Every day we stray a little further from god........
Every day we stray a little further from god
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What in the fuck is wrong with these people. Their games have to be gay, TV has to be gay, movies have to be gay, music has to be gay, their goddamned cake has to be gay.
Where they put their genitals is the only identity they have, it's sad.
>LGBT walking simulator
Vidya is dead mate, stop playing games
This is good, now I can avoid peddlers of degeneracy. We should segregate them even more.
Fucking mental gymnastics.
>Women can use the brothel so that means they are automatically dykes.
This guy is right. Movies and games are only made for dindus and leftist now. Time to reclaim whats ours while they are distracted.
>state of de gay
Because being gay is their whole identity, so all society suffers their snowflake bullshit.
How exactly is this a curator page? Literally the only thing he reviews is if there are mentally ill people in certain games. Nothin about the game itself.
this is unironically the best game i have played in 10 years.
To be honest is a good way to avoid games with anything homosexual on it by checking those fags.
it's listed as a curator page by steam. So im just going by steams official terms Quote on quote ((((Curator))))
>Le bookmarked le reddit XD
>skyrim cheats and co
Don't buy them.
Don't watch videos about them.
Don't post or discuss the (((controversy))) about their views.
Whining about it only gives them attention and purchases from their already small fanbase. I don't intend to buy the new Beyond Good and Evil, Call of Duty, or anything that is focusing their game around inclusivity and/or multiculturalism over gameplay and their dedicated fanbase.
Well I'm not buying any of these games
That's actually kinda useful, now I know what not to play
>If you attack your enemies they win
I played that game recently I dont remember any gays in it.
Oh look it's the one retard on this side who actually think snarky comments constitute an attack
You are NOT attacking them you're simply giving them controversy they can use to buy goodwill from their followers.
yellowstone can't blow soon enough
God is with us. The jew shall not win.
SoD is actually an okay game.
Granted, there is liberal stupidity in it sometimes, but you can just kill off those you don't like.
I don't remember any faggotry in it, but the MC is a hippie nog. Very whitewashed.
Most of those games barely feature it at all, if at all. For those not familiar with Steam, a user can set themselves up as a "curator" and people can follow their reviews if they like. This "LGBT+ Games" thing has nothing to do with Valve or the games listed.
Also adding, it only has 244 followers, which is tiny as hell, OP had to specifically dig for it because he was bored and wanted to make a Sup Forums thread. Here's totalbitchtits for comparison. I only follow him because he's an autist about PC ports so I'll know if they're shit, otherwise his video game opinions are shit.
Reminds me of gems like this
It'd be great if you could say they are basically making a list of games you should avoid, but they'll list pretty much every moderately known game, even though there's barely any indication of their crap in the game. Borderlands 1&2 for example are irrelevant as fuck to these fucks, fucking Moxxi fucks everything that moves and in the 2nd one, it's not even implied in the game, it was just a character story mentioned my the writers in interviews. The PreSequel forces this shit on you, others hardly do, but it's pretty likely Gearbox will fuck up BL3 even more
If we can't block those tags I wonder if we could get an "SJW" or "Leftist Propaganda" tag added.
>The PreSequel forces this shit on you, others hardly do, but it's pretty likely Gearbox will fuck up BL3 even more
I'm wondering about this. Wasn't Anthony Burch (ALINAB) and his pozzed sis the source of all the cuckery? He doesn't work for Gearbox anymore. I avoided the Prequel because the line had been crossed just like for DA: Cisquisition.
That's something I could get behind. At this point I'd rather watch it burn than sink into such a depressing state anymore.
Comparing it to TB is hardly appropriate too, though, since he has the most followers, with the second one having half the numbers he has. A decent average will be maybe 50k, like Brote
I wouldn't know the details, but I played the game a ton and it really is forced on you throughout the game. A man/woman marriage is mostly either made that the man is crazy and in general, they push all that SJW crap on you. I loved the game and all due to Wilhelm, but you notice it within the first 30min of the game and it goes throughout the whole game. It's very unlikely they'll have any less "diversity" in the third game, which is kinda a shame since the games were fun so far
Sup Forums is leaking again :(
I miss Bro Team golden times when he ranted against muslims.
Well if you talk about this there you'll get banned
>what is Metro Exodus
Slav games best games.
Now I won't accidentally buy them.
>state of decay
You don't say.
Gaben... really...?
Good. This way it's easier to ignore shit games. I hope more publishers start pushing for this desu.
>god doesn't love everyone
because there are gays everywhere. They deserve to be represented like other people. Gay people being in a show doesn't gayify other non-gay people. Gay people exist.
Gay people exist.
Gay people are people.
Jacob was a fucking retard.
My group had like 14 people in it and this motherfucker says 'We need to find a new place, I know one!"
And then he takes us to a fucking house that will hold 8 because he liked the fucking treehouse.
>gay people are people
Got a present for all of them!
I wish we could go back to the days where LGBTDSAFDIOSD wasn't pushed so damn much in games.
I genuinely don't remember the homosex in Divinity.
>Just got done E3
>Everyone is pissed because diversity being forced into thier games
>Literally all games were just WE WUZ
>Express thier dissatisfaction
>Steam company thinks:Hmm how can we capitalize on this?? I KNOW LETS GIVE THEM LGBT GAMES!!! SURELY THEY WILL COME WITH THIER MONEY!!!
Honestly who's running steam now? A WE WUZ or a liberal?
>implying in the darkest dungeon the woman don't go to the brothel to sell themselves
We need another Omar.... the hero we needed not the hero we deserved.
RIP in Peace.
post number 130652025
fuck you. Gone Homo is absolute shit.
Not even giving you the (you)
What is this world coming too
>not transgender wifes transgender boyfriend
Holy shit the mental gymnastics for darkest dungeon
Imagine having such a shitty life that the games you play are based on whether they have LGBT characters and themes in them or not
Nice list of developers to avoid. Noted.
>Every day we stray a little further from god........
Wtf I hate TES games now. I thought adding a lesbian temple was just hot but these things see it as rights. Welp, time to install Nazi mods and purge.
That would explain much of this bullshit unfortunately.
WTF are you talking about moron? Steam isn't creator of this groups, literally anybody can become curator on steam.
>lgbt+ games
>State of Decay
sounds about right
>degeneracy isn't a big deal goy
>just turn off your brain and enjoy some vidyagoyms
>because there are gays everywhere
No there aren't
>Gay people are people.
So are schizophrenics and downies. We don't carve out a huge hole in society for them.
State of Decay just has a *spoilers* character that is gay and in love with one of the red neck brothers. The quest is help save the cop guy, cop guy wants red neck to come back to your base, red neck refuses because "muh family", then he ends up getting bit once you help create the distraction for him to get home.
Then thats about as gay as it gets.
>fucking faggots get out of my vidya go make your own games if you want fag representation so much
Sup Forums is the world's most hilarious hypocrite because it thinks its smarter than the rest of them.
>that Darkest Dungeon description
JUST. Can't paly it anymore
>but I say that god says X!
>implying I'm not tipping my fedora right now
Gay people are a tiny fraction of the population, having a quota of one per group in every movie and tv show makes them appear way more often than they would in reality.
This explanation makes no sense. Proofread, leaf
not on Sup Forums theres fuckin faggots everywhere
>because there are gays everywhere. They deserve to be represented like other people. Gay people being in a show doesn't gayify other non-gay people. Gay people exist.
Then why don't we have special heterosexual music, cake, etc.? Oh yeah,
They could be any one of us. They could be you. They could be me. They could even be-
>love has been the centre of nearly every masterpiece made, and nearly every work of fiction fullstop
>retards are still incapable of understanding that sexuality is of course contextually relevant to matters of the heart
When will an elite society emerge, that puts all christians jews and muslims in a pit, and let them fight eachother for entertainment.
Some minor characters you can choose to join your party say very vague one liners sometimes that can suggest that they swing the other way.And there was this one mountain guy who was in love with a male orc, in the end I made the girl orc leader lynch them kek.
>tfw I killed all trolls so the girl never got to go to that one for a quest
>tfw I killed the orc that the guard was in love with
greenskins are shit
Divinity 2 hype
>night in the woods.
ok b-but gregg rulz ok?
mean cultists and mushroom mans in wilderness are gays because they look similiar?
or maybe ancestor or heart of darkness was gay ?
Don't play games.
Don't watch tv.
Starve them forever!
And ever!
How fucking dare you post this.
Triggered me so hard bro...
The correct. You can't reverse degeneracy, you need to take lateral action.
Jacob Ritter and Eli Wilkerson are boyfriends.
During the game you are given a quest from Lily Ritter, Jacobs sister, to help find Jacob in the nearby farm houses. When you find Jacob he is with Eli Wilkerson fucking in the barn or just standing there talking dont remember.
Jacob asks Eli to come back with him to your base. Eli declines because his family still needs his help. You are then tasked to create a distraction for Eli from the approaching hordes of zombies, so that Eli can get home to his family. Once it's done, you go back to the Wilkerson farmhouse during a late game quest to find out that Eli was bit during that previous quest.
Also both families dont approve of them, thats why they met up in the farmhouse.
just to remind everyone how small of a faction of people this is....out of a community that is massive as steam....244 people...they want you to think a huge portion of people exist but its a tiny fraction...yet our culture war and laws seem to revolve around them like an orbiting beta on a blonde youtube e-celebrity.
When atheism uncucks itself. Don't hold your breath.
Steam has been garbage for awhile. It's flooded with half-asses indie games, homo shit and anime faggotry.
>1 or 2 gay characters in videogames filled with straights
>a few games made by gay folk focusing on the gay aspect of it to fill a market niche not being exploited
>'holy shit the fags are everwhere'
Tell me more about dating sims, straight white dude protagonists, and people making media to suit their own interests, you manchild.
Oh, I see
I'm glad one of the fags died
>implying sodomy and hedonism have anything to do with "love"
>implying love isn't an instinct designed to retain cohesion between tribal members and keep monogamous mating partners together to raise children properly
I bet you have Starfox porn on your hard drive with a KANGaroo OC.
I must commend you on your choice of image
Steam isn't garbage, gamedevs are garbage. Vanquish just hit Steam, and is about as far away from faggy as it gets (to a comical extent).
i remember killing that character then recruiting a farmer/medic named jesus
>10 minute walking simulator
>best game ever
>5,000 years of writings on the concept of love and still humanity is no closer to plumbing its depths
>user thinks he can nail it in three lines on a haitian dirt cookie mailing list
No porn, just smug.
Alternate title: Tales of Faggotia
Until Valve stops allowing a bunch of garbage on it, it's pretty much garbage.
>discriminate and isolate minorities like gays and black people
>wonder why they develop subcultures
>soap and lampshard
That doesn't make much sense. fwiw, I'm in favor of less trash on Steam, and so is Valve from what we've seen recently.