The Jews, Canaanites, and Moloch worship

Now I might just be losing it, but I did some reading today on the ancient Canaanites (who eventually became the Jews) and the god, or demon they worshipped; Moloch, or "Ba'al".
You might have also heard that many of the (((elites))) have been associated with Moloch and occult rituals (spirit cooking, ect.), child trafficking, pedophilia, and alleged child sacrifice.

Exactly what Moloch is or was is hard to ascertain, I cant find jack shit online that isnt extremely vague. But sources claim he was also known as Ba'al since they are both depicted as Bulls, and both Moloch (or Malik) and Ba'al translate to "king" or "lord". So lets assume Ba'al and Moloch are the same or similar. Moloch is also associated with Hell and Satan. The offering to Moloch was a child, who would be clasped between two "iron hands" (sounds like abortion forceps doesnt it) and burnt alive.
A preist would beat a drum; "that the father might not hear the voice of his son, and his heart might not be moved."

In the 7th century child sacrifice was supposedly abolished. However it makes the distinction "child sacrifice was abolished" not necessarily the worship of Moloch himself.

Modern Jews worship Yahweh who they claim to be the allfather of creation. An "offering" to Yahweh is the foreskin from the circumcision of a childs penis. They believe that by sacrificing tainted mortal flesh they are cleansed of sin and it will allow Yahweh to "defeat death". Most assume that means the afterlife, however I wouldnt be surprised if Alex Jones is right about (((elites))) trying to achieve immortality through "rituals". Its not a child sacrifice, but the flesh of a child is sacrificed. Sounds familiar.

I think Yahweh is Moloch. I dont think they've changed their ways at all and I think the conspiracies about the "Satanic" occult rituals are true.
It really makes you think when all of these same (((people))) are involved in child trafficking and pedophilia rings.

If you can add more please do.

Other urls found in this thread: 8&version=KJV 8&version=KJV


"Pedophiles, psychic vampires" - Alex Jones

Did he mean the kiddie fiddling jewish preists who suck the blood from baby dicks? Surely not!

Also good to point out is the star of david is actually the talisman of Saturn who is also known as Moloch. The star of david only ever became a jewish symbol when the Rothschilds used it as their family crest. It is said that the star has nothing to do with david but his son Solomon who built temples to the canaanite gods.

Moloch, or The Devil, Satan, or whatever you want to call him is the manifestation of ego (sin). It is the inevitability of all creation to encounter this, and subsequently themselves, as it is from us that it is born.

In this reality, our Moloch has influenced society for millennia, but that will soon all come to a head (as foretold). Division has been his most powerful weapon, as it feeds on our suffering, misery, and hate, our unity would render him powerless.

Interesting, I had no idea.

>he bought the jewish "original sin" lie

Moloch isnt a god he is a jötunn, a poweful evil being that isnt supposed to be worshipped.
Humans committed no original sin, jötunn or ettins form pacts with mortals so they might affect reality through their servants.
I believe Moloch is a demon of pure evil and the Jews are his servants.

That's correct, Jews worship the devil and demons. I'm Orthodox and in our church our priests openly preach exactly that, they constantly call out the jews as devil worshippers.

Yhwh is always depicted as the adversary of Moloch and Ba'al

The majority of the old testament rules can make sense if you analyze them inside of an historical context
Foreskin removal was probably done to make the men seek women and made them unable to satisfy themselves alone
Adulterers stoning was probably done to make sure that no STDs would spread among the tribe

Yeah sure, I'm going to trust some random guy on the Internet more than my priest.
I repeat, jews are devil worshippers. You ignore this information at your own peril, as seen in current degenerate Western culture.
The Catholics used to preach the same thing before the jews took over our culture btw.

Human sacrifice was done in the Jerusalem Temple, there was reports by Greeks and Romans from the 1st BC about how Jews killed a Greek children and swear to hate them forever.

>promoting circumcision
Spotted the Jew



You know that our culture has been completely taken over by jews when the majority of goys are circumcised.
It's astonishing that US goys submitted their sons to be all circumcised. Sickening
I do not blame the parents btw, they just didn't know better and didn't realised what is going on with their country.

Kike please go.

Moloch and all devils are weak "gods" compared to our Lord who defeated them here on earth and whoever believes in Him will do the same works as Him.

The Christian god is also suspect to me. I dont think he is a god but also a jötunn like Moloch or Yahweh. Might even be the same being.
Baptism in a sense is like a child sacrifice. Instead of his life or his flesh this time its his sin being washed away.

The christian god is yhwh.

Also worth noting is the muslim god allah, the amalgamation of a number of ancient meccan gods.

The hell are you saying you farts?
Have you any fucking reading comprehension?


You retards
Congratulations on the orthodox guy
I guess that you don't pray the Father because of muh old testament

>You might have also heard that many of the (((elites))) have been associated with Moloch and occult rituals

>"El" (Father of Heaven / Saturn) and his major son: "Hadad", are symbolized both by the bull, and both wear bull horns on their headdresses.
>Ēl is called again and again Tôru ‘Ēl ("Bull Ēl" or "the bull god")

I've yet to read more about Islam. I'm sure the parallels are there though.
Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all very similar.
Reading Evola has activated my fucking almonds senpai

The old jew testament has been destroyed by our saviour Jesus Christ along with Jews themselves.
God hates the Jews the same way he hates the devil and every Christian denomination should go back to preach exactly that like they used to.

*x files music*

No, Yahweh is not Moloch.
Fuck, I didn't think you guys were this autistic.

I think they can't separate history in a history book

literally that's all the Old Testament is, history of the New Testament. But that doesn't mean we don't have to know the Old Testament, we just gotta keep em separated and use both of them together. I guess that's why the Old testament is first in the bible?

How do you know?

They aren't even gods, but evil spirits, or fallen angels. They feed on the weakness/pettyness of humans and enslave us under the chains of sin.
They are infinitely weaker than God but stronger than us. That's why we need God's grace to face this evil.
All atheists eventually fall to temptation, no matter how virtuous and strong they think they are.

>The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.
Remember, Satan doesn't need your worship to enslave you. All he needs is to weaken your faith in God.

I was on this long and twisted thread of research the other day.
I'd disagree that Yahweh is Moloch. Old testes have so much reference to competition over idols by the tribe of IsRaEl claiming a single god (i.e creator). Canaan and later Carthage were prime worshipers of ba'el and moloch.

There were houses within the *then* united tribe of Israelites that began to practice child and human sacrifice in general and were banished. You can imagine their brand of theology was distorted (one might say upside-down) so you can imagine that these lost tribes would be interested in re-infiltrating and gaining control of the true tribe of Israel.
Now nothing remains of it save profane masquerading.


Mighty Master Moloch, the King of Qliphoth, Lord of Topheth, the valley of Hinnom

You sit on the throne on the final frontier of Universe. The last guardian of the threshold - to the black hole, to the void

You sit on the throne next to Lord Lucifer. You are Janus of outer space
Rempham, the evening and Morning star conjoined. You are the diamond, you are the eye

God of death and eternal life - You burn the souls and set them free

The gate you guard is the cosmic maze.You hide true light through veils of darkness. You are the twin of Lucifer

The mouth of hell and the salvation.

All Glory to MOLOCH - The Salvation of man and all souls - the Golden King.

Hm you may be right. I was only postulating it as a possibility because of the similarities.
So then what is yhwh? Another demon or "ettin"? No "God" should require a blood/flesh sacrifice like he does.

One of my closest friend who has always been a good person that couldn't harm anyone just recently went from Atheism to tattooing a Satanist symbol on himself.
He's a troubled person because he lost both parents when he was young so eventually they got him and now I'm wrestling with him to return him to Atheism.
Within a few weeks of that he is now reciting some sick Satanist rules like "be cruel and destroy those who annoy you" and stuff like that.
If they can get him they can get every Atheist eventually. You are right in this respect.
And because Christianity has been so thoroughly discredited by devil worshipping jews it's an uphill battle for me to get him out of this circle of "friends", because Satanism has been normalised.

>I guess that's why the Old testament is first in the bible?
Its first in the bible because the bible is in chronological order because its supposed to be a book for clergy and theologians, not the laity. If it was meant for common people the new testament would have been first and the old testament would have been an apendix, and probably most books would have been excluded.

Circumcision was done because Egyptian priests originally did it and they were seen as a higher class. Once Moses and company left Egypt they circumcised themselves to symbolize they were part of the priestly class now. Or at least that is what I have been told.

Anyone got that picture of a list of medieval expulsions of Jewry?

Loads of them were expulsions due to child sacrifice, the 'wandering jew'.

It's not mandatory to be cut in the US. Even people who are circumcised aren't circumcised the way jews are.

Abortion is the primary form of sacrifice now.

Jews will tell you all kind of crap. An US American once told me circumcision in the US is done in order to prevent masturbation.
Jews will cook all kinds of twisted explanations to get the goys to do their bidding.
They will even suddenly start arguing with you on the basis of the bible to convince you to show mercy by inviting 100 million niggers into your country.
You don't want this? How "Christian" of you to reject this.
Only thing you need to know is if the person you are arguing with is a jew. If so, flat out ignore everything he says.

Read Thomas Aquinas and how he and the Catholic church considered Islam initially to be a Catholic heresy and not a separate religion when it was started. That is how similar Islam was in it's origin to Christianity.

Christianity is the antithesis of everything Talmudic Judaism stands for.
One values truth, honor, and courage. The other values deceit, back-handedness and cowardice.
They are diametrically opposite.
Look past their superficial aspects and you'll realize how philosophically irreconcilable both are.
In Evola's own terms, I'd say Christianity is spiritually Solar, while Talmudic Judaism is Lunar.

Moloch and Yahweh are different. Besides modern Jews are the Pharisees who killed the other Jews. Talmud and rabbis came into appearance in the 3rd and 4th century. The current Jewish god is not the same as the one pre-3rd century.
However, the god of the Talmud is Moloch

Moloch is just a cute cow-thing. Think of all the poor cows in factories.

Yeah I pointed that out in the OP
The iron hands clasping the child down.
If you know how abortion is performed I dont need to explain further.
Funny how all the jews and (((elites))) seem to support abortion huh

Don't trust any one person. Do some research.

You havent read much Evola I take it kek

Sup Forums tends to forget that the Jews had multiple wars against each other over ideology. A kingdom divided cannot stand. That saying is from the Jewish wars. Some Jews were worse or better than others. Unfortunately most of the knowledge today is lost and muddled for most today so it's hard to really understand the Jews today.

Yeah I was just tripping on some creepy shit I read that made the two sound similar.

The priests and their teachings are the product of thousands of years of culture that has manifested itself in our lands.
They don't simply offer their "opinions". Those people who these days believe they are jews are really just possessed by the devil himself.
It is our duty as Christians to fight this evil that manifests itself on this earth.

And unfortunately - whether one likes it or not - MOLOCH is winning. His adherents are in the very highest positions of international power. The Elites or El-ites as they used to be known are growing in strength.

They are already beginning to sweep the Old World away.


Moloch was never a god, prove me wrong!

The word literally translates to "King". It was Jewish propaganda against an enemy like they do to Assad and Syria.

Satanic ritual is front for Jews.

Jews have always done these things

Illuminati is clickbate Hollywood music industry bullshit because they can't sell records anymore and don't want you to know Jews control your mind from birth to death.




>An "offering" to Yahweh is the foreskin from the circumcision of a childs penis.


The old world has been swept away for centuries user
The true gods dont meddle in mortal affairs at all

>calling jews devil worshipping child sacrificing vampires makes me a JIDF shill

Now this is advanced black pill

can't really argue with any of that

Demon is what they'd love you to call them. So much fear connotation.
They're just confused by many lifetimes worth of exactly what these sacrifices do to the mind.
If there is a single creator with cosmic authority, you'd imagine the more childish of the spirits reckon they can rebel.
This is what all the old convert-or-kill conquests in the old testament come from, the 'war in heaven' that so many cultures recorded in greater antiquity and also the global colonial neoliberal power play right now.
A jealous god with greater knowledge and power but not the greatest and never can be.

That's why these devil worshippers are pushing tattoos and piercings. They want to mark us as slaves to the demon they praise in secret.

Lucifer was a Roman god. Moloch was never a god, it's jew propaganda. And Lucifer was Venus at night.

You're a retard

Atheism makes your life feel meaningless and purposeless. Satan knows and abuses this. Big tragedies and misfortunes WILL bend even the most good-natured atheist.
Let's hope (and pray) your friend not only rejects Satanism, but also accepts the light of Christ into his heart.


You might want to read about Carthage user

Not an argument.

Just saying he is not a fan of Christianity at all either.

So Jesus' mom was a devil worshiper? His brothers too?
His disciples?
Tats and piercing is a marker these days, I agree. But it was a normal cultural thing for many peoples.
I'd be more afraid of hipster glasses and blue hair and those creepy phony funny faces they make on youtube/colbert

What about it moron? You're just going to make vague statements?

Demon Worship by the Jew is associated with a certain star.

It is the "Star of Remphan".

If you ask a Jew where their Star of David comes from, they can not tell you, or they will lie because their star is the star of Remphan, Moloch, or demon-worship.

Jewish symbols include the Menorah, the Dove, and the Olive Branch, never a star.

The 666 star of David, is NOT the star of David, it is the Star of Remphan.

Satan, Demon-Worship.

>Circumcision was done because Egyptian priests originally did it and they were seen as a higher class.
Perhaps that's true historically.
But Circumcision is regarded as Their Covenant with God in their tradition.

Could it be, instead of magic like the autistic consensus seems to be, that these Elites have been practicing these dark rituals for millennia plus centuries in the shadows and it sort of became their "Tradition."
Like other Religions but hidden and sinister but without literal vampire magic?

>Christianity is the antithesis of everything Talmudic Judaism stands for.
That's only because the Talmud was collected (written) way after Jesus was suppose to of existed. Like 500yrs after.

Jews have always used Jesus. They just talk shit about him privately because they don't want their kids converting to a pacifistic cult that they rule over.

>So Jesus' mom was a devil worshiper? His brothers too?
>His disciples?
If that type of worship is actually going on I suspect it's was only of the Rabbinic Elites

Never seen the wiki page for what it is you think you're talking about?

Jews and the Torah (OT) never had a character "Satan". They had lots of characters, even groups, named satan.

Because satan means "adversary" in Aramaic. Anyone who is an adversary to the Jew is a satan.


Back in the days Jews didn't use writing for their addresses etc just symbols. The word Rothschild means red shield, so back then they're address would possibly have been advertised with just a red shield

Jesus was a Rabbi with an elite education. They called him "Rabbi" and he was arguing with rabbis at the synagogue when he was a little boy.

You cannot change my opinions on these matter anymore.
There's enough real life evidence that supports the claim that jews (of course not all of them) are evil as they do destroy our societies and promote degeneracy.
That doesn't mean that I will go out and harm jews for no reason, but I will not cooperate or work with them, I will grant them no quarter and no mercy.
I do not cooperate with the devil and I will continue to call the out. That's all I have to say about this.
I hope the Catholics church will some day start calling out the jews again like they used to and some day reunite with us in a way that is positive for both sides of the schism.

By adding figures the the supposed trinity vat has made a triangle a pentagon.
Cath is a long shot from monotheism at this point.

I know. I'm just saying he's wrong, because he judges the infiltrated/subverted version of Christianity.
He classifies the human spirit in a Solar/Lunar dichtonomy. If he really studied the true nature of Christ, he would come at the conclusion it is a Solar religion.

Molech was the Canaanite version of the Egyptian god Set. The god Set was a homosexual god of evil. He was worshipped during ceremonies that involved human sacrifice, cannibalism and homosexual orgies. As the god of destruction, he became the god of the Egyptian military. In ancient Rome, he was worshipped as the god Saturn by the Roman military (often with baptism by blood). Thus we see that Satan (Set, Saturn, Molech etc.) was worshipped by Solomon and his wives as he grew old and senile. This involved heterosexual sex orgies (Ashteroth), homosexual sex orgies (Baal, Set, Satan, Molech), human sacrifice (Molech) and even cannibalism (Set, Molech). Our modern high-level military leadership appears to have the same values as the ancients.

You're an idiot. Say something or STFU. I don't use wikipedia, loser. I have a history degree. Wiki is for uneducated youtube obsessed nigger low lifes like you. It's brainwashing

this guy gets it


>Atheism makes your life feel meaningless and purposeless
Yes, exactly, that's the way I try to convince him to go down this path.
I try and help him get his life in order which hopefully will attract a good wife to him.

>a jew

Was on board with your post until that autism
How in your mind was Hitler jewish?
A Catholic promoting traditional European pagan culture and rituals through his administration, who fucked over the Jews unlike anyone else in history. Sounds pretty fucking anti-Jew to me.

I'd expect a more pertinent input if what you say is true.

Elite here, you're ALMOST right.

Your mistake is assuming we're all conspiring. We will conspire together in our little groups and occasionally several groups, for mutual benefit....but the group that worships child sacrifice (planned parenthood altars) is not the only elite group.

We worship an owl, you would be best not to confuse the god we worship with what others worship.

Roman Catholic baptism is actually a rite of excorcism, as per the Latin. If I recall correctly.

Nice try but some elites actually worship Minerva who is often associated with the owl.

i believe all the different demons gods in the bible were different entities

not they wuz all satan

Ezekiel 8 8&version=KJV
7 And he brought me to the entrance of the court, and when I looked, behold, there was a hole in the wall. 8 Then he said to me, “Son of man, dig in the wall.” So I dug in the wall, and behold, there was an entrance. 9 And he said to me,
>“Go in, and see the vile abominations that they are committing here.”
10 So I went in and saw. And there, engraved on the wall all around,
>was every form of creeping things and loathsome beasts, and all the idols of the house of Israel. 11 And before them stood seventy men of the elders of the house of Israel,
with Jaazaniah the son of Shaphan standing among them. Each had his censer in his hand, and the smoke of the cloud of incense went up. 12 Then he said to me,
> “Son of man, have you seen what the elders of the house of Israel are doing in the dark, each in his room of pictures?
For they say, ‘The Lord does not see us, the Lord has forsaken the land.’” 13 He said also to me, “You will see still greater abominations that they commit.”

14 Then he brought me to the entrance of the north gate of the house of the Lord, and behold,
>there sat women weeping for Tammuz. 15 Then he said to me, “Have you seen this, O son of man? You will see still greater abominations than these.”

Matthew 23:35
That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of >Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar.

You might just be losing it, user.
The Ba'al in the pantheon that the Canaanite's worshipped was literally “the Cloud Rider" who brought rain and storms and was a god of fertility. Molech was a different god, altogether. Again, there was a pantheon. That's why the idea of one, invisible God seemed ridiculous to them at the time just as it does to most today.

Oprah Winfrey Show:
Jews Sacrificing Babies

He's not wrong. You dont worship a god, no god punishes mortals for not believing in him/her. The gods coexist with mortals as our friends not our lords. You worship a magical being that demands penance.

>Molech was the Canaanite version of the Egyptian god Set.

The word means "King" and it was never worshiped. Set was real. Moloch is Jewish propaganda against their enemies.

You're just making everyone look stupid. In 10yrs Jews will be laughing their asses off and you will end up embarrassed and confused like one of those Zietguised fags from 2007.

>Moloch, or The Devil, Satan, or whatever you want to call him is the manifestation of ego (sin).
Moloch was never a god. satan was made up by he Roman Church based on an Aramiac word meaning adversaries (any advesary) of the Jew god. They did this to dumb it down for Europeans because Europeans didn't know Semitic history or peoples.

SIN is an actual god. A Babylonian god.

There is nothing wrong with your ego. You wouldn't be able to function without it and end up in a mental ward.


I know

John 8 8&version=KJV
They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham.
40 But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham.
41 Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.
42 Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.
43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
>44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Ezekiel never existed and was written in 250BC.

Prove me wrong. You can't. It's more Jew lies.

>They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham.

Abraham sacrificed baby dick, but only after he was planning on killing his own first born. Jesus was a satan worshiper by your logic and talked to "a devil" in the desert.

What did you think i was getting at?

Those of us who worship her don't worship what kikes do. You stupid fucks think we're all part of some illuminati group, conspiring all over the world.

It's your bias at work, because you need to believe such a thing. It's too shocking for you to understand just how much chaos actually occurs. Sure, we do manipulate events, we do collude...just not in the way you faggots think.

You can stop roleplaying now


you forgot to say bronze age, atheist

it might have helped your argument and bolstered your claims

My mom believes in this shit. It's fucking retarded. As for the fucked up shit, you ever heard of liveleak, race hate treads? (I'm not endorsing them, but you WILL see some messed up shit)