Inventions Thread

Thread to gather some obvious propaganda involving "smart" minority kids.


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How miserable is your life that THIS is how you feel better about yourself?

You wish you were as smart as ahmed, he solders his own CPU's. Intel and Amd are shitting their pants right now.

i fucking hate achmed fucking muslim nigger goatfucker

Or start your own business like this 7 year old jew, already has more money saved up than you!

Fuck yourself shill. You sort by new and copy paste your dumbass line of text all day. Eat a cock.

Don't worry Kraut, Diversity macht frei!

Let's not forget about this Mexican intellectual child prodigy that dreams in code. Better watch out the next time you call a Mexican a beaner because you might get hacked by this genius mastermind!

So if I understand this correctly, some black kid who can hardly speak English, made a solid plastic replica of a theoretical device that may help save lives, so they gave him 23,000$ and call him a genius?

Dayum. Check out this mastermind, if hired by NASA, we will get to Mars tomorrow. A fan that runs WITHOUT electricity.

Yes. Also "The Oasis would respond to rising temperatures by emitting cool air"

>What is physics

I wonder what he's doing right now, and what has come of it since "Come to the white house."
I saw him shortly after the whole debacle at a robotics convention hosted by google.He was being paraded around like he owned the place. The split was almost 50% between people, mostly us engineers that knew half a shit about what was in that pencilcase.
The emperor wore no clothes yet it would've been career suicide to call him out.
How did the lawsuit against Texas go?

>$20k for a prototype
Holy fuck.
>3d print case, knockoff arduino nano (or cheaper microC), gsm &gps modules, thermistor, sureFire Lithium battery, 50ish lines of code.
all for under $20usd. I'm sure he got the $20k too, maybe even more.

Ever heard of kinetic art, fucker?

Google it!

[spoiler]It's wind powered[/spoiler]

>inb4 Whizzkid

hey, cool clock ahmed. bring it over

It runs on batteries you idiot niggers. Read the article.

I kek'ed

>batteries don't provide electricity

so basically air conditioning, but from a clay block. genius

easier solution is probably dont leave kids in cars

>lots of help from parents

So his parents are doing everything and throwing his face on it so its an easier sell?


Hey, where there's an issue there's a product.

Is that why Holland is so fucking cold? All those giant wind powered fans?

>expecting journalists to understand the difference between mains and battery sources
That being said
>hours from a brushed motor with very little load with a massive battery is somehow impressive.
meanwhile proper projects remain in absolute obscurity.

No, it must be the solar panels absorbing the warmth of the sun. Ice age incoming!

Don't be silly user. The boy said,

"It [the idea] just sort of came into my head."

All great inventions are made this way.

"i made a flying car"
"wow! really? how does it work?"
>holds up small red clay box
"its made out of clay, doesnt work."
"thats.....really stupid"
>points to black skin
"wow such genius here is six billion dollars"

>expecting journalists to understand the difference between mains and battery sources

My bad, sometimes I forget that journalists are less intelligent than the average down-syndrome kid.

This is a third place science fair project at a reform school.

We should also program it to alert the Amber Alert Pizza system

See, I just reinvented this nigglet's reinvention

We should change the color

wow im on a roll today
We could make that go for weeks with a large lead acid like he's using. And probably provide similar airflow too.

>shit tier soldering iron
> i invented opening the apple sauce jar
libtards have such low expectations

Holy shit, we could put these in people's houses.
We could call them, and I'm just spit-balling here, "thermostats"

>>$20k for a prototype
That's nothing, I know a guy who's researching a new PET technique.
His current prototype cost ~2M USD, but they're testing them on small rodents, the god damn thing is the size of a hand.

Isn't this kid living in a tent in someones backyard in San Francisco, programming for Google for 100k a year?

>Isn't this kid living in a tent in someones backyard in San Francisco, programming for Google for 100k a year

You can't afford a yard-tent in the bay on less than 150k a year salary.

>target audience is 72 people a year

>"The Oasis would respond to rising temperatures by emitting cool air"
>What is physics
Actually there is a way to theoretically do this with quantum computing
> algorithmic method for transferring heat (or entropy) from some qubits to others[1] or outside the system and into the environment, which results in a cooling effect. This method uses regular quantum operations on ensembles of qubits, and it can be shown that it can succeed beyond Shannon's bound on data compression.[2] The phenomenon is a result of the connection between thermodynamics and information theory
This nigger obviously has stolen some advanced alien tech from a DARPA lab.
>try to link to DARPA paper
>'The document Algorithmic Cooling and Scalable NMR has been deleted'
oh shit, it's real

Holy fucking shit that thing might just be enough to save thousands of african lives, who's the genius behind this invention? Amazing.

Fuck that must be it. Some WE WUZ™ technology from the ancient egyptians.


he looks like elliot rodger's sister

the idea that someone who is so neglectful that they'd leave their kid in in a hot car would actually buy one of these is just so mind-blowingly stupid.
Literally the only market for this product are white liberals who saw this article and the nigglet holding the product.

Imagine owning one of these and someone gets in you car and asks, "Hey, what is this?" and you suddenly realize that the only thing it seems be good for is a talking piece so you can tell your friends that some 10-year-old nigglet "invented" it and that you're such a progressive for supporting not only niggers but science too. #notallniggers

Last bump because this progressive cancer has got to be called out.

>who's the genius behind this invention?
It was these kangz in pic related. Somehow their technical wizardry has moved beyond mere squirrel magic, to battery powered fans WITHOUT squirrel technology, pure genius.


Kid and family moved to Qatar in 2015, after being "baselessly" called terrorists.

Good luck!

>black people

The future of Europe in one picture. Can't wait for all the inventions guise!

>Being this retarded

THIS X1000