>*Hans, enjoying the rapefugees?*
>*European caliphate amiright?*
USA Hate Thread
52% """"white""""(30-35% real European)
>white kids are already a minority in their age group
>quarter of said whites has injun, polish semite or negro blood
>media/education/banks all run by the jews
>fight wars for the jews on the other side of the planet
>mutilate their sons genitals cause mr rosenberg said so
>white guilt over slavery worse than nazi guilt
>worships niggers one month every year
>adopting niggers and chinks is a normal american practice
>elected nigger twice over white guilt
>normalized coalburning
>normalized homosexuality
>in the process of normalizing trans shit
>home of radical feminism
>ground zero for all modern degenerate anti-white propaganda
>at the front of pushing the islamophobia shit
>clockboy gets a free scholarship to top universities and white house for bringing a old clock to school despite the family being on record for race baiting
>biggest shooting ever gets ignored because the shooter was a mudslim
>tolerates a black domestic terrorist group
>almost all food is unnatural shit created by monsanto
Russia 15% muslim
USA 1-2%
Russian native Tatar/NC muzzies look like this. cntrl azn sbhumans don't really enjoy any rights or legal protection.
guys please don't offend USA, i like to live, even while being poor and lonely
Totally like sandniggers and dindus. It's not religion, my man
I genuinely believe America is fucked beyond saving and that it is a good thing and there is nothing you can say to make me change my mind.
Why won't you be our damn friend Ivan. WHy?
> Russia 15% muslim
Russians themselves are like Africans.
Inb4 terroni, chavs and others are posted. Russia has the European average of White trash. not an argument
>fat, loudmouth, stupid and obnoxious """""people"""""
>Jewish control
>stupid brainwashed retards everywhere that do what their told and are just a bunch of pathetic slaves
>niggers spics and non whites everywhere and nobody cares
>get cut at birth
>get shot
>live in a culture less shithole
>so degenerate and sick that it makes Sweden look like a god fearing country
>have one of the most embarrassing worst stereotypes ever
>no sense of racial pride and identity
>all forms of nationalism and patriotism are civic or rooting for Jewish wars
>embarsement of countryman that are arrogant and retarded and say shit that the Jews taught them
>easily butt hurt countrymen that can't take a joke about their country or handle bants
>be hated and universally despised around the world
>israels bitch
>retarded religious zealots and christians everywhere
>shit education system
>get into debt for college
>everyone hates us
>laughing stock of the world
>elected bush twice
>elected a nigger twice
>helped destroy Germany twice
>killed millions of innocent people after WWII
>destroyed Sadams Iraq for Jewish overlords
>bought sold and paid for politicians and government
>water is poisoned with flouride
>quality is non existent, just quantity
>consumerist zombies everywhere
>everyone believes this shithole is the best country in the world
>shitty infrastructure
>3rd world tier rail service
>shitty expensive healthcare
>Inb4 terroni, chavs and others are posted. Russia has the European average of White trash.
Look at the statistics you dumb nigger. Russia is Africa, not Europe.
Those who've been to Naples, East London and else, can testify on my behalf. Get out and travel, amerishart. Russia experienced judeocommunism and lost 45 million men in 30 years not so long ago
Hi Soros
>Naples, East London and else
Those are just whiners but Russia is truly fucked m8.
Did you not read his comment?
Things tend to get out of hand when you experience fucking communism and have 40million normal, hardworking people killed off while the degenerates are left to breed and are given free shit... And history is repeating itself in western Europe. I think Russia is bad, but I would rather live around cheeky breeky cunts gopniks than head cutting muslims.
Let's see what would happen when almost a third of ethnic Russia population dies
moving to /bant/ in 3...2...1...
stay obsessed