Guys, is it possible that we've misjudged the illegal aliens? Perhaps they're not our enemies after all.
Guys, is it possible that we've misjudged the illegal aliens? Perhaps they're not our enemies after all.
Nice try mudslime. But the spics are 100x better than mudslimes because they don't smell of shit and don't push an ideology.
We still think they're criminals, thank you for proving our point.
It legitimately wasn't a hate crime. He killed her because her group blocked him off in traffic.
Illegals are a plague.
t. Horhay
Illegal "aliens"
>Hard work ethic
Remind me again why they are treated so poorly?
Hispanics are dues vult
The only reason people want to classify this as a "Hate crime" because she was a Muslim wearing a Hijab.
Let's just go ahead and classify every murder of a Christian a hate crime as well then. I guarantee if this happened to be a Christian girl leaving her church it would get absolutely no coverage.
Nice get i agree. Nothing like hispanic qt
Are spics /ouramigos/?
What exactly makes you guys think that this lunatic wouldn't bludgeon you to death too if you were in her shoes, do you think that this guy right here who decided to murder an innocent person out of spite for no reason would spare you sad lot as well?
even a broken clock is right twice a day
Last time I checked "Reconquista" is a violent ideology.
>end all Laraza faggots
>end all Mudslime faggots
Because what you get from us is notable trash that get influenced by your ghetto culture more than they get influenced by ghetto culture here
>>Hard work ethic
If they're so great then how come they can't create or maintain a first world civilization?
By that logic your friends are also "Islamic terrorists" because they kill more Muslims than anyone.
>whoever wins
Rapist, degenerate, and conservative goes in both fields
>we lose
ok gramps.
Because they are catholic.
They are not. They just need to come to the country the right way, it's the law and It must be respected, no one will take the country seriously If people just let It slide. Also, leftist shill for ilegals so they can keep having their non-citizen slaves
Nice try, paco.
The left burn themselves over and over again and it's a glorious site.
and this spic salvadorian is most likely an MS13 gang member who has killed several people in the past, to the point where he doesn't feel anything when committing a murder
Typical fallacy of 2 sides. There are always more than 2 sides.
Because of your damn culture
a subhuman kills another subhuman
>muh based illegal Alien 3
fuck off
He looks psycho.
top jej
while they overflow our borders, and lower wage industries, and need to be kept in check; they are decent, mostly catholic/christian folk, that if not for government handouts would support trump. Polls show trump led them 34% i believe to others 20%.
Mia Khalifa is dead?
Imagine a country where unwanted Muslims don't get killed by unwanted Mexicans because neither of them were there to begin with.
Good job Leaf
>Guys, is it possible that we've misjudged the illegal aliens?
No, they're still scum
this thread is good.
tasty thread
>illegal removes kebab
>once again proving spics do the jobs americans won't do
nice one.
>they dont smell of shit
kek nice try pablo
Illegals are mainly a problem because they are illegal. For me it's not personal, I don't hate Latinos they just have to be legal.
KEK!! Include me in the screenshot!
This is the best I could do
>is it possible that we've misjudged the illegal aliens?
not at all
look at that story
Mexicans continue to do the jobs Americans won't, Trump in office or not.
I want them both out desu
Don't like illegals, but I hate Mudshits more. Atleast some Hispanics integrate and actually become successful. Mudslimes however will never integrate and actively seek to manipulate, abuse, and destroy the host country
How do libshits reconcile this?
>forgetting foreign wars
>implying it deserves a screencap
>implying it hasn't been said at least 10 times today
>Le based Hispanics and Blacks
You have to go back Juan sorry, not sorry.
Nigger, I don't spend all day on here like you do.
spice vs. kebab
it's not a contest, both can be awful
Holy fuck, someone here called this when the story first broke.
How do we facilitate getting spics and rapefugees to kill each other?
Thats a lot of assuming user, lets make sure we all use logic and reason backed up by facts before we post on this site. Thanks for understanding and cooperating
Same way you've been conditioned to hate races.
>illegal aliens are conservative
They may not like abortion or gay marriage, but they will vote for the Democrats every single time
Get them to argue over whose sand is higher quality.
Tell the illegals that trump will deport them, but that they can claim asylum in Europe and get government handouts there.
Congratulations, Europe goes from a dune coon crisis to invasion of the beans. But it's a slight improvement- Mexicans engage in crimes like muslims, but generally not terrorism.
The killer was white.
>illegal alien versus predator droned
because they're welfare queens
wtf i love illegal aliens now
Apparently, Mia Khalifa is a Lebanese Christian, still funny though.
Dudes from El Salvador are equal opportunity destroyers. They interpret the concept of "muh disrespect" = "I have to murder you violently" to include teenage girls. This is not an isolated incident in the terms of dudes like this completely losing their shit and killing young chicks.
You know he had to do it to her
No. Spics are subhuman as well. You both have to go back. Plus pointless violence is nigger-tier.