So, what does Sup Forums think of this (((great))) leader?
Other urls found in this thread:
Seems like a real cool guy
Definitely not trying to extinguish the growing awareness among younger generations of (((who))) is destroying western society and orchestrating white genocide..
Putin will kick american asses. You guys are subhumans.
What's the concentration of Neonazis in this board?
Why do you like it so much?
Why don't you use it for the discussion of politics as intended?
Surely you're not this retarded... Anyone with more than a couple brain cells to rub together can see that it's the niggers, spics, faggots, trannies, liberal cuckolds and the jews that run it all who are the "subhumans"...
Lurk moar, fggt
All americans are either nigger, or jews, or liberals, or faggots. So all americans are SUBHUMANS.
Discussing a President's staunch Zionist-allegiance and thus most-probable covert agenda is very much related to politics, last time I logic'd, m8.
whats Putin done for israel though?
cbf searching for more; too tired.
yes, comrade
Fake news. Fake statistics.
bound to have done much more, but cbf searching... saw some more shit in wikipedia but meh
The best politician unlike zio puppet Trump.
But he's going out of his way to defend Syria, which is an irreconciliable enemy of Israel
>blacks are ~13% population|
>asians like 5-6%
>hispanics like ~15-20%
>LGTBBQ like ~5-10%
>Trump won
>inb4 hurrr "b-but muh electoral college"
yeah nah it was close as fuck anyway so it completely refutes your "All americans are either nigger, or jews, or liberals, or faggots. So all americans are SUBHUMANS"
At least 50-60% of murricans are white, and at least 45-50% of entire populous is conservative (with most of those being white).
moral of the story: btfo; eastern europeans are europe's niggers anyway lol
Fake news. All americans are niggers.
I honestly cant have a real opinion on him. The only (((real))) russian news I get is from MSM and youtube dash cam videos. He's either a ruthless dictator that kills his opposition to stay in power in "democratic elections" or the last true opposition to jews. With Russia's history as a Jewish pawn, I'd say somewhere in between. But seperating fact from fiction when it comes to anything with Russia is too difficult. Going against Israel and aiding Assad makes me want to believe its all jewish lies.
Hillary Clinton: "ex"-KGB (fucking white male!) edition.
He deserves the rope!
Reminder ethnic Russians are the victims of Judeobolshevism and are your friends
Living in Germany, grandson of the White Guard Officer, Alexander von Hahn decided to revive the Russian Council of Baron Peter Wrangel and published the "Manifesto of the Renaissance of Russia".
For a discussion of this document, the author invites everyone, regardless of their country of residence and party affiliation. The main task – "to resist the regime of Vladimir Putin", which, according to Baron, is the direct heir of Bolshevism.
Vstan za veru Russkaya Zemlya!
They both are.
Read'em & weep.
Yeah, both sides are being fed... Such a war is never meant to be won; only $ustained.
shameless bump
Well, he makes Russian politics remotely worthwhile. He killed all boring opponents and has the funniest pet opposition I've seen, thus granting us the best keks. How could Sup Forums dislike that guy?
his policies prove otherwise
>How could Sup Forums dislike that guy?
How can Sup Forums dislike marxist kikes too, when they create the best entertainment?
(((UN))) < Putin
(((You))) lose
see and
We are not found of the European ethnic displament, neo-Bolshevism and multiracial society
Struggle goes on. One day Russians will be living in a homogenous state of respect, progress, eugenics and tradition
Except he's not just feeding them, he's in full force bombing their opposition. The effort put by Russia is significantly bigger than that of the powers supporting the rebels.
>"The Americans shooting down Syria's Su-22 plane is a very serious move. In fact, this is yet another sign that the war in Syria is shifting to a new phase. Namely, towards a phase where the United States launches a military intervention against Syria. It's dangerous and serious," Sivkov said.
(((America))) is kill
UN = Russian Government/Putin = USA = EU = the European ethnic displacement
Geopolitics is a meme for idiots
misdirection works a charm on this goy
He's Russian orthodox Christian basically he's a redpilled Christian
>fighting for germans
He's a corrupted piece of shit, fuck him
>bombing their opposition
*poking the beehive with a stick
And he's the friend of the only good Arab
>patriotic Russkie who are Germans-in-blood
>somehow a problem or bad
Northern Europeans, Central Euroeans and Balts are the only people who historically accepted into Russkie
Nice try, bydlo
Communist detected gtfo
Putin is a great example of how uneducated Sup Forums is on BOTH sides of the Zionism and Jewish control coins. The uneducated scumbags here seem to only know of one sides, the West's. Russia, even though "aligned" with Syria and Iran, is still a major boost to Zionism and Israel's control, safety and influence. Putin is the best thing to have happened to Zionism. It's another superpower that supports its cause, even if it dupes you all at the UN. Look at all his actions.
Read this. Then fact-check what you don't believe.
We got cucked by trump and the Saudis so Putin is our guy
t. every homo-sovieticus
No, marxists are just pathetic. Putin, however, says and does almost Sup Forums-tier shit. He openly attacks gays, women, ignores opposition because "just fucking look at them" and gases libtards.
I mean, he's kinda shit, when it comes to religion, free speech, corruption, internet and foreign policies, but at least he's funny, i guess. That's something
He is anti-Russian and anti-white. He would glady replace you all with curkas, if that meant to consolidate power and wealth.
pls no, no germans.
>He would glady replace you all with curkas
What he actually does
He supports White Genociders like Mugabe and Zuma. I doubt he's Sup Forumstier. What are the gun laws in Russia like? What is the article 282 of the criminal code? What is the state of Russian-Chinese borders control? how come there are 150k negroes in Russia? How come there are 100-200k spics in Russia?
maby hes secret buddist ?
Bydlo, fuck off. Russia has almost a million of Germans and about four million people of German partial descent.
Putin is a literal subhuman and so are his supporters
hes a mason.
>He is anti-Russian
Didn't get that impression from what I've seen. He's greedy and sleazy motherfucker, that's true, but I don't think he hates his own people
>Outright hostility with Obama
>Wanted to work with Trump
Makes you think, huh
>Trump and his racemixing family
Vatnikas, are you retarded?
fuck off subhuman autist
You're dead meat yiddo, shouldn't you be running by now insted shitposting on the Internet?
Stay and die, will you :)
i've come to notice the same about Sup Forums (especially 4gag Sup Forums compared to glorious old pre-jim 8chn Sup Forums)
You kike bully trump is almost finished, and you
''re next, kek.
Dumbass jews always gassing themselves in the end, haha
You're not worthy of life, that's why you not only look like degenerate shit, you're literally dna garbage kek
I can't get what Kremlin bots are trying to achieve. A like from some Kekistani on Vladicuck FB page?Trigger happy ethnic nationalists across Europe see Putin as an enemy anyway.
haha butthurt german
only about 400 000 germans in russia. come here we need you.
so if you dont like putin that means i like him now, cuz you are german.
Yes Yes Yes that was a great one Karl Max the cock lover
At least, Trump's not black
>Got called vatnik for shitposting
Christ, at least call me a faggot, that would be more appropriate for the occasion
Ayy, lmao! Back to 2ch, nigger.
You forgot to change your flag to kekistan.
Trump cucked out on his #1 promise - repeal the Obama's illegal amnesty. He promised multiple times to do it on the day 1. He didn't and he won't
Honey, are you lost? Get back to your CS:GO and krokodil, gobnik
>supports Mugabe and Zuma
It's not like he has a choice. Everyone but third-world niggers hate him
>muh guns
>What is the article 282
It's bullshit, obviously.
>What is the state of Russian-Chinese borders control?
It's bullshit, obviously.
>how come there are 150k negroes in Russia? >How come there are 100-200k spics in Russia?
Muh equalities, i guess
>It's bullshit, obviously
Is this a new form of proofstering?
Trump cucked on a lot of things, to be honest
>ethnic nationalists across Europe see Putin as an enemy
I see why EU has so many rapefugees now. Youropeans were successfully distracted from real enemies at home.
What did you mean by this, exactly?
He's a kike shill, him and Trump, both controlled by (((them))), if you can't see that, you're a brainwashed retard.
What, only two of you, retards, got to "raid" Sup Forums this time? Sad.
>binary thinking
Gobniks not even once. 'People' like him should be sterilized
Trump is a cuck and always has been. Literal desegregation shill
Putin's most important oligarchs:
Vekselberg - JEW
Prokhorov - JEW
Deripaska - JEW
Malkin - JEW
Abramovich - JEW
Leviev - JEW
Potanin - "officially" not
Fridman - JEW
Rotenberg Brothers - JEWS
Nah, I agree that 282 is a shitty law. (and China border is a mess, from what I've heard)
Yes, I have been "raiding" this place with my "russophobic" opinions for quite a white now.
Orthodox Christian =/= (((You)))
>"I'm gonna send off mudslimes"
>"I'm gonna send off mexicans"
>"Obama is suspiciously black to be American"
>desegregation shill
Wait, what?
>all kids are dating kikes
>implying the 14the Amendment and 1965 Immigration Acts are not THE PROBLEM
>desegregation shill
He shilled for desegregation and racial inclusion in 1970-1990s
>maymay arrow
good for you
Is he really a Chechen boot licker?
haha, it is just propaganda
3rd world immigration to the USA will continue as under former presidents
there will never be a wall at the mexican border
he is the most jewish-friendly president of all times
american MAGA idiots are just too dumb to realize it
>Splits up country amongst Jewish oligarchs
>Hate speech laws
>Holocaust denial laws
>More muslims than the rest of Europe combined
>Putin attends mosque openings
>Putin says American cops are racist against blacks
When did the Russians stop being Europeans?
If that's propaganda, then it's consistent one. He had a vlog on YouTube in 2011-2013, "From the desk of Donald Trump", where he says same shit. He even dropped MAGA in there once. Right now it's privated.
No, kadyrov is useful to him for some reasons. Meanwhile kadyrov tells chechens that the time will come and they will find a proper place for pynya
And Holocaust denial is subject to 5 years in prison and nationalist groups are punished?
(((they))) are always on both sides of the conflict behind the scenes. Putin seems good only in comparison to our own pathetic leaders but that doesn't make him necessarily good.
I don't want war with Russia, Iran, or NK.
I stand with all European people against our common enemy.
>he said that blacks aren't that bad half a century ago
>desegregation shill now
Well, that's a fucking stretch
He literally campaigned for racial inclusion and desegregation in private venues, mongoloid. Won't ya fuck off back to thedonald?
Why are Russians always separated from Europeans?
Non-white lover overall
By Europeans he meant 'citizens' of the anti-European Union
>Citizens of the anti-European union
Citizens of the member states of the EU
Oh, now i get what you meant.
ww3 will break out before the majority wake up.
In that comment, it was to emphasize that BOTH are under Jewish control, separately. I think
Yeah, everyday we are getting closer and closer to it.
dont listen to this guys, hes german.
he hates russia and russians.
putin is russian leader, hes not a jew puppet as you can clearly see hes selling weapons to iran.
he supports assad which is also not jew puppet.
i am russian and i know the evil germans.
they hate you, this is their main motivation to hate all not germans.