Why did mods delete last thread which got 250 replies but was deleted after I posted few redpills?
I didn't see any pizzagate threads in catalog so if mods delete this, it proves that they have been infiltrated(which we already know)
Why did mods delete last thread which got 250 replies but was deleted after I posted few redpills?
I didn't see any pizzagate threads in catalog so if mods delete this, it proves that they have been infiltrated(which we already know)
Other urls found in this thread:
Pedosta "art"
35 posts and still no replies?
>if mods delete my thread, it proves my whole theory is true and they are compromised
I hate how fucking retarded you guys are.
Fuck off shill. Last thread was 404'd for no reason, it didn't even get archived. Why?
Because you are flooding and nobody is reading this shitty thread. 46 replies, 2 posters. You've made 44 posts with nobody responding. That is flooding/spamming, you fucking paranoid retard.
Fuck you shariablue. How does it feel to shill for pedophiles? Do you sleep well at night?
Doing good work, thanks for collecting these and sharing. Ill post some of these on facebook and take a 30 day ban.
I cant seem to understand the general populaces' trust in media and anything at all
Good shit Finbro keep on