Sup Forums I just got off the phone with my girlfriend who has just told me she is teaching her first graders about immigration. I don't agree with it and neither does she. why the hell do first graders need to learn about immigration?
Sup Forums I just got off the phone with my girlfriend who has just told me she is teaching her first graders about...
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same reason why in a nationalistic utopia you get caught about nationality at a very young age, to help mold children about an agenda.
same reason they show 4th graders pictures of dead people that died from those evil nazis
Just have her interject truth in with it.
>illegal immigrants need to be shot on sight
>legal immigrants with skills are welcome
She may be caught by the gestapo and fired, but teachers make shit for money anyway so fuck it.
We teach kids that Anerica is a melting pot and a nation of immigrants early so that they understand what America is.
If ypu ecer woder why White nationalism will nevwr take off its.because we educate children what it means to be a good American and our.civic virtues
My kids are 7 and 5 and understand the founders intended to set up a multicutlural and open society
The same reason kindergarteners here have to learn to keep their male privilege in check, and not oppress women.
I would say it's actually important that the young realise that it WASN'T ALWAYS LIKE THIS. They need to have the seed planted in their brains that something has been taken away from them. They have been robbed of a cohesive functioning society. Robbed of their national birthright. There are probably kids around today (and maybe even stupider young adults!) who don't even know that France was once a European country, or that the USA was an Anglo-Saxon one.
To teach little kids that mass Third World immigration is a new thing implies that once there were VERY different notions about such things, entertained by highly respectable and intelligent men. The very founders of the state, indeed. In examining how it happened, you can touch upon the economic arguments put forward by the ultra-rich, to get even richer. Lots of opportunities for subtle red-pill preparation here.
She wants too but she is too worried with it interfering with her getting the job. The funny thing is, is that she is a very light skinned Mexican that passes for white.
Thats not what they learn. They learn our values: America is a melting pot, a nation of immigrants. Those are american values and it is important we teach kids this so they understand diversity is our strength.
Fuck you nigger shill. Sage and report this bait thread.
Get an interview about it with some news outlet that isn't globalist.
You are t even ameican. Again: Our values in america are based on integration, multiculutralism, immigration and.adaptation.
We are diverse and inclusive whoch is why our open consumer cultire eradicated European traditonal culture.Diversity made us stronger than exclusivity
taking a look around i'm going to have to disagree with you.
Top quality post lad, thanks for typing that out.
i remember learning about it young and my entire concept was "you can move to another country like you can move to another house"
As long as it's apolitical who cares
looks goos to me.Gen Z is the nost diverse generation in history and the next group afthem them could be 70% minority
Good question. When we were kids we learned basic stuff, blew off the early propaganda and rode bikes. She should just gloss over half-heartedly whatever her bosses impose, which is, in fact, propaganda to condition the youth.
Hello. Is this Sweden?
>why the hell do first graders need to learn about immigration?
Gotta start the subversion when their minds are young and impressionable.
Fuck Sweden I'm American
Very good post, I hope you don't mind if I paraphrase it in the future.
Why did I get told about the holohoax in elementary school? Indoctrinate them when they're young, teaching plans are made by jews.
Don't question it you fucking goy or I'll report you both to the SPLC
What country or state is this?
Is she instructed to call them undocumented immigrants?
That's not how minorities work
I remember being in like 3rd grade and we were given a drawing task for some mock museum where parents would come in and rate the drawing. In drew a fighter plane with a swastika on it cause I used to watch a lot of films about the war that used to be on TV. Needless to say it caused some stir with the parents and I remember being told by my mum, who wasasked by the teachers, to change it to a circle and I kept asking why. Lel
America was set up for white Europeans. Only northwest Europeans were allowed in at first. They didn't want Ottoman and Jew blood getting into the mix.
>Founding fathers believed European blood to be extremely important in maintaining American society
Education is there to brainwash the next generation with elitist propaganda. In America, and most of the west, we had the Prussian system forced on us. The Prussian education model extends childhood and dumbs people down. The elite see you as Darwin's genetic dead ends. The idiocy you see around you is by design. Third world immigration disenfranchises high IQ, middle class white people. They brainwash the kids to race mix with low IQs , so they don't have to keep spending money to dumb them down. Stupid people are easier to control and live an unthinking, consumer lifestyle. They cause no harm to the status quo. In fact stupid people historically go into slavery to serve their betters. They know they can never achieve what the smart people can on their own, so they do their bidding.
Just have her explain immigration like inviting some kid over to your house.
You want good kids that arent going to make a mess and make mommy and daddy have to clean up everything afterwards, because if you brin a naughty kid you might be blamed for the mess and have to help clean up.
It's scary that this is what's taught.
Low quality b8 fag
Way to go goy!!
for the same reason nazis would kidnap any 10yr or below kids with blond hair
brainwashing is most effective at this age
everyday till highschool, EVERYDAY! They teach kids this shit but none of the blacks believe it, other students grow to believe it is bullshit, but white girls NEVER grow out of it.
I can smell the virgin on you.
Reminder that white nationalism is code word for "White girls should have to fuck me"
You literally want to brainwash white women into breeding with you
Women have lower IQs than men and do what they're told. Kindergarten breaks your bond with your mother. It gets you to see the state as your family. This really fucks women up. They take it to heart and go onto promote "daddy's" propaganda to everyone as truth. In all honesty, K-12 teachers should be executed for treason.
Along with how bad Nazis are, like no other war happened except these cartoon villains trying to destroy the world.
But for whatever reason (cause I didn't make a scene, was classified as special ed for 1 month, a's in most classes, i don't know) I was able to be outside of the brainwash and the teachers/faculty/principals would show me the lesson plans sent by state/federal and usually tell me what is wrong with them but they follow for money.
The boys would only care about the girls, the blacks/minorites would think the teachers are lying whities spouting bullshit against their group even if it was supporting their group, the girls paid the most attention to get the A's in the class and would not rebel against the teacher or parents. you got it. Plus my Kindergarten teacher tried her ass off to get me on Ritalin, mom told her to shove it up her ass but the rest of the kids in the class started taking them.
> I was in special ed and take my medication
Like anyone gives a fuck about the opinion of a short bus retard. Ypur mom is a luddite luatic who refused to get you help becauae she is probably as uneducated as you are
WHY CAN'T YOU SPELL? And why are you so bored to troll on Sup Forums on a tuesday?
Call and email JewNN/FoxJews about it.
They love making a big story about bullshit in our schools like this.
What the fuck, OP? Immigration is a thing that happened in our nation's history and continues to happen, correct? What is wrong with a teacher teaching facts about an important phenomenon?
I'm guessing immigration means lots of feelsy, stock footage propaganda videos about brown retards flooding into America.
Sort yourself out man.