themselves has noticed this. They lack any capability of empathy. You can even see it in how they treat their own children.
luld hard
But the climate change makes it even worse
Niggers contributing to global warming blaming white people for environmental racism
Africans are cruel to a fault. Burning people hurts them a lot.
That's about it.
My family knows a legit black as the night African. The shit that has happened to him is stuff of this magnitude. Africa is a big crab basket, and they pull down everyone who gets ahead. When his wife opened a shop, two other women started spreading rumours that she was a witch. One of those women was her sister.
The dude himself has been basically extorted for performing an act of kindness. Almost died after a traffic accident because doctors refused to treat him. He's probably one of the kindest, smartest Africans I've ever even heard about, and he's still just as African as the rest, incapable of planning ahead and running a simple business.
I can only guess towards the reasons, but the facts are simple: Africa is fucked because Africans are fucked. When they apply themselves, they can be incredibly hard workers, but the shit I hear about the continent simply in the way people behave is unfathomable for the rest of the world. Even when considering backwards people like Muslims.
Also, this is correct. My grandfather, and he was an anti-racist, described black Africans as being "like children".
Despite all this shit, I do love the continent and I wish the best for its people. But believe you me, I would go to extreme lengths to keep the left from importing all those black Africans they obviously want to import. A strong Europe is honestly much, much better for both Africa and Europe.
they wanna see if they can ascend their darkness&melanin and become nubian gods
At least one of those fucks in the crowd caught themselves on fire and went up too
You know what I think ? it's the melatonin, the more you have in your skin the more you have free floating the more crosses the brain barrier and spaces out africans . We need find some special purpose bleach .
that would be melanin-melanotonin interaction , soz, still inject with bleach
I'm sure they were all scientifically proven guilty by means of photoshopped images and pastebin dumps :-)