Why should I defend the 1% when it is actively against my economic interests?
Liberal Woman Here
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99% poor? What the fuck is this guys definition of poor?
And where is the source?
your economic interests are "gib me shit i dint ern"
women handle money like a common nigger
nobody needs you to defend anythning
Did you know the Jewish community is 43% of the 1%?
Why aren't your economic interests the same as the 1%.
Why don't you want to be self reliant, have responsibility and be wealthy.
What makes you think you are actually doing anything to them? Don't you ever sit back and wonder why all the wealthiest names in the industry support globalization and multiculturalism and stupid shit? Do you no ever wonder if your policies actually HELP them?
You shouldn't
don't flatter yourself by pretending they need your help
what you should be asking yourself is if in the long run socialist policies benefit you. the answer is no.
The fact that you felt the need to mention your gender earns an automatic sage. Kill yourself.
>Why should I defend the 1%
What do you mean by that? They don't need defending.
There is no defending the 1%. If you are a socialist you are making it impossible for a competition to rise up and challenge them. If you are a capitalist, you are making it easy for them to afford cheap labour and keep large profit margins. It doesn't matter which socialist or capitalist policies you choose, the truth is that they are going to be at the top no matter what. And if you think becoming a communist and taking everything from them is going to stop them, think again because they're just going to fly away to another country with all their wealth and leave you lying in a ditch while homeless people strip you of your clothes
>1% rich.
>60-70% not quite so rich but still quite wealthy.
If you want to challenge the 1%, your literal only option is to start a business and enter into competition with them.
>tfw part of the 1%
Not interested in long run. Pay my debts.
Stop being an antisemite OP
And that is why you will never be able to defeat the 1%
And do you actually think your liberal policies are going to harm the elite?
They are the only ones rich enough to maintain their economic empires through your regulations while smaller businesses are placed under burden.
You are actually empowering the elite.
The path to hell is paved with good intentions
You shouldn't , defend the society you live in and that's all.
Pretty well everyone could stand to be paid a little better, but come on now. Using the state to pillage the top and take their earnings is just silly.
>woman voting in favour of free shit from the state
Grow up and take responsibility for your own life, useless cunt.
>this x100
Why should I care about progressivism and its pet projects when all it does is illegitimize my own kind and its culture?
You're a woman, no one cares about your politics and you will inevitably adopt your husband's politics anyway.
Tits or GTFO!!!!
>this thread keeps getting bumped
the 1% isn't the problem, the 0.001% is the problem
you dont wanna hurt good businessmen, you want to hurt the parasite class that runs the banks and insider trading
There is no such thing as 1%. No one cares about anyone's economic interest only people whom love you do. You should fight for gov. not to bail out the big corps for their bullshit and bad business decisions. Also don't namefag, it is retarded.
Because anything other than unquestioning loyalty to the economic establishment is communism and inevitably kills 100 billion trillion people.
Oh wait. There is no establishment because everything that happens to you is your fault and everything with anyone else is their own fault, unless you happen to be far right, virulently anti-socialist, or a rich businessperson. Then you can blame other people.
Because the 1% are mostly parasites.
Like the poorest.
Some steal the product of your work though interests, the other by welfare.
Tits or gtfo
Just because you're not as rich as 1% doesn't mean you're poor ffs
You're defending them when you promote refugees, and focus on secondary issues like minority rights
Why should I not rape you when it goes against my sexual interests?
>No tit pics
Get out.
Liberals are completely oblivious to this fact
Totally agree. Fuck the 1%
Men already do. Your ability to be a "stronk independent womyn who don't need no man" is subsidized by the state, which is largely supported by men.
Can I steal this one?
Fake and gay.
this baka
If you're liberal, prove it. Have sex with me.
And what are you gonna do when the bourgeoisie flies away to New Zealand and buys their own island where they can live infinitely, and all the homeless are pillaging raping I'm stealing everything you own because you are the boars was h and what are you gonna do when the board was the flies away to New Zealand and buys their own island where they can live infinitely, and all the homeless are pillaging raping I'm stealing everything you own because you are the bourgeoisie, and the nation is stripped of its wealth?
You shouldn't. What you should do is inform yourself of whose policies actually supports the 1% instead of relying on popular perceptions that haven't been true since the 1990s and picking a party to blindly vote for. If "defend the 1%" is just code for voting a certain way, you have a lot to learn. Any politician whose platform includes free trade, mass immigration, and any other policy that allows large amounts of labor and capital to be easily moved across borders is clearly defending the interests of the top 1%.
You shouldn't, stop voting for refugees and "free health care".
The US already pays more per capita for healthcare than all but 4 European countries. All these government systems are used to funnel money to the rich who control them.
You may enjoy this book, OP. Fuck the 1% indeed.
tits or gtfo
Why should WE support YOU when you are against OUR interests.
You shouldn't
Which is why you should stay clear of feminists who wish to perpetuate extreme economic inequality while altering the gender balance of the upper class.
look at these liberal/democrat stronghold
they represent your pic related more than Republican strongholds.
We have a middle class.
You have hedge fund and tech billionaires and their millionaire managers and then a dirt fucking poor class
Why the fuck can you not see this?
Goddamn voice to text doubling sentences and being retarded.
Look OP, socialism only makes a monopoly for the corporations, the corporations are the ones supporting your socialist cults, because they KNOW it benefits them, and when the communists take over the nation will be stripped of its wealth and the bourgeoisie will just fly the fuck away and buy their way into any country they want and those countries will literally suck their dicks just to host them.
Especially Israel.
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Are you a nigger?
>arguing for free gibs
>call someone else a parasite
Duh because they're like, good people don't you know that?
Woman pushing Marxist ideology
Obviously she nose this
Faggot. Libertarians like Hans Herman Hoppe unkiked libertarianism.
Tits or gtfo
for one, America has over 300 million people meaning that the 1% you often claim to fight against is mostly just mom and pop store owners and franchise runners along with some neets who got into crypto.
What you want is for economic mobility to be high, and it is higher now than most of history with the internet and associated industries. In order to keep it high you want the labor market to have more jobs open relative to worker population, especially in regards to the trend of automation.
Universal basic income is shit in regards that businesses would know that everyone has exactly that amount of money and they would raise prices accordingly if you think that more government control over businesses is a good idea, I ask you do you really trust them. every time communism has been implemented, the top class was always replaced with a bureaucratic class who see things as numbers on paper and have no reason to help beyond their most basic of job functions.
no the real enemy to fight is the global elites, the megacorp owners, the soros types of the world and monsanto they know that without a national and racial herritage people are just human capital and not true people.
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Joooleeeeene!!!
Oh shit he's onto me...
Why don't you be a good little girl, and go study nazi economics, starting with the abolition of interest slavery, since they're the only nation in history who actually stuck it to the "1%" and achieved prosperity economically, instead of being a dumb fuck who mimicked the same shit that hasn't worked once in all of history, and that everyone who's ever tried it has eventually given up for other forms of government.
After killing record high numbers of people of course
Truthfully both liberals and American "conservatives" are guilty of this.
There's a very interesting shift that happened under Carter and Reagan, Thatcher and Major, that has passed with much less commentary than their deregulations. Basically, the shift in power within businesses from management to shareholders. Shareholder value has become the dominating force in our economy.
Now obviously small businesses don't do much in the way of shareholder value, so no matter whether you have a "liberal" in power or not, you're going to find a situation where regulatory capture is abused to keep out smaller competitors, while actually meaningful regulations are stripped away to the benefit of those who already dominate markets.
It doesn't have to be this way (I mean, it wasn't for most of the 1950-1970 period where the technostructure, not shareholder value, dominated business and economic life.) but it takes a deliberate rebalancing of the economy against the financial sector.
Hopefully after the next crisis financial services will be weak enough for the technostructure or some other force to displace it as the dominant sector of our society.
Because that wealth will trickle down just like in the 80s :^)
>the 1% you often claim to fight against is mostly just mom and pop store owners and franchise runners along with some neets who got into crypto.
that must be the more delusional bulshit i've read since a long time I hope you are trolling buddy go back to learn something about the riches and the elites your whole point is asinine. You are the definition itself of a dumbfuck burger.
Your mother is half black and your father is Jewish?
That septum piercing makes you look atrocious, otherwise 6.5/10
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You fucking idiot. What he saying is by imposing socialist policies to "fight the 1%" all you're doing is causing harm to those industries and driving their business towards the corporations giving them a monopoly over the entire industry
1: You don't know what your economic interests are because you are a woman.
2: You are part of the global 1%.
3: You don't need to "defend" anything, you just need to not behave like a criminal.
4: Being a liberal is the same as being a thief, so you aren't a "woman" anymore, you're just a thief.
I propose a 100% Boomer property tax. Before we do this,
We need to secure weapons. Hoards of Boomers and pension collectors will flood the streets. We must resist. Also all that tax money will be given to millennials (through direct grants) that have 3.0 GPA or higher in community college or University.
So you hate Jews? Good job Hitler. 45% of the 1% is Jewish.
They're your employers.
You're on your own faggot, go get your aids ridden niggers and homeless friends to fight with you, we're not fucking retards.
Now show us your goddamn nipples
why should i defend a slaves freedom if it goes against my economic interest?
Na he was saying that everyone think mom and pop is 1% and the real problem is only big corpo. The problem are the banks the riches family corporation is a product of capitalism and global market you don't stop a scam if you don't start by it's root. The 1%. Sorry to tel you that corporation are definitely not 1% but controlled and created by the 1%.
Earning nearly 500k a year (individually, not household income) makes you a mom-and-pop store owner?
The Reptilians rule the world - our lizard king master overlords - we're all their slaves.
This. You are of 0 value OP, in fact you are negative value because you are heavily in debt and grossly incompetent at paying it off on your own, probably cause you wasted four years of your life on an interpretive dance degree in college.
Survival of the fittest, and you are not remotely fit for the future.
get the fuck out.
Because your infographic is inaccurate. And you blame white men not (((whites))) and the institutional power you say white men have is actually in your hands and you are a puppet of the 1% so kindly KYS. Leftists(not just (((democrats))))are not really pro worker. You can't be pro worker and pro immigrant and your economic interests are what? Sucking coal logs in your middle class neighborhood?
i'm not rich but my home is paid off, my cars are paid off, i have a decent savings and retirement.
1% are bill gates rich, 5% millionaires, probably 45% are in my group, then you have the ones with no marketable skills (burger flippers), then you have the welfare queens
>shitting so hard on the middle class
Well, fuck you too, fascist bitch.
Commies truly turned on the proletariat and the honest blue collars
Sounds like the USSR
Are you going to admit that the vast part of the 1% is jewish or you are here just to shill behond reconing ?