Be honest. Do you ever feel guilty for making fun of blacks and jews?

Be honest. Do you ever feel guilty for making fun of blacks and jews?

Other urls found in this thread:

Nop, Jews and black making fun of me too

No I hate them from the bottom of my heart

Why would I?

its american as apple pie to hate on niggers and brown people
learn your history faggot

lol, no

this, they make fun of whites all the time and single them out. They can go fuck themselves.

I don't make fun of blacks or jews. They make fun of me though, so if I was to do so they'd have it coming.

Only reason I don't is because Theresa Mayhem would have me arrested.

Blacks - Some are cool
Jews - Never

Sometimes I feel bad about the blacks. They can't help what they are and would be perfectly content ooga boogaing back in Africa for all time.

Jews on the other hand have been actively destroying white civilizations for over a millennia.

I don't make fun of them. They do a good job of that themselves. Niggers are a joke.


No. A joke is a joke, I try not to hold any real racial hatred.

Wanting all races to live separately is an act of love and compassion. It's left wing politics that harm individual people and races in general.

No, because I'm not white and therefore I can't be racist, right?

BASED BLACK MAN.. lol lol lol lol...
REEEDitt is down the hall to the left nigger lover


no but I do feel guilty about not putting them out of their misery. god made them so ugly

it makes me cry then i look at my BBC and yell MUH DICKKKK WE WAZ KINGZ AND SHIT

Sometimes, because I know a few decent blacks and Jews

Jews? Never
Blacks? A little, it's like making fun of a dumb animal, but they are still annoying.

Sometimes I feel bad about blacks. But Jews can fuck off.

No, but it's starting to get pretty old. When fourchan was new and you could suddenly get away with saying nigger and kike all the time it felt pretty edgy and fresh. But Sup Forums achieved peak edge years ago, now it's just going through the motions.

Why should I? They hate us equally enough

This tbqhf

Blacks are raping and murdering us by the thousands across the world and you worry about telling a mean joke?

Most of the Jew haters on here don't know any Jews. Nigs will big though so it's funny. The Jew hate revolves on buying into absurd conspiracy theories I can't meme myself into believing . The black hatred is apparent and all are aware. I don't really hate though. Just stay far away.

I almost did, then I saw this just now.

>European flag
>le Sup Forums is satire

Your astute observations and meaningful opinion has settled it. Shows over, everyone pack it up, we're done here.

No I hate all fucking niggers
all blacks should be killed
kikes are evil

Nowpe never still want to finish the job



No, I make fun of myself all the time.

Nah I am not worrying about it. It is our own stupid fault for bringing them in the first place then not shipping them all back after the civil war.

Like if you buy a pitbull then it rips your babies face off it is your own damn fault.

Jews on the other hand are like tape worms. We didn't ask for it.

>feel guilty of making fun

no because I am not mentally ill

Give me one example of a statistic that disagrees with your perspective. One example showing that minorities are better in ANY WAY than whites. One example that ANY democratic policy that you disagree with has EVER worked.

Since you can't, or if you can it will only further support your point, we can conclude that you will never budge an inch from the narrative you've been fed. That's called indoctrination, user. Wake up.

feeling guilty for having fun that hurt no one? NEVER.

Sup Forums isnt a hivemind. Sure there are real white supremacists and nazis here. But I mean you guys are pretty fucking stupid. And wrong. And some of you are literally mentally ill. After the meme magic dies some day I guess you all be going back to and such.


When I was young and bluepilled, but not anymore.

Why would I? Why would anyone?

Blacks and jews are like a plague. Would you feel guilty for putting down a plague?

>Do you ever feel guilty for making fun of blacks

Please be so kind as to name ONE country run by blacks that a sane human would want to live in... a safe democratic country, with jobs and clean environment

Sometimes. About 50 % of the people i work with are blacks / sand people. Some of them are very nice guys, so occasionally I feel a bit quilty for making a nigger hate thread etc. I'd be ready to gas all my coworkers, if it came to that, but I wouldn't probably enjoy doing it.


Lol no, self deprecating humor is awesome.

I used to, but now I interact with them on a daily basis at work, so my sympathy has completely dried up.

I have no guilt whatsoever of anything. Mostly cause I don't do anything fucking wrong in the first place.

blacks sometimes....jews, never

I do that as a friendly jab and general bantz and accept the same in return. And I never have any problems with any of that unless some SJW busybody decides to butt-in uninvited.

1. Equatorial Guinea

2. São Tomé and Príncipe (less jobs, less money)

3. Gabon (not as safe).

A sane person would not mind living in these countries.

i lost all respect i had for niggers and jews who pretend to be upset about racism. i never get upset whenever i get called somali so why do they care so much if its not true?

That's like asking if you feel guilty for telling the truth.

Never. I vote in favor of their issues 99% of the time and I'm from a historically oppressed people so I'm covered on both ends.

I get to.

Also, democracy is the reason why most African countries are shit tier, if you had a dictatorship, they might actually manage to stop crime and kill off the undesirables.

The use of force is always justified. That's why ANCAP would never work in Africa. A strong dictatorship that forces people to work and has zero tolerance for criminal activity is what is needed.

Hey Shlomo.

>1. Equatorial Guinea

From wikipedia
As of February 2016, Obiang is Africa's longest serving dictator.



He was reelected several times through multipary democratic elections. That is not a dictatorship.

>he thinks democracy is a good thing

It isn't. Low IQ and democracy are the reason Africa is shit. Democracy is shit.

Never m8, unlike most Sup Forumsacks I banter with nignogs in public as well.

so much fucking this

She was cleaning the windows and slipped, the kuwaiti woman did nothing to help her, that was about two months ago. The woman survived.

>Low IQ
So you think the Average African is sub normal human IQ... basically an intelligent monkey??

Subnormal, yes, but above a monkey.
If they were forced to behave properly and forced to work and strongly deterred from crime, and a decent western model cultured was instilled, they really wouldn't be half bad. All of this requires a police-state not a democracy.

>Human average = 100
>US nig average = 85 (because of European admixing)
>Subsaharan average = 65
Do the math.

PROTIP: They were introduced to the concept of a wheel but failed to recognize it's value.


>they were forced to behave properly and forced to work and strongly deterred from crime, and a decent western model cultured was instilled, they really wouldn't be half bad. All of this requires a police-state not a democracy.

But they had this when the Europeans ran their countries and wanted "Whitey" gone.

I dont bully anyone for things they aren't in control of

Not you, not me, not anyone should be above being made fun of.

Your personality and your very thoughts are the result of your genes and your upbringing. You can't criticize anyone if you truly applied your own flawed logic.

The only thing I feel guilty about is being nice to them when I'm face to face but talking shit about them behind their backs.


No. Why should we feel guilty when blacks and Jews are incapable of feeling guilt?

do you feel bad for squishing bugs?




Sometimes, because some of them are alright and they are kind to me, I remember that, and I remember what they look like, try and get their names sometimes too, I will protect them in the event of a race war. Otherwise, no.


Jews, never. Some blacks, maybe. There are some good ones.


Blacks generally display sociopathy for all others even those in their own tribe. Also a lack of self-awareness that wears on the patience of those around them.
Guilty? If they're too stupid to take a joke, not my problem.

No. Especially not the fucking Jews.

>daring to make fun of anyone but himself

Man you're the lowest tier of human, thus not able to laugh at anyone

I feel guilty for not ripping them hard enough.


At least I don't rob niggers or charge kikes interest. Nonwhites are the fucking worst.

Fuck no

>Making fun of them

I won't apologize for hurting someone's feelings

I harbor no ill will towards them; I only oppose their self destructive agendas

This. My jokes suck. My only regret is not having better ones.

If I don't call anyone nigger or kike during the day its hard to sleep at night.

If you want to see true tragedy, look at what the core of black culture was like circa 1900-1960; I wonder who destroyed that culture?

this. If you're so fucking offended by my words, the problem is on your end. If you're truly happy with who you are my insults would be met with dismissive disdain and nothing else, but as it stands people get triggered so fucking hard it's amazing they're capable of looking in the mirror without instantly dying of shame

Never. Why would I give up my favorite hobby?

They have reduced their personhood to shallow identity tropes, thus depriving them of true self respect and self confidence. This is why they seem like mindless zombies

I pity them but this also makes them extremely dangerous

>A Fag who doesn't show heS flag
>In my post i imply that i laugh both on others and myself
I think its time to stop posting for you.

Nothing makes me happier

No, and why should I?

No because the only time I'm making fun of them is when they're fucking up. I don't have to make fun of Anthony Brian Logan because he's not a dirty gang banging nigger. I don't have to make fun of Ben Shapiro because even though he's a cuckservative he's trying to be a good man. I make fun of gang banging hood niggers and evil jews who want to literally genocide me.

>Be honest. Do you ever feel guilty for making fun of blacks and jews?

silly op... I don't make fun of blacks.