Why the fuck are liberals so damn smug and self satisfied Sup Forums?
Why the fuck are liberals so damn smug and self satisfied Sup Forums?
>given everything in the world
>usually first world country living
>blame all problems on poor white people
It's always been pretty amusing to me that the people who have it easiest always blame rednecks and southerners for their problems.
We are just looking out for ourselves same as they did.
because they're smarter than you.
Because the mainstream media is on their side along with hollywood.
lel, that attitude got a moron like Trump elected. Keep doubling down though, I want the Dems GONE
It's what marching ahead towards extinction looks like.
In some respects maybe in some fields there is a circlejerk for risk of being shunned but im yet to see a liberal know how to change the fucking water pump on their car or how to build fucking anything that requires the most basic of physical aptitude.
NPR tells them they are smarter. Then tells them a story about a young boy overcoming adversity in the Brazilian jungle so he can one day be an astronaut. (Update, the young boy joined a military coup and was shot the following week)
>Because the mainstream media is on their side along with hollywood.
>mainstream media
Jews you mean.
Because they can get articles published like this that completely missdirect your attention away from real problems and coming genocide.
geology confirmed most redpilled
smug shaming is the number one tactic of your common alinsky shill
You know when you get an "R U KEEDING MEE!!! HOW COULD U POSSIBLEE BELEEVE THAT!!!!" response, that you are onto something that hurts them.
After 8 grueling years running the country, he has every right to be.
Education =/= intelligence
No niggers = high IQ
have you ever seen tucker carlson do anything without being a smug bastard?
What kind of name is Tucker? That sounds like someone who tucks his dick between his legs on a regular basis to pretend he's a woman
But California is our liberal paradise! I don't understand how it can be so low! Surely it's not all our Latinos. They are model citizens.
Muh sophisticated, intelligent talk.
I'll tell you why. Special Snowflake syndrome.
Fuck off, toothpaste.
Name a single time a country has prospered during a person of prolonged conservativism. Progress only happens via Liberal artists and scientists.
Lol everytime a Dutch person posts his "opinion" here I feel like I'm watching one of the New Kids movies
At what point do you stop then?
Ignorance is bliss.
look at the flag you nigger
>last colinial power
>last openly fascist gov
>still pretty fucking comfy
>what picture did I post
You are a disgrace to all of us Henk Jan
Only according to their metric.
Self-delusion is a helluva drug.
In honesty, probably because they are winning, or at least, they have been led to believe they are winning.
until the you fucking cia niggers took issue with us
>couldnt have some one regist them (((((((((((((banks)))))))))))))))))))) could you
>spend whole life in indoctrination camps
>get indoctrinated
Delusion + Ignorance + Defective Education + Pathological Narcissism + Rage & Anger = Leftard Smugness
>tfw to intelligent to win a election
Their life revolves around vapid egotism
Cause no matter what you do you're not going to get work out of them.
>Implying educated= wisdom, critical thinking, morality.
They have been winning for a hundred years. Conservatives have shown that they're incapable of conserving anything really. The Left won on women's suffrage, then they won on desegregation, they won on affirmative action, they won on massive nonwhite immigration, they won on gay marriage, they're now winning on "trans rights." Conservacucks bend over for the left every time it really matters.
That's not even Dutch.
Also kill yourself
I can't fucking believe you posted this with this flag. Delete your account.
You don't. The world is always changing. If you don't keep processing, you'll be left behind and destroyed by now advanced nations. Conservatism won't fix the immigration crisis. It'll only lead to civil war or white ethnostates. White nations will be weakened.
To smart too win
>Muh merica
Fuck off Cletus. Conservatives aren't the only people that live here.
They aren't smug its an act to disguise their beat pink asses.
they are the most raged butthurt people of all
>Reagan, a small speed bump with Bush 1, then Clinton
Clinton's administration was more conservative than most people realize. He was in office with a Republican controlled congress and passed welfare reform which kicked millions of niggers off the federal dole. Some states chose to keep the benefits going, others did not.
Nazi Germany
must be all the virtue-signaling.
I would believe you but the prior user told me your a jew
when the economy is good people vote liberal for more free shit, for some reason.
The US economy decides our elections.
They think there on another level but we all on the same level
If you'd stayed awake in 10 grade government you'd know how meaningless that meme is.
Being educated =/= being smart
Don't insult my president. He agrees with me.
Why do that when you have the money for someone else to do it for you? Having to fix and build your own shit is the sign of a dumb person with decent hand eye coordination.
Another phoney tweet episode.
Sad that liberals have to lose and make things up to make their point.
Konthaarverklontering is 1 word; uneducated roastie.
IQ doesn't mean much when all you can do with it is fix a tractor. Intelligence let's you get a job that isn't suffering in baked hot fields and watching the sky for tornadoes every time you hear thunder.
Because they know they're wrong.
People who are right about things don't scream about how smug and right they are all the time.
Liberals aren't smu-
>tfw you didn't really in it and are about to lose power in 2018 anyway
No, he said that. Go check.
Both sides are. "Left" and "right" ideologies are basically two distinct flavors of self-righteousness, which are marketed to the public as a divide-and-conquer tactic to keep us bickering among ourselves and looking down at the "other".
Because they lack the deep bitterness, resentment and anger that floods a conservatives heart.
Just look at this place...it's a freak show of losers plain and simple. Liberals get laid, have social lives, and make money.
Being smug about that is the American way. Liberals have everything that dumb fuck Trump cucks want, and it's why you're so butt blasted.
I have. It's not there.
Lol what world do you live in bro?
Inherent lack of self-awareness prevents them from realizing their own inferiority and shortcomings
Hail, Comrade!
Liberalism is a religion that assumes a sin nature (white guilt), has a chosen people (non-whites), a God (the State), a Satan (conservatives), and sacraments/means of absolution (wealth redistribution, abortion, gay marriage, environmental awareness/action, and now identity consciousness and tranny bullshit). it gives the same brain-melting, self-satisfied dopamine high that putting shekels in the collection plate does, or coming out of confession, etc. these bastards are high on their own righteousness.
well it's not my fault your models are bad at grammar. thank god you all speak English and I'll never have to use your goofy ass language.
Because were better than you in everything and were getting laid. In comparison, you people are lonely, broken, the absolute rejects of society. Shunned and ostracized. No game or social skills. A fucking sausage fest of male beta failure.
>Clinton's administration was more conservative than most people realize. He was in office with a Republican controlled congress and passed welfare reform which kicked millions of niggers off the federal dole. Some states chose to keep the benefits going, others did not.
And now they're back on with SNAP and new handouts.
The Dems promise handouts to any and every "minority" group and have taken control.
War is Peace, Love is Hate, Free Speech is PC Speech only, Marriage is sexual Slavery of women. only White people are racist, anti Islamic Fundamentalism is Anti-Islam, the Democratic Party is Progressive and never was the Party of Slavery/Succession/Segregation/and Jim Crow Laws, Republicans are regressive Fascists.
The American Constitution is old and has been retranslated to put you on the Democratic Plantation as self enslaved dependents.
Go choke on your own faeces, Pajeet
Lmao I just said this and scrolled up and realized you said basically the same thing.
Or it's the sign of a person who won't die within 24 hours after the internet disappears. You city folk are hilarious when it comes to thinking you could survive for just ONE DAY in a blue collar world.
Yeah your argument is invalid because the previous user declared you a jew.
People without strict rules are always more flexible and adaptive.
That's true but generally I'd say it's safe to assume that an astrophysicist or mathematician is smarter than a redneck with no college education.
>When something that will probably never happen happens, I will push the thousands of bandits who will raid my farmland for food off my property with my DB shotgun and my moonshine molatovs, Yee-haw!
End of electricity means ensuing chaos and raiding from displaced former citizens who want the food and bitches (wife and children) you have.
You cannot defend them no matter what Ted Nugent says dipstick.
geologist here, can confirm
He probably deleted it when he won then. He's stupid but he's not utterly and completely braindead.
I'm Hungarian and why do you have the worst tasting candy in the world?
Fine then, Django the gypsy boy, go choke on a fried hedgehog. Our candy is great but you need teeth to eat it
So no proof. Not even an archive. Ok.
Smug is their argument.
If you arent convinced by smug you havent been hypnotized by an ivy league journalism professor without your knowledge.
This is the second time in a short while I see a beautiful, yet mentally corrupted aryan woman wearing that shirt. Schlomo playing tricks again, pushing for treason to demoralise us
White pride is so strong.
>implying we aren't
My mistake and yours, he's even dumber than I thought.
For the same reason this idiot has only made one post. Because they're sure of themselves regardless logical reasoning, so they get to be extra sure of themselves all the time. Like this guy.. his argument ignores the possibility of a third variable, like that colleges produce almost nothing but leftists. It may also be compensation because they subconsciously know their opinions aren't based on logical reasoning.
because deep down they feel like losers, being smug is psychological compensation
Well now I know astrophysicists can go cuck themselves
according to this chart, about 80% of people in the US are democrat
doesn't add up
>being a leftist
I shiggy doo
see, smug shaming is easy and proven to be effective, "The left" is all about controlling the perception of reality and scooping up as many simpletons as possible. Alinsky 101
>tfw to smart to the read the rules before wasting 1 billion dollars on losing an election
Because that's all they can accomplish in their life.
Name a single time a country has survived replacing its population with sub 90 IQ apes and inbred sandnigger. Progress only happens when you don't subordinate yourself to suicidal dysgenic programs.