White University of Tennessee professor is FIRED after launching a Facebook rant at African American student who accused her of racism over exam question about slavery
Black Student answers is always right because they know more about slavery than the professor
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>Judy Morelock was a lecturer in sociologyat University of Tennessee Knoxville
>She was terminated in April after the dispute with student Kayla Parker
>The argument was based on a multiple-choice exam question about the impact of slavery on African American families
>After the student challenged her teacher, Ms Parker says the lecturer unleashed a string of posts attacking the student on Facebook
We wuz kangz, I know my heirtage u racist whiteys
>woman teacher loses her shit instead of educating
imagine my shock
That's cute, they think slavery is what killed the family values instead of meddlesome libtards in the 60's trying to collectively chian them to the voting plantation.
What a bunch of hopelessly stupid animals.
But isn't D more flattering of an answer anyways?
women cant even into outrage and victim complexing properly
C is the answer that absolves blacks of all accountability and makes everything whitey's fault, thus it's the correct answer.
Slaves were property. If a slaveholder needed money, he would sell off one of his slaves regardless of who they were related to.
However, I wouldn't say the family bonds were destroyed. I've seen stories of slaves who would run away to their mother's/brother's plantation just to be with them.
Then again, while I know that this practice happened, I don't really know how widespread it was.
>be in business
>sell the tools of your trade when you need money
>history of slavery is whitewashed
Sounds to me like a nigger fairytale projected onto white businessmen.
>dad went to Tennessee in the 70s
>took anthropology class as elective
>sometime during semester professor talks about race origins
>teaches class that niggers run fast because they have an extra kneecap bone and their noses are missing a bone which is why their noses run all the time
>this was the norm back then
I wish I could've lived in my dad's time
Shouldn't all that matters be whatever the historical research showed? If the research showed that most slave families were headed by two parents, isn't that the end of the debate?
I'm more shocked that such a basic, high school level question is considered university level in the US.
>Jenny Hines, a friend of Ms Morelock, added: 'My husband and I have both known Judy Morelock for over two decades. To hear that she has been categorized as being racist can in no way be a legitimate claim. Judy has been a social justice advocate her entire life.'
Why are people paying money to learn this?
Just look it up on google.
E. The effects of slavery are grossly-exaggerated to prop up the culture of excuses created by blacks.
Jesus Fuck, nigger societies are even today communalist to a retarded degree. In some African cultures, it literally takes a village to raise a kid, because no man knows or cares who his kids are.
There are some matriarchal societies where men literally are transients, wandering from household to household, never staying in one long. Only women own property, such as it is.
Predictably, we're talking about grass and mud huts here.
So does that mean Universities will acknowledge that fathers are being kept from their children by angry mothers through the courts today? It seems the controversy still exists
This. It has become a thing of comfort for many black people in America to blame all their problems on White people. If your life sucks it feels better to be able to blame your position on someone or something else rather than yourself. Ironically Black people will only start improving when they realize they have the most control over their individual lives.
I think this teacher was probably trying to drop some red pills and teach some black kids that if white people werent the ones that destroyed the black family then black people themselves can rebuild it on their own. And rebuilding the nuclear black family is the single best thing black people could do to improve their.
But it's A, B, and C. All three.
Which one do you trust?
I trust the black girl.
>If your life sucks it feels better to be able to blame your position on someone or something else rather than yourself.
Fucking niggers.
What in the fuck are you expecting from a sociology class?
She watched too many Hollywood movies.
if you are given multiple choice tests in any of your university classes I can guarantee that your degree is worthless
That's what happens when the education system is continuously lowered to a level mudpeople can understand.
Yeah, according to Sup Forums I fail the JQ. Because I dont think there is a cabal. I will say that there is a really high level of in group preference among Jews. And all other things being equal a jew will almost always choose another jew over anyone else.
until we start removing people from power, they are just going to keep going.
So are those facts true?
They could sell children, but the question is asking about couples basically. Essentially you wouldn't break up a couple because that gives you free slaves, but you might sell off children later in life if you need money or something. And when I say children, I mean working age or adult children.
Jimmy, that's you're dick talking.
His dick has been compromised
>female "professor" goes on personal rants
>black female student wuz kangz n sheeeeit
This is way more indication of Western """education""" going to shit than the actual content of the "debate".
You mean if a slave owner takes a man's son away and beats him and his wife on a regular bases he can control them?
Fuck no.
Slavery was more like working full time and getting food / housing with strict rules about leaving and getting punished for breaking rules.
3 White men could not control 20 blacks if the blacks hated them with muskets.
What the fuck kind of question is that? That's a college exam? Holy shit.
I know she got fired for the lash out on social media. But why are.... nevermind, figured it out. Schools don't protect teachers anymore due to then being able to get foreign cheaper teachers and look good to minorities.
I'm not even sure how someone would go about disputing the professor's selected answer. Virtually every major comprehensive accounting of slavery, from both the slave perspective and the owners, support that conclusion. Splitting up families only harmed the owner as it demoralized the remaining spouse and removed the possibility of future slave children. Sure, the occasional couple was split, but there are multiple accountings of owners actually uniting couples rather that splitting them.
I suspect the professor was terminated not for the content of the question, but rather her markedly unprofessional response when questioned. She's supposed to be the adult in the room, but instead chose to chimp out. She could have easily just responded with quotes from sources or a summary
Exactly slavery has been generally like this in most cases except potentially when it comes to certain empires, maybe Arabs enslaving others. It's in your best interest to keep your slave moral and health high. Why would you bother paying for the equipment and not taking care of it? "People" moronic girl don't even think things through.
they're alternative facts, but yes, they're true
This the worst thing to happen to nigs were progressives and the beat thing was slavery
Thats because the image intentionally compares the Judys worst image with Kaylas best image. Also, nice bait Shareblue. Maybe next time.
>he would sell off one of his slaves regardless of who they were related to.
Only if he wants to deal with the rest of the family chimping out. Django wasn't a historically accurate movie, despite what you may think.
>muh dick
Are you people implying sociology professors have any positive impact on society?
The professor is more worthless than the negress.
Its more common in pre-major courses. Once you get into the 3000s, essays usually take their place. But you're right. I went to university to finish a bachelor's this year and a 2000 level class was full of a bunch of dumbasses who were spoonfed by the professor. After most of the class failed the first exam, the professor made it an online test. Holy fuck are the standards bullshit. But the joke is on the students, because they can't (or at least haven't) lower upper level classes to that extent.
No, C allows whitey to be blamed for the current state of the African American family unit, D implies that slaves had complete families but the actions of blacks since then have caused the dissolution of black family structure