I'm so fucking depressed

Every time I interact with new people I lose a little hope in humanity. Other people are just out there to get you, laugh at you and enjoy your misery. It's a constant power struggle. The world is going to shit.

What to do Sup Forums? Could society ever be changed?

Other urls found in this thread:


the world pretty much sucks
governments put people down and people are too caught up in their own scams to care
you need family close friend and possibly religion
I used to use drugs all the time because of how vicious society can be, but it's just a shade that fades away when you're sober. Drug use catches up with your health and cash flow too. So just keep your family and friends close and enjoy the little things.

>Other people are just out there to get you, laugh at you and enjoy your misery.
I don't think you understand where you are right now.

I think Sup Forums should mass suicide

>Other people are just out there to get you, laugh at you and enjoy your misery.
This isn't really true. Normies may be dumb but they're not spiteful.

go to /r9k

I'm trying to break some bad habits, but I don't understand how other people life their life without addiction. I don't know if I can deal with it.

> Could SOCIETY ever be changed?

See that? I mentioned politics, so it belongs to Sup Forums.

Good idea, set an example for us

You're depressed because you're addicted to drugs and don't know if you have it in you to stop. Not because of some other people or some other reason. At least admit that to yourself.


Heavens gate 2.0: Jewish boogaloo

People tend to travel in the same circles for a lot of their life, if the people around you are backstabbing, often correlated with violence and lack of empathy, then you need to get around other people. That means stop associating with those people, go and meet new more moral friends.

In a specialized society like we have now, cooperation is key, those who can cooperate together reasonably, and with high trust, make the most money and the best lives for themselves. So it's important who you know and socialize with.

Don't know bruv. maybe join a religion? Christians are cucks but they are nice. If you are after nice people that care about you go to church. I shit you not they will literally do anything for you if you are part of the community.

I am an atheist that follows the discipline of steel as taught by Conan's dad -


but I know that path is not for everyone.

you aren't supposed to associate with most people, you're supposed to find your place in the world. And what you're saying about most people is true, most people are bullies and cruel losers with psychopathic traits

focus on the positive instead of the negative, thicken your skin, learn to let go of things that are bad. let go.

things are the way they are. accept it and work with it. there's no point feeling sad about things you have no control over. read siddhartha and take a fucking hike somewhere nice.

this as well

Clean your room first bucko!

Thanks I will try. How can I thicken my skin through a bad or humiliating reputation?

I feel u bro. I just got my first job in years, working as a bakery stocker at walmart. I'm physically handicapped and the job advert said nothing about physical demands. So near the end of my first training shift yesterday which was all done on the computer my manager comes in and asks if I'll be able to handle the physical demands.

I'm 30 mins from going in for my 2nd training day, probably going to be all physical and most likely I won't be able to cut it.

I'll have to quit or be transferred to another department.

I feel completely useless and want to kill myself.

To top that off I love my friends wife and seeing her every weekend destroys a bit of my soul.

I'm just not built strong enough to survive this world.

read nietzsche and bukowski if you're made too self-conscious and upset by the world to "even". that shit saved my ass when i was going through something similar to what you're going through.

Where are you from?

My dog saves me from this.

My cat laughs at me the hardest, she doesn't bring me dead things to be nice. She thinks I can't hunt.

Everybody goes through stuff like this. It will pass.

It will pass quicker if you keep trying. In the meantime, get a dog.

Unconditional love isn't exactly human..

> reveals flag

The puppy's name is Miss Pot. Or Missy pot pie.

She doesn't care..

She's going to be a beast when full grown.

Depression can fk you up.
I have learned that I do a lot of it to myself. I let things snowball in my head, and by the time I'm done worrying about the "crack in the plaster" I'll have convinced myself the whole house is ready to fall..

I've learned to fix the plaster.. and carry on.


Can relate, I manage "thinking jobs" just fine and used to be good at company interviews at some telephone research thing, but I was too smart for it.. I realized our job was pointless, we literally just wasted peoples time for some fake work that could be done in one email with 95% of our workforce gone, they could pay the ones called instead (they sent just some voucher for bullshit).
It was just money laundering and a fake job filled with 80% women, I had too quit, it drove me insane.

I used to deliver mail and I was too slow but still strong so I got put delivering to 11-floor houses and wrecked my back in the process.. Pretty much useless now as any job tilts me sooner rather than late for whatever reason, the whole system is busted.

Embrace it. Wallow in it. Wear it as a badge of pride.

Smoke weed and listen to James Taylor and Tom Petty OP

Most people are shit. That's just fact, it's just life.

What we really need is a return to community. The only way we get there with things as they are is by removing ourselves from mainstream society and banding together with the likeminded.

Society is set up to make this as hard as possible. You need significant investment, and to make that money you need to be in cities and there you tend to remain because you grow roots, you get comfortable, it would be a pain to actually do what you've wanted to do.

But the secret is that once you get independent, once you own land, once you have your own little grid and if you can make that into 10-20 people, you're very resilient. This is why even small cults are usually very successful, despite most members having little money. Everything gets pooled into the cult and even with idiotic leaders as soon as you buy a property and get off the grid your living costs go down so much it's easy to coast.

The trouble is finding the people who want to break away, enough of them, compatible people, and not NEET dreamers, people with jobs and families. And skills.

There are periodically these kinds of threads on /out/ and it's clear there are enough people who want and could make it work, the trouble is they don't have enough money to get together and do something.

Interesting idea.

When I'm depressed I bring my swim Trunks to the pool and sit in a RED HOT steam room. One time the paramedics came because I had a heavy duty steam session. I describe a good steam like I describe a good love making session. Both cost money, but in the end they sure do make you feel Good!

>Has Kekistan flag

You're dead goy walking, might as well kys but take Sargon with you on your way down yeah?
'muh niggers can play cricket, ergo they're more british than meh, ergo they can pick up the mantle that is western civilization when they have proven themselves to be capable of playing cricket' bullshit gone from the face of the earth at long last..!

Thanks for telling me your story. I will think about taking care of a dog. A lot of people share your positive experience.

I'm sorry, that was a random choice. I didn't want to use my geographic flag, so I took the first one that wasn't too offensive.

Might be a chemical imbalance. I had severe depression for 15 years before I found out my autoimmune problems and then it instantly disappeared. serotonin is made in the gut, lots of things today can trigger gut problems, therefore causing depression

I feel like I won something!

Thank-you for that..

It was the picture, wasn't it?

This puppy is a hero waiting to happen. She has already saved me.

She jumps when she barks.. so fierce..lol. all 10 pounds of her.

She dances on her hind legs when I get home. And smiles. She tries to lay in my lap, but she'll be over 50 lbs when finished, and I'm thinking it's probably a bad idea..

I don't hate all people anymore (it got pretty bad for awhile)

I was glad to finally realize that I don't actually have to love everybody..
And that was GOOD
Because then I could forgive them for not loving me back.

Believe it or not, Sup Forums taught me that..

Be nicer to YOURSELF user. If you want two scoops of ice cream, get them. And sprinkles too..

You can cheat and go play with some puppies at the pet store.. but don't buy one, save one from the pound.

I am not depressed, i am enraged, idk what it takes for people to have some common courtesy and decency

dont liter, pick up the dog shit, dont drive like a fucking maniac on residential streets, or any streets for that matter

it seems the only way for people to cope with the assholeness of others, is to be an even bigger asshole themselves

I swear too god one of this days i am running over or shooting someone, or beating them to death with a crowbar, not for any religion or ideology, just to remind people to be kind to one another, before the crazy blows up and kills a whole bunch of people

Do more research. Most of what you think you know is an absolute lie. If you're spending too much time online, most of the people telling you things are actors designed to make everything seem worse than it really is so that you will feel this way. Don't let these false flag operations lead you to the grave. If you're invested in finding out the truth, you must study the spiritual truth as well. Read esoteric books from before the 19th century. Study Plato, hermetics, etc.

Here's a book you can start off with. It's a great one and it'll help you understand the truth.


I have transcended beyond interaction.


>Beta loser detected
I won't explain how the world works to you, you need to find out on your own. Goodluck and drop the beta