Are you afraid, white boys? :)
Other urls found in this thread:
Hey dude, where's your argument?
> kvetching intensifies
99% of pol blames 100% of their problems on 1.41%.
Technically everyone is afraid, unless they're sociopaths or otherwise retarded. Are you not afraid?
Those Shlomos aren't actually that smart, they just have worked out a way to practice open nepotism so if anyone calls them out on it
At least 30% of them blame us now. Back off.
Would you count as subjective or objective opinion?
>Hurr he is responsible for our suffering
Why you posting an edit?
They're not wrong. Kikes are responsible for the cultural and demographic subversion that is killing the West. Whether it's a deliberate plot or just a manifestation of Jewish ideals of egalitarianism and multiculturalism is a pointless argument.
Your version is very clearly the edit.
The font, and the the the file is formatted says this clearly.
actually it's less than that, coz like 90% of joos like yourself are explited by the ultra rich joos that consider us all slaves, they won capitalism so they don't mind what we do with politics anymore
You take back this libellous accusation.
next you'll be telling me this was an edit too
Fuck, thisnall they way
You deserve this (you)
this isn't real, right?
can't even tell anymore
really make you think .
Jews are not Western, idiot.
>Jewish people are responsible for the scientific advancements and intellectual advancements that made the West.
Yes, of course. The sheer intellectual force of Jews is also why their ethnostate is one of the best countries in the world. Oh, wait.. M
France isn't white so you can go ahead and fuck off, Omlette-du-cuck
Oh yes it's real
>implying kikes are white
where did I imply it retard?
Just a friendly reminder. It's rather amusing to see kikes talking about the US being enriched when you have more niggers than us.
That 1.41% has 90% of the top positions on earth
we don't have niggers besides some Ethiopians.
you are clearly retarded
>a kike who can't even reply to the right post calls me retarded
now show the one where harvard professors became more jewish over time and more and more jewish students were admitted