Sup Forums btfo! Gotta admit, US needs immigrants
Sup Forums btfo! Gotta admit, US needs immigrants
Wtf is this
>what is unskilled labor
This is one of the most bourgeois memes ever
the only thing luis cuck is blowing is black dicks
>If you don't work for pennies on the dollar you are shit
>I need atleast one million dollars for 8 hours of work
I agree
(((Louis C.K)))
The subtle assumption here is that people are interchangeable and reducible to their marketable skills. This is incorrect. Pajeet may be a better telemarketer than Bob, but Pajeet is still a fucking Indian.
Roasties protested an anti-abortion bill by dressing as characters from a book about women being forced to birth children because of mass sterilization.
Youre a cuck
But i thought they were all doctors and engineers
They cant even speak English and the average american canf understand them. Just to cater to a small % of the population
God he's so embarrassingly stupid.
What h1b1 visas?
"You're shit"
Yes. American Shit.
Fuck immigrants. We don't need em to do what shitty Americans can do.
"Of course if you aren't willing to work for slave wages you're shit!"
When are the left going to start dressing up like Harry Potter characters?
ah bless Louis's cotton socks topfull with spasticbrain
all three items he lists are exactly why and how immigrants are front of the queue for many jobs
Or affirmative action
he forgot to mention that our tax dollars subsidize them, and are also spent trying to destroy us.
>he forgot to mention that our tax dollars subsidize them, and are also spent trying to destroy us.
Letists constantly whine about "Universal health care"
But you never hear them talking about all of the free healthcare that we give to illegals, but not citizens.
what are dumping wages - the thread
They also act like they care about people yet they have comtempt for white people for no reason
She gonna show him her snatch or something?
Where did this come from
lol tho
sorry, I'll correct the typo
Lol, this guy just gets on a stage and says shit for a living. He doesn't know real life.
Also make sure you mention the stress it puts on social services (resulting in inaccessibility) and health care (resulting in higher costs for treating wetbacks for free).
What book? Sounds interesting
>Just to cater to a small % of the population
top kek
what part of the population do you think that is?
That sounds really white supremacist to assume the top 1% of China, India, Africa,Middle East, and South America are all only better than shitty white people.
For those without critical thinking skills I will spell it out for you. Foreigners take our jobs because they outnumber us by several billion people to our 300 million. Their top few percent of performers could knock out nearly all whites from all college in the US if it was entirely merit based.
We need nationalism now or we need whites added to protected quotas.
Handmaiden's Tale. Feminist horror novel where super Christians take over the US and upgrade the patriarchy to include concubines called handmaidens. It's super scary in the age of Trump. THIS. COULD. HAPPEN.
Tell me it's true
It's a great sound byte, but the jobs they're taking are often the ones kids need to get their first work experiences, start making contacts vouching for their work ethic, and start making money so they're not up to their eyeballs in debt, something someone his age likely never had to deal with because wages were higher, things were cheaper, and you weren't competing with a hundred Pacos and Pajeets for every job.
Its not a good sound byte its jist retarded. It makes no argument whatsoever except to insult white people as usual
Did Hillary Clinton pull a Rachel Dolezal?
Bob Dylan obliges annoying fan in Berkeley by actually playing 'Free Bird'
This scares me
We have a lot of boats to sink
There was a time lefties were pro-unions and believed it was morally wrong to
1) Undercut your local workforce and drive them into unemployment and poverty.
2) Do this by exploiting brown people and paying them below what natives would accept.
But today it seems everyone is pro-elites, pro-globalism. Both sides of the political spectrum should be against it because it's anti-capitalistic and predatory, it supports nothing but extreme monopolies that kill competition and ruin nations.
But mysteriously that is not the case.
Well it's not that much of a mystery. Both sides of the isle are now owned by the same small group of companies, that own virtually everything else. This is the 1980s dystopian version of the future. You can't avoid working for the megacorps and you can't avoid buying from the megacorps and if you find an alternative it'll be ruined or bought up soon enough.
Any leftist who said this 30 years ago would be crucified by his peers for being a anti-worker, corporate shill, but now it's almost a mainstream leftist opinion. Their priorities turned from the working class to the flavor of the month minority, and I'm sure billionaires and big corporations are loving it.