How do we fix the american fat epidemic Sup Forums?

how do we fix the american fat epidemic Sup Forums?

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butcher them

Make larger motorized carts.

Maybe get off your fat ass and stop posting on a tibetan basket weaving forum all day you useless cunt.

Lynch all minorities, blacks and spics are the ones driving up our obesity rates. We would be as thin as Europe if it weren't for the blacks and browns driving up the average.



1 )Politely tell all of them they're unhealthy–that past a certain point they're placing a burden on the healthcare system
2)cut sugar subsidies for large sugar companies/farms
3) Incentivize food companies to stop placing so damn much HFCS in everything just because it's cheap

You can't without restricting freedom, which is only allowed when you're making profits for corporations, which restricting fat people would do the opposite.

To be fat, you need to be willfully ignorant or just don't give a shit, neither of which will change

these stats are revolting