You have no right to complain. This goes for France and Spain too
You have no right to complain. This goes for France and Spain too
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Exactly, we know how bad it is.
So every country in the world apart from 4 has been invaded by Britain and America?
Which 4 was it?
>You have no right to complain.
Yeah actually we do and we're going to keep complaining until you fuck off out of our countries.
>sits on half the world's minerals and only come up with the wheel in the 1800s
>expects not to be invaded
Immigration is revenge? Ok
I wish.
We have ! You flagless person
America, Ireland, England, Wales.
Pretty sure Ireland was invaded by the English. So was America for that matter...
Your premise is bullshit. "Invasion" constitutes locals begging us to give them more of our cool shit.
Well, Ireland's as much of a country as Belgium is.
Same for US during said invasion, too.
>Telling the Eternal Anglo what rights he can has
There are only 11 countries not invaded by Britain
>this stupid facebook meme totally justifies my hatred for white people
Oh so it is an invasion then
Good to know
>implying that hardly any white americans today are actually descendants of who founded the country.
>Not knowing most are Germans/Irish from the original mass immigration of the US
Sweden should actually be blue using the definition of 'invade' that study did like 10 other countries on there. It has had British soldiers there before.
Liechtenstein and Andorra were never invaded by Britain or the USA.
We never posed an existential threat to them.
They pose an existential threat to us.
There are 1.2 billion Indians and 60 million Brits, we can't take them all.
We have them infrastructure and showed them civilisation, they destroy our civilisation and offer nothing in return.
We have up our claims and left them to their own devices, when will they fuck off?
>We never posed an existential threat to them.
Great bait.
>They Invade 98% of the worlds countries
None of them were real countries.
They were baron wastelands full of savages.
If you hold on to the past It will eat you up have you not learned anything the past is something we forget so the future can live.
you can laugh all you want we all live on the same planet the same prison the same bars do you understand now?
Right of conquest.
That's why we're complaining - they didn't even conquer us!
Didnt know that americans had mass immigrations to niger where they started slicing peples throats on the streets and running them over with vans while demanding that their country bends over
The inferior racial elements in Indian people will always cause them to hate the Aryan man. Four thousand years ago, aryan invaders completely destroyed the Dravidian civilization of the Indian subcontinent, raping their thots, and slaying the beta cuckbois. Dravidian pure bloods subsequently became "untouchables." Aryan man founded Hindu civilization, and his epigones can still be found in light-skinned northern Indians. Dark Dravidian Indians have never forgiven Aryan man for cucking them on a massive scale.
Fuck off, your shit tier dirt nigger patch wouldn't even have water, electricity, or government if it weren't for whites. Then you push us out and you fuck everything up.
Pic related, your air force
>We were going to kill all INdians.
Also from your post it sounds like you agree with the statement that they pose an existential threat to us?
Oh fuck off. Maybe people wouldn't mind non white immigration so much if you didn't spend 90% of your time collecting welfare and then bitching about the people who pay it to you. Rewriting other people's history when you've barely read a book doesn't help your cause either.
>Indian immigrants are going to kill all Englishmen
Sure thing.
Secondly, they could at least try to fight back, we have to welcome our own obliteration with homemade signs proclaiming our love for the invaders.
Cry baby. That's all you do is cry about it on your computer.
>What is Manifest Destiny
>What is the Anglo addiction for tea and spices
>What are rifles
>What are sailing ships
>What are professional soldiers
>What is Nationalism
They had their chance to fight and they lost. Tough luck. Looks like Whites really are the most powerful race.
Feels good knowing Brits will continue to get bombed, senpai.
why everyone forgots about portugal? was the last colonial empire to disapear
I didn't know that either. Those nigers probably deserved it tho
Indian, polish, Romanian, Pakistani, afgans, Iraqi, Somalian, Eritrean and countless others outbreeding us. Of course these niggers don't have the balls to do it face to face but they brag about higher birthrate at least the Brits had the ball to shoot these fucking shitheads.
stay mad fagot
You cited Indians specifically in your original post.
I can't imagine any Indian immigrants "bragging" about higher birthrates.
They're generally a friendly and peaceful race of people.
If you had said Somalians or Paki's then I would agree with you.
You lost Risk shitskins that's how it works. If you wanted to live on that land you should have developed better technology faster and been better warriors.
Immigration is the pussy way to invade a country.
But niggers keep reminding us that they wuz kangz. So they had empires too. It's just that their empires were inferior to ours.
What countries haha? There was nothing in Africa or America before Europeans, no agriculture no countries nothing!!!
Nigga all the countries in Africa were pretty much created by Western European haha like wtf?
When tf did Britain invade Poland lol?
Any and all colonialist countries
The worst is probably England that still loves the old cunt of a queen and her tyrannical family.
The old cunt currently controls all the land and is above the law cause she is inbred german trash.
And they say Germany lost the war HAHAHAH
It took over your crown and your lives you stupid assholes.
You glorify a legacy that brought misery around the globe and for what? To enrich her ass and her bloodline.
The USA may have gained Independence but their maniac government is no better than the queen as it runs a tyrannical system that sets up puppet masters around the world for
Total hypocritical fucking bullshit
And when these patriotic people come home from bombing countries into democracy, your government treats the vets like total fucking trash. More american soldiers commit suicide than are killed in wars of tyranny
I wonder why
Alright, when did the brits invade us?
Only time I can think of when they attacked us is during the raid on Kirkenes and Petsamo
>Immigration is the pussy way to invade a country.
Seemed to work for Americans when they took large parts of Mexico
You could put France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, China, Japan in our place and it'd be the same. False equivalency.
I do enjoy the comparison though, thanks for the boost.
Some one had to
the english are convinced that they were invited to the party but they were really just the worker bees
So you're saying immigration is actually an invasion. Cool not like I didn't know but hopefully you will wake the normies up.
We kicked their Mexican asses for it so you better watch yourself Canada
"two candidates would be (a) in the northern wars which were a spin off from the 30 Years' War between 1648 and 1660 and (b) in the turbulent period in the lands ceded by Russia at Brest Litowsk after the German defeat in 1918. British forces certainly landed at Murmansk, and possibly also at Vladivostok. It would make sense for some to be landed at Danzig as a very convenient place to assist the war effort"
Read the link
Its our burden, we pretty much have to invade to keep your subhuman primitive populations down.
>Romans can't complain about Goths
>being murdered by immigrants was wrong the first time
>therefore its okay to let people who oppose the murder of immigrants get murdered by immigrants
I almost guarantee the author of that image is some self-hating hipster. Did people from the middle east and africa never conquer/kill/invade once throughout history?
Yeah because there wasn't a war. Something like a Mexican-American war. That actually never happened. Fucking stupid leaf.
I kind of want to get a gun and a flag and wander in to each of them firing in the air just so they can all be ticked off.
We should have just let you die of disease, nigger.
>It was wrong to invade other countries as it was to their detriment
>Therefore we should let other nationalities invade us.
It was an example harpreet, Bangladesh, Pakistan and India all have populations at least twice that of Britain, but we have to keep importing them because their own societies are too feckless to take care of them, despite what we tried to teach them when we were in charge.
The countries they colonized never seen such prosperity and quality of life as when they were under western rule.
Look at them now after the west left.
I swear when are they just going to nuke these 3rd world hell holes into the pages of history. We would all be so much better off without you fucking scum dirtying up our earth. Your time is over, you had thousands of years to do something of value and we see nothing. Time to end this shit once and for all.
italians should kill french and spanish people because they ruled the southern regions in the past
They are right you know. Its dumb to complain, let's finally exterminate instead.
That doesn't stop you retarded nigger from coming to my country or Sweden. It's a lame excuse for hopping on gibsmedat from naive people.
I agree, but it was poor to use Indians as an example as they generally assimilate well and adapt to the British way of life.
You would've been better to use an Islamic immigrant example.
You guys were the only ones who handled the african colonization with any sense. Whent the UK and France opened their doors to the former colonies your doors remained shut. Italy has always been a based country. Stay strong guys im cheering for you.
Bin that st george flag m8
lel get fucked you dumb meme nigger we
will complain if I want to.
That's what they want, the leaders anyway.
>low birth rates
>get new breeding slaves
They don't care about them being a liability, they want their children.
Open Borders while the world breeds behind closed ones is genocide.
The Rwandans cut people up with machetes yet complain when people cut them up with machetes, hypocrites.
Use your real flag, faggot.
You wouldn't even know about them if they didn't go out and find them.
When will Africa have a space program? lol lol whahahahaha lmao
Your trying to tell me how well Indians assimilate into British society? Are you a Brit on holiday?
I used INdians because there a more that a billion of the bloody insects but they have to flood our country a bring their retarded relatives, if your a shitskin you will never assimilate into a white culture, it is impossible.
South America didn't get invaded by either.
China, Russia, Poland,Greece, Egypt i could keep going. Just more leftist propaganda trying to provoke chimp out.
You can go make africa great for the first time.....
We will even let you ride up front in the white mans plane.
Fuck you nigger, and your black power bullshit. If it wasn't for us you would be getting mauled to death by a lion or already dead from your own people. So, I think a little gratitude is in order.
You forgot the part where we gave it all back bloodlessly after building civilization, which you did not produce yourselves, for you, everywhere.
You say that like it's a bad thing
wait do you agree we are invaded?
We only have to deal with immigration if we leave the initial genocide of the invasion incomplete.
Food for thought.
Oh no despite the pirate flag I'm very proud.
Not going to lie, I based my assumption on observations of Indian immigrants I've made here rather than in the UK.
We never need any right in first place.
It's you slaves sons who wants white people to sign up papers that defend you.
We do what we want when we want, how we want.If you don't like it stand up and give us an excuse to make things happen faster.
>immigration and invasion are the same thing
so I take it you must be pro-war?
We apologise over colonialism.
Give back full control.
You run away from your own countries to white run countries "for a better life".
Get fucked sambo
I can't wait for the race wars. It's going to be fun slaughtering kykes and shitskins
Then give us back the civilisation we gave you
When White people go quiet and stop complaining...
...that's when you niggers better start worrying.
The war happened after there were already large amounts of Americans living in those territories. You're going with the might makes right argument, you're saying it's okay if the Mexicans wait until California and Texas are 80-90% Latino and then start a violent conflict to kill the remaining whites? Or if the blacks in Detroit and Chicago do it now?
The simple fact is that I don't want too many foreigners in my country's gene pool. Simple. They (poos) might well be the one of the least awful of the immigrant groups, but I just don't want any more, if fact I want a bunch to go back. Also I'd they assimilate so well how come the Brits didn't assimilate into INdian culture?
This map is so wrong. Terrorists go way WAY behind that line. Have you heard about boko haram?
The best thing I have read in a while
>Admitted that america is being invaded right now by his own argument
>Those who are being invaded fought back based on his own analogy
>Still argues that muricca shouldn't fight back