JEWS DID 9/11 !!!!!!!!!!

>hey Sup Forums I don't like Muslims cause they did 9/11. Can we agree that muslims suck?
>MUSLIMS DIDN'T EVEN DO 9/11!!!!!! IT WAS THE JEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU FUCKING IDIOT

Alright Sup Forums prove to me the Jews did 9/11. I know all of the reasons they would (ie I believe in the global zionist conspiracy) but show me the proof.

Other urls found in this thread:,7340,L-3853864,00.html

Theres a audio tape of larry goldstein saying to "pull" wtc7. Pull is a demolition term as in pull the building down. Some obvious proof right here. How can they pull the building unless there are demolition charges placed in the building, why are they there?

Also relevant.

(((MSM))) Juden were involved into it.
the planes were just CGI

deep state jews are real

Just a coincidence.

It was Rothschild private intelligence, GCHQ, Goldman Sachs, The city of London, some other large banks/corporations, Opus Dei operatives in the CIA and Mossad. These are the main groups composing the cartel commonly known as the Deep State.

Nothing short of an armed revolution/coup by your police force together with the military (followed by the mass internment of all suspected state apparatchiks, media and civil society connected to them) can oust them imo

Well, plane obviously was faked by MSM/Pedowood.

Watch this in its entierity:

Also secret services were involved with coorditation and cover ups etc.. This leads us to deep state itself and others who profited from this attack and further destabilizations of middle east. Which eventually lead to flooding Europe with immigrants and stripping down liberties of citiezns for (((security))) reasons.

I agree with user, we did 9/11, Muslims are totally cool and harmless. You should take more Muslim to your countries

I can't help but second this independent internet analyst. It looks like he knows what he is talking about.



And I'm a Jew

Consider suicide

Is that true you're not allowed to curse the king?


Bring Absolute Monarchies back

No, jet fuel did it. :^)
When Larry said pull it he meant that his secretary should pull his cock out.

Im down

Yes,Long live the king

jews must go

it wasn't jews, it was aliens

btw Israel is not the Jews, neither is the deep state. It's just that there are a whole lot of Jews in the ruling class. But the average Jew has nothing to with them.

Yes and I don't have a problem with that.

God fucking damn it. I used to be completely unaware of what the Jews really are and now that I have done some research I can't trust them completely anymore (although I doubt that not all Jews are part of the elites, same as how not all Egyptians were kings, face it black people, even if your ancestors were Egyptians, they probably were ordinary citizens.)

It's the Jews, not only Jews in Israel.

Now what?

if western governments werent Israel's bitch, islamists wouldnt bother to attack muica, europe. i dont see any muslims declaring jihad to japan, china, brazil etc.

It was a Muslim who almost killed my dad in the beruit bombing not a jew

Muslims suck to.

They dont let them in Japan you muzzrat.

>implying the Beirut bombing wasn't an Israeli false flag to drag the US into the conflict

Mainly because there are little to no Muslims in Japan and Brazil, and those who exist there don't live in a concentrated place
And in 29 December 2016, Islamic militants drove a vehicle into a yard at the county Communist party offices and set off a bomb but were all shot dead.Three people were wounded and one other died


Jew, muslim... they are all the same semite group of shit humans.

jews are powerfull

pathetic nazis

Bill Clinton bombed Iraq in '98 because Saddam has WMD's
2nd greatest ally Saudi Arabia does 9/11
>US invades Afganistan
>US invades Iraq
>US couped democratically elected egyptian president
>US removes Libyan leader leading to migrant flood
>Syrian civil war
>Blackwater takes care of Somolia
Iran is the only one left on the list.
Oh yeah, Japan offered to enrich Uranium for Iran a few months before fukashima

All that debt we're in...Trump's going to start selling off public lands to the jews.

It's bad


90%+ of the perception we have of Muslims today is a Jewish doing

And yea who's more capable of orchestrating an event like this, some desert cave dwelling goat herders or the people who weld most of the worlds power? hmmm

Drones. The one in that shot came from above at an angle.

powerful smelly.