why is trump such a neocon piece of shit now that he's the president?
Why is trump such a neocon piece of shit now that he's the president?
clean your disgusting mouth you faggot
>first butthurt trumpcuck of the day
He seems to be knocking out all his campaign promises.
He seems to be making some people mad however by putting Putin and Assad in their place.
all he's doing is risking a massive war for nothing (except israel of course)
Stop being a little bitch why you so scared? Russian won't do shit because they can't.
God your Brits are such fucking pussies first sign of trouble and you drop all your gear and run back across the english channel.
huh i'd rather not die for israel
It's alright. Keep fighting for the only two parties that really control your government.
t. chickenshits too scared to fight
pressure from the deep state
Because they will kill him and his family if he doesn't fall in line.
This is exactly why not supporting Trump is so easy and funny. I'm sure you've never ran a day in your life except when they forced your fatass to in gym class.
Too bad he can't round them up when they visit the whitehouse and coup the federal reserve and have the state own it
Where did these meme disinfos come from? If the Fed isn't a state entitity why does it put its profits into the US treasury?
>He types as he scarfs down another handful of doritos.
Fight who exactly? The thousands of niggers rampaging and raping through my cities. Oh wait there aren't any here. :^) but there is in your country and you're doing fuck all about it.
>Hurr durr gots my ar-15 so I can safely suck Jamals cock while my country is being sold to saudi arabia.
Good luck with that. I'm fine where I am. In my white country not dying for hook nosed bankers
Hahah yeah because Wolf Blitzer is scary shit.
Also about 1/3rd of that list aren't even Jewish.
Almost like he always was a necon and just bullshitted and lied to all his voters.
But you are the niggers of white people. Would rather be around Jamal and his dank weed than a bunch of alcoholics whose culture goes as far as beer
>please help me try to flip the narrative!
when does putin meet trump, will they make some agreement about nuclear disarmament?
He was a democrat all his life and a salesman on shoddy products.
You bought it, you got it.
Because he's dumb
>absolve all responsibilities to the (establishment), then wonder why your losing your bases' support
He might still have stupid hicks and racist Mexicans voting for him 2020, but from the looks of it he doesn't actually want to be president, he's just another rich kid with a big mouth but nothing to show for it
Inb4 ctr
>millions from daddy
>buy your way into college
>"I know the best words"
Shame I wasted my vote on him, never again
desu i'd probably go there to fight against you
Because every President is the same and people freaking out over who wins or who's in office right now are retarded.
Twitler is the only difference in Trump and that's mostly just a coincidence of the time.
Love Nigel, but he needs to get his ass to the orthodontist.
>i'm not reddit trust me
So Trump is my boy. We agree domestically on a number of issues though certainly not all or even a majority. He was a supreme choice next to Hillary and The Borg. I voted for the dude. I love seeing liberal/lefties eating themselves. However, his foreign policy is non existent in terms of anything new. He is appearing to be somewhere between the Cheney/BHO vein. No ability to just drop the Syria intervention.Considering the present president's obvious shortcomings in experience in running a large organization and his tendency to want to play his subordinates off against each other, it is understandable that a lot of the best and most experienced people do not want to work for him. As a result he is being advised by staffers who somehow appealed to Michael Flynn in his function as chief targeteer for JSOC and whom McMaster has not removed or perhaps not been able to remove.
>Oy vey! These goyim aren't willing to lay down their lives for a foreign nation that owes them nothing!
>Thinks German user is a MAGA Trump supporter
Libs are so fucking stupid.
coming soon to a border near you
Fuck you liberal shill
See, Trump is a busy man, just busiest.
So he mixed up the ACA removal with the wall.
Because Jews run our government.
Being so retarded you believe people don't flip flop
>I was a "conservative" before all this shitstorm in DC, im severely disappointed
>Goldman Sachs running the economy-6 months later no tax reform, keep believing (them) and watch Hannity like a good goy
I bet you wouldn't even wear maga gear, unless you live in meth addict, Tennessee
Maybe you'll kill us with your ugly looks.
No niggers in Ireland? I'm afraid I've got some bad news Paddy.
>now that he's in office
This was the plan all along. He's an extremely perceptive man, and he sensed there were nationalist sentiments in the country he could play up to get elected. Those nationalist sentiments were never anything more than a tool to him.
Trump could shit in your mouth & you'd call anyone who pointed it out a liberal shill, sucker.
>flip flop
>being so weak willed that you flip flop
Yea complain about the economy that has been going to the moon since the election. Good place to start
Because as he said in that infamous interview:
>running as a Republican is easier, because the Republican voters are retarded
They fell for a meme-wall slogan.
Noone argues that Hillary was just as bad (or even worse), but that doesnt mean that Trump played you all like fools.
You have no idea what a neoconservative is, do you?
Because jews control him
Because as he said in that infamous interview:
>running as a Republican is easier, because the Republican voters are retarded
here's a (you) shill, now fuck off
That's fake and you know it, hippie.
Oh sorry didn't know you were a rich banker or wealthy trust fund baby like trump himself
Even Breitbart is calling him out for the lies, you really think Trump is the same person as in the campaign trail, he's the type of guy to ask for a pledge of allegiance, to him not the country
And three trillion in the stock market can go away any day now, money isn't static or whatever you were taught about economics....don't embarrass yourself by being tribal and dogmatic, that's what I criticized liberals for until I realized I voted for the same difference.
Because America and UK are Zionist shitholes, that's why.
>i used to be like that but then i realized etc etf
straight out of the shill playbook faggot.
>the only people that benefit from a bull economy are the elites
are you retarded?
>other shill signs
you just keep alluding vaguely to trump lying or being a "neocon" without any examples
Probably because he realized what was at stake. The U.S. economy and power isn't some shit you can just play around with. Not saying I think U.S. foreign policy is morally acceptable or anything, but it's not like the U.S. has much choice but to try to control the Middle East if it wants to retain its status in the coming decades.
What are you talking about. Our current policy ia doing the exact opposite of that. The Iraqi PMU's that control the border crossings (Al Waliid, etc) have aligned with Syrian Govt SW of Mosul. They are literally leaving us -"our guys"- for he syrian Govt bc of our policy in the region. If he wanted to ensure stability or a future hegemon he would not be acting as he is now. We are currently losing the acquiescence of the Iraqi govt against syrian govt as we speak bc of these policies.
Mattis and McMaster need to get a grip on what is really at stake in Syria and Iraq and start firing these bozos at NSC Staff positions who are moving forces around as if they are chess pieces.
i have 2 theories, 1st one is, when a person becomes president, he get brainwashed the next day in one of the "briefings", so the guy u knew in election is totally gone or the 2nd one, he gets briefed saying do this or else, so he is just a puppet either way
because your analysis is incompetent.
Not everyone with dissenting g opinions is a shill
>newfag is obvious, your so edgy too bro, tip your fedora
And I'm not dumb to think passion plans and the like aren't linked to the stock market, it's obvious that Main Street is suffering, Wall Street-military contractors (trumps buddies) are having a hell of a time atm
>no wall, wtf that's what I voted for
>no successful Muslim ban
>failed repeal of ACA is proof of Republicans working for their donors
>Hillary not in prison
>sessions is retarded and willing to go into a second war on drugs, but trump doesn't care, and that's the problem
>his shill for Saudi Arabia, the kingpin of Wahhabism
>no term limits law passed, as if young trump voters don't want fresh faces
Maybe I'm dropping to many truth bombs, the list goes on, these are the few I resonate with
>>newfag is obvious, your so edgy too bro, tip your fedora
>strong opinions must mean youre an edgy newfag
t. Otto Warmbier
The average American.
Please you dumb cunt, I've been here since pedobear days, you've probably been here for 1/2 years collecting trump memes and thinking you are part of some new generation of freedom fighters
Go buy more super male vitality, you obviously need it
Always was.
He's a 80s boomer who just happened to have sniffed 1 too many lines of coke in his day and can't help but lash out at his naysayers.
Sup Forums projected this as some kind of radicalisation, when the only thing that's radicalising is the overtone window to the Left.
Best I can say about Trump is when the real Fuhrer shows up, the Media will have already burned out their buzzwords.
I don't care, the longer he is in office the more retarded the left becomes and that makes me happy.
Hol up. Did people unironically think he would be different than every other rich guy?
Wait... you believe the federal reserve is a state entity?
I mean disinformation? Fucks sake man have you read a thing on the organization? (Aside from the puff piece that apparently convinced you they deposit "profits" from extorting access to the currency into the national treasury."
Read! Everyone I meet with an opinion I wind up wanting to shake by the shoulders and scream "read more you daft cunt!"
>I don't care
>I'm happy because 70 percent of the country isn't
I really wish Reddit would leave
>70 percent of the country
more like less than 40%
he was a piece of shit before he was president too
Look up the "fake polls"
>65% un-approval
Over half of the country doesn't care because their TV and internet are still running and the burgers are still cooking. the rest are split between larping Nazis and larping commies. Trump is making the larping commies cry and that makes me laugh.
This board is full of Americaboos, self-loathing faggots who hate their own country and wish they were the backwards redneck shitpile that is the US of A, because they suffer cognitive dissonance.
Look at the polls
The forgotten man is forgotten again, just useful idiots
This is the real reason that "Muh russia" is being pushed so hard. Sure, the useful idiot liberals are getting worked up about it because it was her term. But the establishment types are running with it because it puts Trump in a corner where he has to do exactly what they want concerning foreign policy, or he "proves" that the accusations are true.
Meanwhile, working the other end, Republicans remain his staunch allies in the investigation. The go on the news shows and talk about how pleasantly surprised they are that Trump has "Put aside campaign rhetoric and has started listening to the experts." They'll never actually destroy the Russia argument. They'd never actually point out Mueler's conflicts of interest, for example. If they did that, Trump is back off the leash.
So long as the """Investigation""" is on going, the Hawks get what they want.
because Men in blacks suits control the White House
kill yourself, krautshit subhuman.
>anyone who dislikes Trump must be a liberal or a shill!
desperately trying to not get impeached by playing the good goy
because he delegated all the power to the generals, and they are all neocons.
also this
>why is trump such a neocon piece of shit now that he's the president?
And here is why all of this "muh Russia" is dangerous as fuck. There is a pervasive assumption among many people (libs/neocons/establishment) is the notion that Russia is a "paper tiger" and inevitably an enemy. Some of you will have watched the four part Oliver Stone interview with Vladimir Putin. IMO Putin is not a "paper tiger." The belief that Putin is afraid of the United States and will back away from us to avoid a fight is, I think, badly flawed. There is a pernicious fever of Russophobia that is now wide spread among active and retired officers of the US armed forces. Many officers, however intelligent and well educated are extremely rigid in their thinking. This is a professional defect that was rewarded in the long process of competitive service leading to promotion. It was thought to indicate reliability and firmness of character.
The Army's Russian studies graduate school at Germisch, Germany has, IMO, contributed to this Russophobia by inculcating an attitude of implacable hostility toward the USSR and now Russia. The officer graduates of that institution have imparted this attitude to many others in the US Army. Retired US Army officers are now heard on Foxnews saying that the Russians must be "pushed into submission." This is crazy. Russia is not a minor power. They spend a tenth of what we do on military forces but their missile silos and submarines are full of weapons.
>stupid enough to think daddy is a neocon
who is keeping us out of ww3 at the moment? trump
Why do you Irish fucks keep coming to the US if you obviously have so much contempt for us?
Tfw my fellow citizens have the foreign policy mindset of monkeys
Cuck's gonna cuck. What else in new
It's a complete mystery.
>why is trump such piece of shit?
he always was