Republican: Karen Handel /ourgal/
Democrat: John (pajama boy) Ossoff
Most Recent Poll:
Real Clear Politics
>Handel :48.75% Ossoff: 47.70%
Handel needs our help. Post your best Magik.
Republican: Karen Handel /ourgal/
Democrat: John (pajama boy) Ossoff
Most Recent Poll:
Real Clear Politics
>Handel :48.75% Ossoff: 47.70%
Handel needs our help. Post your best Magik.
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Remember: Ossoffuck is a manlet that doesn't live in the district he is running for - and is a pajama boy x10.
Sorry guys, it looks like Ossoff is going to win
Whos he voting for?
I'm gonna enjoy the asspain when Cuck boy loses tonight.
They will probably claim some moral Victory again. Or say since it was close that he still won and lots of faggots screaming about a resistance.
>Google georgia special election images to make a thread
>5 straight pages ossof, peppered with "drumpf" desaturated images
Also, does anyone have a chart of funding origin? I remember seeing one a few weeks ago saying a majority of his funds were out of state from cali, ny, Illinois etc
No it doesn't.
Too bad Ossoff is too weird of a name to ascribe catchphrases to.
I do hope Handel wins, sending her my energy.
Yeah this is pretty widely known. Dems are starving for a win, and he got a lot from NYC and Hollywood
GA fag here, can't vote in the sixth but please meme Ossoff defeat, the liberal smug will be intolerable otherwise
Why the fuck cant they mind their own business? If Texas or PA sent 10 mil to a campaign in California there would be no end to the bitching about campaign finance reform
Marietta here. I voted in your place for "H"
It will be close. His vote will be the tie breaker!!!
thank you based no marta bro
Note: if the Republicans lose this election, they will 99% sure lose the house and Senate next year. What that also means, Trump will get booted from office in 2020.
Heard Ossoff is Clinton-lite, plus I want all democrats to fail so bump for a Republican win!
yeah im kinda worried about this, if a shit eating 30 year old kike can win in a fairly red district then conservatives will be BTFO in 2018 and 2020
on the other hand maybe this will light a fire under their asses to, you know, actually do something?
Just like when repubs lost Montana (they didn't).
There are only 9 republican senate seats up for reelection in 2018 and the democrats need to flip 3.
Lets give the democrats Arizona and Nevada since those are toss up states.
Then they must flip either Alabama, Mississippi, Nebraska, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, or Wyoming. And that's assuming the republicans don't flip any blue seats.
Yeah ... not gonna happen.
>doesn't live in district
>can't vote for himself
>Most money is coming from out of state
>Hollywood is bankrolling this turd.
>Entire campaign is "I am going to attack Trump"
>doesn't give a shit about the people living there
I can almost taste the fresh crop of liberal tears from this when he loses. All that money (50 million!) for nothing!
Once he loses the press won't say another word about this.
That's my worry. If Republicans win, then they have a little less to worry about. I predict a Democrat win though.
This is different. Georgia is more cucked due to Northeast transplants and nogs. Montana citizens are nowhere near cucked.
Let's just hope it works in our favor.
For anyone looking to make a quick buck off of naive liberals:
predictit dot org/Market/2932/Who-will-win-the-2017-House-of-Representatives-special-election-in-Georgia's-6th-District
Get your Russian conspiracies ready now faggot.
He's going down.
A car w out of state plates stopped right in front of me to get out and place a sign. Locals are sick of it.
>Jack us off
Handel looks like she would have a pretty comfy pussy tbqh
Keep The MEMES going.
Fuck Ossoff
He is going to lose. IM WITH HER!
Literally want to sign up every out of state old lady and NEET to be on crazy ass right wing lists after all the Ossof campaign crap I get in the mail.
So When Ossoff Loses, how many minutes will it take before muh Russia hacked the elections again?
>I say 20 min.
Can someone tell me in Georgia tell me how close this race is? Will Ossoff get blown out
I don't think blown out bc he signed up abt 5000 (((new))) voters in DeKalb county (cucked).
I predict she will win and Dems will whine that it was rigged or something.
We need more memes but GOOD ones, get on it, autists!
I have had cars stop right in front of me w out of state plates to put up Ossof signs up on public property.
>>doesn't live in district
After how much shit he got for not living in the district during the first election, he's a massive dipshit for not moving by now.
There was a car parked at my polling location w an Ossoff campaign slogan scrawled on the window. Finally complained and the polling manager went across the street to where a woman had an Ossof tent and balloons set up.
Made me wonder, did the polling manager know that the pro Ossof lady's car was there the whole time? Why did she allow it?
We had to complain and called the election office to complain before the manager did anything even though the car was within the "No Campaign Zone" of the polling place.
If it were a man running as an R, I wouldn't worry. However it's a woman and history has shown they always choke.
Make the 7th district proud my dudes.
Clinton literally shitted on my city but we shall get revenge!
Alpha(retta) male here, the number of Nissan Leafs on the road here is disquieting. Most small businesses have Handel signs up, but it's honestly too close to call.
Any of the Macron memes would be good, modify Pelosi's face to cover Merkels or whoever
I can't wait to troll California for all the money they spent here and then they lost the election. And btw thanks for filming so many movies here b/c CA sucks.
>Cuck boy loses tonight.
and claims it is a "victory for the ages" like he did the last time.
Maybe make some more Jack Ossoff (jack us off) memes?
At this point, I'm convinced half the Repubs WANT that, because their swamp is so comfy and they are mortally afraid Trump could put an end to their gravy train.
There are two females in this race, be more specific.
>upper body strength
Sup Forums supporting (((career))) corrupt politicans.
but at least you are triggering those liberals xddd maga awooo~~~ . the liberals want something else so we have to be against it haHAA
holy fucking shit
Why is this such a big deal again?
wtf I wish I would've voted for Hillary now
Ossof is a literal who with no experience. He's just a Jewish Obama.
Just now heard on Rush Limbaugh that the republican is UP by 2 points
Because it's going to be a "referendum on Donald Trump."
Until Ossoff loses, of course, then it'll just be a normal election.
Need pictures of Ossoff's hands
momentum, news cycle, narrative.
God damn, Ossoff is fine as fuck. Trudeau, Macron, and now this guy. What is it with left politicians being so hot?
Wait so they will try to vote trump out?
Tossoff Ossoff?
North Cobb/South Cherokee reporting in and stating it now, I came on here half a god damn year ago and warned you people about the potential for them to flip it but all you shits told me it would be impossible. Well I am saying it now, if he wins I fucking told you not to underestimate the psychosis of the Dems but if he loses than I'll just thank God and laugh at my Dem friends reactions online
Ossoff is too hairy
>From the 4th
>Rent in 6th
>Can only send positive energy from inside the 6th
The 6th can take all the energy. GO HANDLE KEK WILLS IT
No, it will be "TRUMP BTFO!!!" anyway, because "it was so close!" and "by 2018, when Trump is long impeached, the Republicunts will get BTFO even harder!!" and so on and so on.
Dems have thrown millions into the race to try to flip the seat (Like they have failed multiple times before in other races post-presidential election).
This one was really the only one that was close, due to the district being somewhat against Trump but still ultimately voting Republican in 2016 (but with a much slimmer margin).
Kuk boy likes em shaved. Big surprise.
Really the reason it's so close is because Fulton county is included and because of the Socialist influence in our local schools and Unis like GSU and KSU. (Tech and UGA I am not sure about but UGA is in Athens anyways)
Shut up, faggot.
I've learned not to trust this shit even if it's in my favor
What about the text, any ideas? Thoughts on my text?
DeKalb is the problem, but half of the ppl trying to vote for "Oshgoff" aren't even in District 6
She wins at 54%. Korean shamanism forsees this
No, they'll claim it as a victory against Trump because a Democrat will have won in a deeply red area that he should have never won. If a Dem can win this, it'll be bad news for Republicans in 2018.
That doesn't need txt, it is perfect. Maybe just #GA06 or VoteYourOssoff
you can kinda see his hands
It means women are idiots who vote for whoever is the most handsome instead of for policy.
Issue i have is Ossoff has not intention to do shit for us Georgians and Handel's record is typical republican shit. I dont have faith in either. Give me a case guys before i vote.
Love it!
What a lanklet
>the one where Drumpfy lectures the class on no policy