What's wrong with civic nationalism?
What's wrong with civic nationalism?
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The majority of brown people will vote left, no matter how much you try to integrate them.
Brazil has shown us it can't work. It's still white genocide.
There is no such thing as civic nationalism. What they call ''civic nationalism'' is not nationalism and ''civic'' means nothing.
It's globalism. It's the idea that the only difference between nations is pieces of paper.
Any nation can come into your country and exterminate the local population, and it's ok because you still have the constitution and Murican values.
Civic nationalism is straight up globalism. It's an anti-white ideology that undermines actual nationalism and tries to convince nationalists that all they should care is borders and pieces of paper. It's the worship of the state.
While a leftist wants a one world government where everyone is brown. The civic nationalist wants some local government and a world where everyone is brown.
Why are we being punished? All we've ever done is make the world a better place and they hate us for it. Fuck I hate non whites
Gee, I wonder why.
Nothing. It's a value difference.
As a civic nationalist, you believe that that people are exist to serve the state bureaucracy. Thus they can be replaced with new people should that serve the state.
As an ethnic nationalist, I believe the state should serve the people. I would rather replace the state if it does not serve, and would never replace the people.
Dat civic nationalism has been working so well.
Just look at how great thing were under Obama!
Its not , atleast for us. For example you cant really go for that 1920-1940s nationalism in Turkey although everyone is a nationalist. Globalism or something fucked up the demographic so now you need to sacrifice something and call the solution civic nationalism. Unless you want lots of blodshed and civil war as a solution. It is a damage control
>cities that were built on America being tremendously economically superior fail when America loses her lead on the other countries thanks to WWII
Really made me think.
It's another word for "multiculturalism".
We dont hate you desu we admire and aspire to be great like white western civilization, the jews see you as a threat to their existance and this time they werent going to wait till they started getting gassed (hypothetically speaking because it didnt happen) they use our low iq peasants and your guilt trip and money hungry to push their agenda dont fall for the d&c we are all enemies and lab rats to the jew.
no country has magic dirt that forces other cultures to adopt yours when they step on it
The problem with civic nationalism in this era as opposed to previous eras is that the non-whites usually vote for policies that benefit them due to the fact they already have policies that benefit them and have brought up with the idea that these policies are not special advantages but entitlements they think they earned. Also due to the Left's pervasive bigotry of low expectations these people are always treated like children policy wise. So what is done is welfare and government assistance is given to non-whites, which has the effect of increasing the births of low-productivity/IQ individuals at the expense of high-productivity/IQ individuals (white or non-white both get fucked over in this regard). The non-whites over time have the least productive members of their populace reproducing at higher rates than the parts of their populace that work, and so as a group they are composed of more non-productive individuals. Low IQ individuals are more prone to believe Left wing ideology as it is mainly emotional in nature and detaches them from personal responsibility. A system of maintained free-market enterprise would not have caused this and the production of low-productivity/IQ individuals would have been kept low, but government has produced a surplus of these retards and so is exploiting them for votes.
Another trouble is that of immigration, as levels exceeding 1% of the populace per decade can destabilize a country during birthrate shortages. The trouble comes when foriegners start outnumbering natives, as the foriegners will no longer have to adopt the native culture or language because it is no longer the dominant one. This is why any country must have a strict and enforced border, and be able to remove immigrants regardless of how many generations they have been here when they are not integrating.
So, in short, it can and does work, unless non-whites are treated better and low IQ reproduction is incentivized. Also restrict borders.
>heh goyim you don't need god
>we jews are mostly atheist ourselves ((oy vey!))
>the state can be your god!! doesn't that sound nice?
Yeah nothing wrong with it. Brazil is great!
Ethnic nationalism recognizes demographics and aims to prevent the situation from being worse. If you're in some place like Murica, an ethno nationalist doesn't necessarily have to push for race war. What a nationalist can do is prevent Mexicans from coming in while pushing back against anti-white agenda, trying to lessen the welfare state and encourage more white births, things like that.
A civic ''nationalist'' ignores those things completely. Civic ''nationalists'' have no problems with Mexicans coming into Murica as long as they did it legally. What is and what isn't legal is so arbitrary and dumb that they could pass a bill making it legal for anyone to go into the US, and the civic nationalist wouldn't have a problem with it because all they care about is pieces of paper and legality.
A nationalist does what is best for the interests of his nation. It's as simple as that. It doesn't mean starting civil war, unless it is in your nation's interests to start a civil war.
To be fair, if you are from anywhere below mexico.
the eternal mexicANO is basically overshadow you.
I agree in every aspect user, good explanation. Therr is historical precedent to look at aswell that society is easy to control as long as law is kept stringent the econony benefits the intelligent and education is in high-regard.
Not adopting the culture is a violation the national NAP
Wouldnt a ethnonationalist want to deport the for example blacks or mexicans out from the country?
Because that is the conclusion I had after seeing the etnonationalists at Sup Forums.
Even the sentences you type are unintelligible and total run-ons with no fucking punctuation.
Someone please post the comic of a white guy in a suit, on the subway, surrounded by niggers with a thought bubble going "i'm not a racist, i'm not a racist.."
The blacks
>There is literally nothing wrong with mongrelization of our people and letting sub humans flood our country as long we all pray to the same flag :DDD
This is literally what civic cucks believe
>Wouldnt a ethnonationalist want to deport the for example blacks or mexicans out from the country?
they may want it but it will never happen the best you can do is to bring back the imigration policy before 1965 and encourge white birth rates or white imigration
It's not real.
"I'm a civic Nationslist," said nobody ever.
It's like Communism. Works in theory, but in practice it falls apart.
this is correct
That would be the goal if you lived in NatSoc Germany in 1940.
When half of your country isn't white proposing deporting them all is an insane idea usually pushed by shills who only want people to think NatSoc and nationalists in general are insane.
All that matters is the continuous existence of your people. There will be race wars in the future and things will escalate naturally by themselves. The best thing you can do is make sure you aren't a minority in your own country when the race wars come.
As long as white people aren't a shrinking demographic in their country I am content with it. Leftism and civic nationalism has ensured the decline of white numbers in white countries.
Yeah , im all for that.
Because Obama is a civic nationalist, you fucktard.
civic nationalists can believe that the state exists to serve the people. They don't place as much value on ethnicity, you're correct there.
Malcolm X had the right idea here
create a black ethnostate, either in America, or somewhere in Africa that can be persuaded to get colonized for money and encourage them to move there
people by nature self-segregate with kins
everybody should be for that, The idea that you can guilt trip the people who build the country intro giving up and letting foreigners take over is disgusting
No amount of education or telling them to work harder will make blacks able to uphold western civilization. East-asians seem to be the sole exception in non-whites who can do it.
Dafuq is she listening to, Brother Stair on shortwave?
white women are more based than i thought, holy shit
>If you don't hate brown people,
>You must worship the state like a God
Sorry, what?
Civic nationalists are idiots that dont understand they are being globalist.
Jewish schemes
>it's totally cool to replace the people of my nations with foreigners so long as they don't commit jihad!
Also, because foreigners don't integrate anyway. Look at various ethnic groups that have not integrated despite living alongside host nations for hundreds of years. Blacks, jews, turks, mestizos, whatever. They do not integrate. Not that it matters if they do. I want my nation for my people.
Civic nationalism is saying the pledge of allegiance tier stuff. Really its what has been basic Americanism for almost the past 70 years. Within the context of American history it makes sense, none of the people pushing for an ethnic nationalist state ever do shit or accomplish anything because they are these big clownish parades. Without the normies its just a freak show featuring them.
Civilisational collapse and self-genocide.
I think you're going to see the USA splitting around the 2030s, of course over the long run whatever entities end up forming will try to again control most of the North American landmass but that's far in the future.
The way it's going in Europe atm... either sanity will return soon and the muzzies brought in since the 1960s deported or our cities will look like Aleppo in a decade or two when things really kick off.
I don't hate brown people. I just side with my people, not with some bureacracy.
>what is phoneposting
Stop being autistic and a faggot, jew.
nothing. the problem is stupid people not civic nationalism. if there were a hapa country it would be just as wealthy as white or asian countries.
wrong! because the races are not created equally friend
I think you need to read up on history a little more closely my emu friend
nice flag you subhuman vermin
really makes me think
detroit was built on the car, and white people
America was by far the most powerful country after WW2 with Europe, Russia, China and Japan being in ruins.
In what regard? That WWII gave America a massive advantage economically, or that Detroit's automotive industry boomed specifically thanks to no one else being able to supply cars at that capacity?
>America was by far the most powerful country after WW2 with Europe, Russia, China and Japan being in ruins.
Yes, that's why they had an advantage, that should've been:
>that they got thanks to WWII
Then why say america lost her lead? Yeah WW2 pulled us out of the gutter after the dustbowl and great depression, and though it had created a lot of great institutions such as national parks and the CCC, it also birthed a slew of totally superfluous alphabet soup agencies that have outstayed their welcome, and set a precedent of left leaning policies and ideology that has become a cancer in americas bosom, however necessary it was at first.
No, I mean they lost their (overwhelming) lead that they got from WWII over the years/decades, though the blacks were certainly a problem.
>What's wrong with civic nationalism?
mu hwait rayce!
Agreed, we slipped.
Why does the girl on the right have headphones plugging into the radio? Does she hate that other little girl so much that she doesn't want to let her hear the radio too?
>German National Socialist controlled areas
>Jews Expelled
pic related
It's not a coherent ideology. Sure you want whats best for the country but that's what everybody wants, we just have differing opinions on what's best for the country so it doesn't make any sense to base a party on this. You could say that civic nationalism is simply the opposition to the sort of people that think shouldn't be borders or countries, that we should just be Earthlings. That's fine but is that it?
If "civic nationalism" encompasses diametrically opposed positions or principles (such as more government control vs less government control) then the term is meaningless as a political descriptor.
Demographic is destiny
its the future. Stormfaggots hate it because they think being white is special but in reality diversity is our strength
looks great. People of all races, genders, sexual orientations and religions togther.
Fo you feel.wgite people own england? Being english is a nationality not a race
does anyone have that webm/gif of the white guy and a black guy riding a dual bike, but the bike falls apart because of the black guy?
Nothing, provided that there is no democratic process and the ruler retains absolute authority.
Give me imperium and I'll sort this fucking country out.
Nothing. We are going to merge into one race. It's inevitable. A beige horizon is inevitable.
It's fine as long as there is no democracy.
This "by 2050" line has been around for ages. They'll still be saying it in 2051
>by 2050
I remember when it was "by the year 2000"
intrinsic cultural values are incompatible and the margin of error for "le based non-white!" is so statistically insignificant that you can't build a case on it
i don't even hate other races but i think it would be best if people physically kept to themselves and the only thing being "globalized" was ideas, inventions and advancements in science and medicine etc. etc.
at heart im a white separatist. I don't get into any race being superior or inferior or anything like that because i think everyone brings their own kind of "value" to the table. The difference between "separatism" and "supremacy" is too fine for me to share these kind of values publicly
Its 2040 now.
Boomers are 85% white and nake up the bulk of the whote population on America.
Pic related, most white women are post menopause. If you cou t active wombs minorities have more raw.fertility.
thats ridiculous. Americaa built a culture based on consumerism not race which is why American culture will bw tue basis for world culture.
Pic related, we will be a brown nation regardless
>Sees the image posted
>Sees the word Dat
>Still too autistic to pick up the dripping sarcasm.
I consider myself civically minded and the problem it seems to me is other races don't really understand civics which is also a, way it could be used to naturally evict them from a nation
92% of all US population growth are minorities
Anyone born inside america is a us citizen. Its one of our proudest traditions
White genocide is a racost myth. Pic related white people are free to reproduce
>oh nos, mu hwat rayce!
Do you need a hug sweetheart?
America was founded on civic nationalism. All racists and neo nazi cumskins should fuck off back to Cuckrope, where they can jerk off about their pasty white skin. Interracialism and the ability to perfectly integrate even the most "alien" foreigners are our greatest strenghts.
civic nationalism is just a jew trick to keep themselves in power while the culture shifts.
nope, I am a civic nationalist and in fact am a white man with a black wife. I welcome a diverse america.
everything is a jewish trick, even tat is a jewish trick.