Muh England stronk


Tommy 'please mommy come help me' Robinson B T F O

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Nice taking out of context.

lets LARP

lmao the toothnigger got brexit'd

oh ok, arabs ganging up on one person, someone trips.. Whole political discourse must be wrong..

u 12?

>Muh England stronk
no one says this. Everyone in Sup Forums says that england is a shit hole that has been destroyed with the help of traitors.

Lol, this.

>Sweetie posters actually exist in the real world
>Mobile poster

Go fuck a goat

“Thus does Allah set a seal over the heart of every proud, haughty one.” (Surah Ghafīr 40: 35)

the shitskin are getting nervous, can you tell?

I think the more infuriating thing about this is those comment, people are fucking blind and ignorant.

Tell me Sup Forums is there really much point in trying to fight this disease or should I start setting up for camp in the wilderness for when SHTF?

typical arab thinking ganging 3 vs 1 is honorable.

You just proved how weak you are.

It's going to come to war.

Liberals have gone fully insane and embraced the enemy besieging us. They have to be dealt with as the traitors they are.

>Oh haha he slipped while walking backwards because he wanted to keep his eyes on the muslims following him!
>Look Haha I'm a shitskin, probably a Saudi or a Loo, else I would show my flag,

>walking toward someone is now an aggression


you shitmuds think drawings of your pedo prophet is an agression. who s the snowflake?

Aaaaww, need a safe space, little snowflake? :3

imho you should help those libshits get what they want.
Speed up the process as much as possible and make the results as terrible as possible. Join the kikes and create the 1984 that your countryman crave so much.
This is my advice to people living in countries that are already lost and the process is irreversible (i.e UK, France, Sweden, Netherlands, Belgium, US)

After you are done get the fuck out and immigrate to places like Poland just before your country will have to close the borders to keep the people in.

>immigrate to places like Poland



*states opinion*


Aaaaaww, this special snowflake sounds triggered and needs a hug :3


so cute to see 16 year old beta white boy posting on pol

Aaaaww, a triggered, angry slavnigger! What a rare sight :3

Australia isn't too far gone yet so starting a resistance would look out of place for these current times
Right now, Australia's islamic/african problem can be reversed

Ausfaggia is irrelevant.

In the war against the destruction of all good western countries by highly inept retards, many men will get pushed over and fall. It is those who stand back up, who are destined to watch their grandchildren fight in vicious and perpetual middle eastern style ethnic conflict in a post collapse mad-max style world

Back to riding your sister, cletus



embarrassing, if you consider that even close to insulting

Mate having a muslim within 100 yards is aggression. Who knows when they are going to blow up, stab or shoot someone?


A liberal encouraging thuggish violence against people they disagree with?


I hope Owen Jones remembers it was he who set the new rules of the game.


Being an Ausfaggian is embarrassing indeed. Fuck off, koala cuntfucker.

Sooner or later reality will hit them like a bag of bricks

Funnier still is that it's a literal faggot hiding behind proxy arabs (who would toss him off a roof at a moments notice).

Mass report the tweet for showing violence.

Some faggot ride the camel cock. How many sandnigger goat rapist did you blow today son?

I mean, they're literally celebrating foreign thugs violently attacking civilians now. It's not even a meme. They're full blown treasnous.

It's pretty fucking funny.

>Literally crying and demanding 24 hour police protection and stating you no longer feel safe because a drunk driver bumped into one of you causing superficial (probably exagerated) injuries


Hey Mohammed, why do your people hate deodorant so much?

This. Australia still has a future, good luck m8s.

Grow up kid


as opposed to....
>pic related

>being this new

lol fag fuck poo.

Muslims showing their ugly inbred mugs to anyone should be considered a sign of aggression

English will always be cowards.

Why are Europeans so fucking stupid?

Aaaaand I'm sure you can fill in the blanks at this point.

he wish his penis would do the same.


We have treacherous faggots like Owen Jones here too, filling our Labor party ranks. They too want to cuck for African cock and are right now trying to veto a basic entrance exam for potential Australian migrants that wants to ascertain that you can read and write basic English and don't want to rape children.

It will happen too, because the Anglo genes are weak and pathetic now.

not political. reported my nigger slave.

We're 65% white max today
Just counting citizens
Millions of non-white non-citizens living here

>Around shitskins
You deserve rape

Aaaaww, did someone lose their tampon? :3

desu though the guy is exposing rape-gangs and the left are just taking the piss out of him...quite fked up

Sometimes I wonder if I went insane and this is all my delusion

"walking" is now an Aggression for conservashits

You fucking beta male cucks

>Pissing your pants because someone walks towards you

This is how cowardly cumskins are

families rape/abuse their own children quite often why do you think they would care if a muslim gang did it?

i actually welcome a return to the dark ages, as long as britain becomes catholic everything will be fine and another civilisation will come around in a few hundred years.

> can't unite his Island


God I can't fucking stand Owen Jones

Wow he tripped over a curb while backing away from an intimidating crowd of nigs.

Fuck better call Reuters!

>Having to import retarded niggers to hide behind

This is how cowardly liberals are.

Bonus points: They'll throw them off roofs anyway, so it's a self cleaning oven.

Drink driving is now terrorism for Liberals and Muslims.

You fucking beta male cucks.

>"Kill all Muslims! "

Conservashits can't into basic facts. Centuries of inbreeding causes that I suppose.

Oh wow, he tripped over.

Owen Jones is just horny over dark skinned masculine men, he imagines the time he watched one pound out his girlfriend, the trauma of which turned him fag. True story.

>"Kill All Muslims!"

>Scary words are now terrorist attacks!

Kek. What kind of dickless pussy are you?

Bonus Points: Literally having to invent Fake News to turn a minor drink driving accident into a le terrorist attack so Muslims and Liberals can play the victim like juvenile deliquents getting scolded for their bad behavior.

I laughed and laughed.

This cunt has the banter skills of a retarded with autism

>britain becomes catholic
Off with your head

That was fucking pathetic is this the best Londonistan has to offer ? No wonder the arabs are winnig

I can only hope he gets personally `enriched' by those he defends, eventually.

It's not that. He openly celebrates the importation of violent terrorists (remember, up to 3500 of them are walking free in the U.K. right now - many of them from the Luton area) with which to intimdate the native populace who might disagree with his political party. He quite literally is gloating about the mass murder of children, that he helped cause, because he believes it will intimidate and frighten people into voting for his party.

Democrats do this with African Americans and Hispanics - See the violence targeting Trump rallies and their gloating of being violent criminals who will murder people they don't like.

Owen Jones is literally trying to encourage violent Muslim males to murder his opponents, and isn't worried abou the collateral damage of doznes of little girls torn apart by nail bombs.

What a reprehensible man.

Serves him right, Tommy Robinson is such a fucking kike shill and sodomite.


Europe is so fucked, white men are pussified.

t. ((((REBEL MEDIA)))) internet defense force.

Where are these idiots coming from who don't know what "snowflake" means? For the past week I've been seeing these posts.

I live near a mosque. It started out last year by covering the gate so people couldn't watch in.

Yesterday they had "streetguards" walking around. Which actually is a good thing since they mostly address their own youths.

Watch out for another white van of peace and tolerance.

Coming to a neighbourhood near you ;^)

t. Scotland the cucks.

I hate that faggot Owen, I want to torture him slowly the fucking queer.

i'm english i just think cowardice is not such a bad thing

/nu/pol defending cowards as usual. Where's Dylan when you need him?

at least he'll be the first one thrown off a roof when the islamic revolution he is working so hard to bring about happens

wtf i love muslims now


I imagine him to be the sort of person who would try to make friends with the bully. Or send the police to someones house he didn't like, then when found out probably pretend to commit suicide to make himself out to be the victim.

Daily reminder that Owen Jones is a literal cuck.

What if someone shoots owen in the head? I wonder how the world would react.

What's the best way to recover from a stumble like this?

>be nationalist britcuck
>walk down street
>mudslimes harassing you
>you get arrested for inciting violence against minorities
Dont forget to bin the knife lads!

Do a backwards roll into standing ready to fight position