how do you stop drinking alcohol, i'm starting to day drink and this is going down a bad path. i quit weed now i need to kick this shitty university habit.
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Whiskey is /our guy/ just have some self restraint.
you just have to keep telling yourself that you are tired of it. Replace it with something productive like exercise
I used GHB for 3 months, after that, just quit ghb.
Same with you, after i quit university.
Go to an aa meeting. If that doesn't scare you straight, you'll just have to enjoy the ride to rock bottom.
i've gone to them before, i stop for a little but then comes a weekend and im drinking again.
from weekends it transitions into nightly.
but thats probably even harder to quit
If you're going to drink, make sure to do an hour of cardio the following day. Eventually you'll figure out that drinking more than 1-2 days a week simply isn't worth it. It's what keeps me sober during the work week.
There's nothing wrong with a little bourbon here and there user. Just remember this -- only niggers have no self restraint. Drink in moderation.
Let me just break that down for you, because I think I have actual info you can use.
Buy 2 - 3 liters of GHB, costs around 300EU. I don't know how much it costs in US. Your dealer should have around 2 liter supply if he's small time.
Use it daily after 6, so no day drinking. Do not mix with alcohol. You will get the same feeling kind of like alcohol, so you will be having sex with your gf or masturbating a lot at night. Make sure you don't mix it with stimulants and if you feel sleepy, just sit down and stop drinking it.
Continue this same routine you're doing with alcohol. You will notice you will have less side-effects than with alcohol and you will really like this.
Your vision of life kind of changes and other things start interest you. You will probably find a goal, which is totally different than what you wanted when you were an alcoholic.
Your personality changes in a good way, you start thinking about more morally right stuff instead of degenerecy and destruction.
Quitting GHB is a neccessity, this is far easier than alcohol, because you get less euphoria than alcohol, the need for GHB is less.
Try to not take GHB at all, this is more routinebased, and it's kinda different than alcohol because your mentality is less destructive and more constructive.
You will experience a bit of forgetfulness within these 3 months, but they'll fade after 2 days of abstinence from GHB.
Step 1: Make a commitment to only have one drink before bed
Step 2: Stick to your commitment
Step 3: Enjoy alcohol like a responsible adult for the rest of your life
I'm not even being glib, I was a huge mess with drink after university until I realized that the problem was how I approached it. Drink was something I needed to have around constantly or else I felt like shit was going to go off the rails. I engaged in all sorts of mental gymnastics to justify my excess and built drinking responsibly into this mental dragon, and the fear of how terrible I might have felt provided a justification for ignoring how terrible I actually felt.
Anyway, it's not only possible, it's a lot easier than you think. Exercise more if you get anxious.
just smoke weed idiot
Then you should consider getting a sponsor and working the steps.
I used this to get off opiates and coke and smokes
It's a secular science based method to treating Maladaptive Behaviors (addiction) and a free online anonymous support group w/ online meetings.
as with all vices, key is to keep yourself busy
You are talking about it like you have no way of controlling yourself.
>wake up
>walk to the store against you own will
>go to the booze isle
>reluctantly stretch out your hand and grab a bottle
>some evil force pushes you to the counter, takes out your wallet and forces you to pay
>you go home
>open bottle against your own will
>drink bottle because there is no way to stop it from happening
Dude. Just don't fucking drink.
After that, when you drink alcohol, you will notice the hangover is a total bitch. And just to give you a bit of motivation. You feel this hangover every day right now, but you're so used to it, you don't know how it feels to be sober.
If you can kick it smoke weed. I drink a lot less when I puff and it puts me in a much better place than the booze does
Ya? So? I have a mixed drink or a beer every night.. I'm not trying to get plastered...??
In the frontier days when the water couldn't be trusted, children had to drink the table beer (2.5%) for dinner as well!
I started to lift seriously and i didn't want to piss all my gains away during the friday night. Now i stopped lifting seriously but since i rarely drank for a long time i don't have a desire to drink.
I went through a couple-year period that consisted of drinking alcohol or smoking weed for long periods of time. I'd go maybe 5 months drinking beer and then 6 months of smoking weed. where I'd either binge weed or alcohol for long periods of time. Whenever I quit one substance, I took up another.
Eventually I started hating myself even more because the substances wouldn't give me any escape like they use to it. That's the worse part. At that point, gun in hand, you make a decision to join reality or exit.
Don't be a pussy, everyone knows they have to drink.
Weed has a long aftereffect that sober people know. You feel fuzzy for 1,5 day afterwards. Trust me on the GHB part, it's out of ur system within 5 hours, marijuana is in your body for a month.
Stop watching porn, stop doing a routine you've been doing for 6 years. It's not like you think it is.
>beer and weed made me want to commit suicide
that's pathetic desu. were your parents really overbearing or something?
No, to quit alcohol, you really need to sober up for a month or so. Your thoughts become different bro. Alcoholics need at least 1 - 3 months of abstinence.
Yes, there's a hole somewhere in your head. It needs to get filled up. You need at least a period of 1 - 3 months of sobering up to solve these stuff sober.
>A fucking toothpaste tells an alcoholic how he has been drinking for 6years
that's so fucking cute, now get the fuck out of here.
Put some weekly limits like you party only in Fridays and Saturdays.
Alcohol dramatic lowers testosterone. You are becoming a weak, little bitch
First of all when quitting something you need something else to do and find what's your triggers. What do you usually do when you're drinking in the day? Listen to certain music? Don't listen to that music. Go on Sup Forums? Then don't go on pol. Whatever it is you dobwhen you drink don't do that thing.
Secondly pick a designated day to stop. When you're drinking that last bottle tell yourself it's you last one. Savour it. Enjoy it. Make it a goodbye drink. Alcohol can become a very addictive substance.
I had a friend who was an alcoholic he became physically dependent. He tried to stop and he had a fit.
If your drinking is a habit now and not an addiction, it's beat to stop before it becomes a physical addiction because then you're gonna need rehab and perhaps the help of doctors to stop. In America that's gonna cost you some money.
Another thing that may help is when youd usually stop, put that money in a jar and watch it add up. When you When that jar at the end of the week you're gonna see exactly how much money you were pissing up the wall. But ideally quit whilst it's still habit and you're not physically dependent.
Could you perhaps be using alcohol as a crutch? It might be worth trying to see WHY you're drinking so heavily.
alcoholics anonymous may be helpful for you too. Speaking to others and hearing how they've managed may help. I know it's not a substance but my mum had a gambling problem for many years. When she visited gamblers anonymous she kicked it for good. Best of luck user.
stop drinking alcohol, restart smoking weed monderatly, and insert meditation into your anus, keep it there forever.
Stop for a period of time. If a week is all you can do in the beginning, stop for a week. It's easier to do something short term. Focus each day on not drinking and just tell yourself its temporary and you push yourself for just one week. You can do it if you decide to do it.
Yeah I forgot to mention that, I did 6 months cold turkey to drop my tolerance before I went to a new routine. Thanks for the correction aquafresh.
>An alcoholic fin, tells a sober toothpaste how drinking is a part of life.
>euphoria from alcohol
Never understood this. Alcohol it literally the most boring recreational drug.
ayahuasca can set you free
don't need to keep taking , purge and move on to green pastures
"One study in particular is rather alarming, since it showed a 50% reduction in testicle size in rats who were fed a diet with 5% of calories coming from ethanol."
This I have 1-2 glasses of red wine every night or 2-3 beers. I don't see a problem with this.
Is ayahuasca use taboo to normies like various other drugs in your country?
Yes this is all true, but it works the other way around. The feeling you get to combine these activities with a substance is the downfall for most people trying to quit. You need to either switch the substance that's easier to quit or become sober after which other stuff become more important.
forget about the weed, I was moreso getting at how it'd just be a temporary escape from alcohol.
but while I was indeed a pathetic sap it's not the substances that caused it. it was my own life choices. alcohol was just something I discovered at a young age that could relieve stress. it eventually got to a point though that drinking alcohol didn't allow me to escape, which was a troublesome time.
Red wine actually increases your test, in moderation.
alcohol dosage is not that easy.
It's the perfect social lubricant. For some reason, being more social gives you more euphoria when drinking. This is what I've noticed.
Sure thing bud, whatever you need to tell yourself.
Well, yes.
Don't listen to this, psychedelics are a one time self-fullfilling prophecy drug. They don't fix bad habits.
>mfw on day 6 of no alcohol
just distract yourself all day and get addicted to that good nights sleep you get from no alcohol, after like 2 days its easy as fuck because you dont wanna ruin your sleep
also remember: if you have no self control, you are no better than a woman or a nigger.
Also using loss and social shame works very well. Have a friend place a few hundred dollars in trust and I you have a drink you will have to donate that money to a good cause such as Shuva Israel Yeshiva or the Jewish National Fund. This will help keep you on track
Nice trips but OP is not drinking in moderation
It does. That's why I get honey as fuck when I drink it
Beer and liquor make me practically impotent though.
Do whatever you want, some people just wanna quit the habit that makes you an inconsiderate, destructive prick in every conversation.
also, get to an animal shelter, go for a walk with the dogs.
No one likes a quitter. Cheers
>how do you stop drinking alcohol,
Stop buying it you fucking cuck.
You can't drink what you don't have.
What do you mean by day drinking? Like in the morning hahah? If you have nothing to do that day I dont see a problem in drinking after noon. However if you find drinking is getting in the way of you getting shit done then yeah you need to cut down. I have had the same problem off and on through out my life. As long as your not drunk driving or drinking at work.
I stopped smoking after a good 4 years. Sure you get cravings and whatnot, but the bottom line is. You CAN always quit. The question is whether you WANT to quit.
I'd quit drinking alcohol and just smoke weed desu
>I have no self-control
>therefore NOBODY has any self-control! EVERYONE is a victim! FOREVER!!!
No, you're just a weak piece of shit.
Maybe I just find it boring because I'm somewhat asocial then.
just stop drinking. nobody is forcing the booze into your mouth, dude. that's all you.
Yeah kek, might work, but the person might isolate themselves in solitude. The most effective is sobering up and looking back at killing mace windu on their knees and sighing out: "what have I done?".
This. No joke. Stick to weekends only - and try to eventually go to every-other weekend.
I'll force something into your mouth :)
I just imagine a snake taking a bath in my whiskey glass, and let that image wash around in my brain for a while. Helps me moderate - it makes resisting another glass akin to keeping a snake at bay.
If someone is drinking, it's not just the substance. Smoking is a different story. Drinking is psychoactive, so something needs to get processed which is delayed. This can only be done by sobering up and looking back.
Yes, it's probably because IQ=125.
>ill just respond to every single post in the thread
Gimme a break, I quit drinking so I'm bored as fuck for like 4 months.
I drink when I am bored, everyone does different things to over come boredom. Drinking beer, wine, or cider in small doses is good for you, but hard booze has no benefits to your health or your mind set in my opinion.
Smoking is not all about the substance either. It's lighting up a smoke after a long day of work or stepping out of the sauna into the cold winter air and having a smoke with your friends whilst talking shit etc. It's the whole process and social happening that makes it addictive. I "tried" to quit a couple of times but realised that I didn't really want to. The thing that finally made me want tom quit was just the steady deterioration of my conditioning and the weakening of my immune system.
I was an alcoholic from 18 to 25, but I've been sober now 7 months.
Get your sleeping schedule straight. Sleeping from 10pm to 5am everyday has worked for me. Take melatonin or an over the counter sleep aid to help with this if you need to. I can't stress how helpful regular sleep is.
Track your day's sober, so, as the number increases it seems like a bigger and bigger defeat to give in and drink again. I made a game out of it. I gained a "level" each time I went a certain number of days without drinking and the interval increased by one more day for each level. You can reward yourself at each level if you want, but I didn't.
Find constructive hobbies and pay attention to how much better you feel as time goes on.
It's very hard at first, but gets much easier as time goes on. I put my "levels" on my phone calendar ahead of time, so now when it starts vibrating saying I reached level 20 or whatever, it's always a surprise because I forget I even needed that at the beginning.
Well you can do something more productive if you don't drink, so it's kinda wasting that boredom time instead of finding something to do.
Congrats bro. This seems like a good way too.
I used melatonin as well.
I was a binge drinker. I would do an 18pack of bush and 2 nippers of captain 100 proof in a night. (5pm - midnight) after being on Sup Forums long enough surprisingly I started to feel horrible shame the next day and now I just stopped. The other day my brother got me a fosters for working on his car and I drank it and just felt bad after. No urge at all to drink, I just associate it with being degenerate, thanks Sup Forums
lots of good info in this thread. godspeed
OP here,
my tolerance is high, i do drink nightly. yes not buying will make me steer clear of it, i don't go out much.
i used to lift on a more serious note. i need to take up something to occupy my time. i do work inbetween 2 jobs but majority of the time i drink because i am not satisfied where i am at in life, go figure. like the majority of us here. weed was easier to drop, after a week or so i could turn the other way, i tend to do one or the other (weed/booze) but i want to be clean of both and focus on what really needs to be done.
Legal for ceremonial practices
Not a party drug, so gov don't care
Ayahuasca is tupi-guarani for vine of the dead
A way to commune with your elders, a red pill punch in the face
Fuckin punk rock , I use once a year
Has been used for 10k years
The social aspect and just how smoking would get me outside for a few minutes every hour is what I miss the most. Quit smoking about six years ago.
You need to stay clear for at least 1 - 3 months from unproductive psychoactive like weed and booze.
This is a neccessity bro. There's no walking around it.
To stop anything all anyone need do is stop.
Fucking STOP IT user.
this. people always find reasons to arbitrarily limit themselves, and then try to justify it.
desire and passion are just illusions you can create by not drinking or smoking or playing with your dick every time you get bored.
I'm in the process right now. I was drinking 4-5 nights a week. Over past 2 months I have gotten into a strict habit of Sunday-Thursday no alcohol. I also work out every single one of these days and keep a good diet going. Friday and Saturday I only drink now if it's a social occasion. Haven't had a drink in two weeks. For me, I need to replace bad habits with good habits. Too much of a void to only quite.
How do you know
Native medicine is not drug abuse
Ayahuasca is not fun, breaks barriers and resets the mind
Don't talk about what you do not know
The people doing it aren't the people you should be talking to a lot bro. I know the culture (smoked for 9 years).
Kek, I ended up in intensive care when I tried this, thinking that the nurses were plotting against me.
Shit I wish I knew!
If I've got money, I'm drinking.
Got this whole new motivation thing going on at the moment and I'm gonna try and be sensible from now on and not drink by myself at home daily... gonna try only drink in social situations.
It might sound silly to some people but when you aquire a drinking habit, it's REALLY hard to break.
I've had a problem with alcohol for about 7/8 years now... my beer/whiskey belly is glorious but it's also one of the factors in me wanting to stop drinking so much.
Today I felt like a loser so I drank three beers.
I know people will say it's degenerate, but do an LSD trip.
LSD is great at enabling you to notice patterns of your own behavior and giving you the ability to break those patterns.
Good luck getting a hold of real acid though. You could always get 1P-LSD, but don't get some random RC.
I only say this because it helped me break my habit of 12+ beers a day. Can't say it will work for you though.
Then go at the weekend.
Cuz I've used psychedelics to hope it would change my life. It didn't do anything, it just made you feel like you get stuff better because brain shortcircuiting. Psychedelics don't fix your life.
who cares. 3 beers is nothing. just dont drink every day
nigger, how can you drink alcohol every day. I hate getting drunk its the worst. Smoke weed and dont drink you faggot
I was doing it 24/7 within a week and ended up in hospital, didn't work for me.
Don't do it in public. If you pass out, people think you're OD'ing, while your just sleeping.
I bet you mixed it with alcohol. That's rule number one. Don't fucking mix it with alcohol.