>Multiple types of evidence points towards a possible terrorist attack at a relatively popular tourist destination
>Finnish police erects road barriers so that tourists can take cover
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ohh wow, how thoughtful of them
I literally live 70m from there
Helsinki City faggot boi.
Post your boipucci, faggot.
Who would win
>A jeep
>A wall of concrete
Let's trigger some Muslims until we find out!
Those walls would probably stop a jeep but I don't think they'd stop a truck.
Also Helsinki has some really shitty tourist attractions, most of them deserve to get blown up.
Part and parcel
it won't work because they'd only have one person to a barricade.
>Spotted the non-jeep fan
I'd bet money on the jeep over a truck.
Jeeps have some solid engines and the only reason why they aren't racing cars is because they're heavy as fuck. That said, they're also resistant as fuck. It's basically a solid steel block on wheels.
On the other hand, trucks do have some good engines, but they're made out of recycled tin cans.
While both a truck and a jeep would probably wreck these shit walls at a correct speed, the truck would get wrecked, while the jeep would keep on living it's happy life.
>t. jeepfag
They'd slow it down...But what are they gonna do against an explosive?
Boom isn't hard to mix up, and it's not even being used in the west yet.
I love you too, friendos
I think you guys are missing the fact that an attacker would simply stop themselves in their tracks if they were to go perpendicular to the biggest surface, as there is a wall behind the blockers.
I highly doubt that a truck or a jeep could power through that shit if it was going in a more "logical" direction - ie along the sidewalk.
Why is Helsinki so accepting of degenerates and muslims? Start cleaning up the city already
They actually go outside helsinki. Helsinki is too expensive.
Helsinki has most of immigrants, and they have largest suvakki population.
Helsinki has lot of non-muslim immigrants, refugees are packing themselves in meri-rastila, helsinki. Most of them live somewhere in eastern Vantaa and Espoo, not in Helsinki. They can't afford average housing prices in here.
Problem with Jeeps, as you said: they're a block of solid steel. No room for deformation at all. If you hit a Twingo, the Twingo turns into Lametta since all the impact energy is transferred onto it since the Jeep doesn't deform. If you hit a solid barrier or a tree there is no room on both sides to absorb energy, hence the driver get's it all. Not a pretty sight.
t. EMT
Any Finn-bros know is it hard getting job there? I'm black conservative and I talk to finnish girl there maybe I visit her. I love suomi
If you are talented and have a good education + cv, it is not a problem.
väärä vastaus aisankannattaja
>Tourist destination
Why the fuck would any one go there?
Get lost. Do not ever think about tainting Finnish gene pool with your disgraceful KANGZ gene.
Still waiting for that boipucci.
I was gonna post this..
Why the fuck would anyone come here?
What fucking tourist destination?
The local mosquito filled swamp?
Elfland getting fucked by abdools. hahaha