>be le me
>in college
>love /r/pol
>get kicked out of anime club for mentioning how much I hate shitskins
>libshit tells me to go to Sup Forums
>"what the flippin' heck is that"
>google search
>find this site
>find Sup Forums
I just... This is epic. This is so flippin' epic.
I can't believe I finally found a site that love anime and hates liberals, niggers, and kikes as much as I do. So what do we 4channers normally do around here?
Be le me
Bad news, we mercilessly rip on you guys here because you shit on the street.
We shit in the street just like you, you fucking reddit cuck fuck off back to your shitty little hive of faggots
Not bad. Not bad at all. Have you ever considered moving to Canada? We would be proud to have you post with our flag.
We just poo in da loo
Knowing how to green text, you're just a poo pretending to be a newfag not even a true newfag.
Poo in it
You need to poo in loo first, pajeet. Then you will be Sup Forums Man with Benis.
You forgot to fill in your name field.
>shitskin talking about hating shitskins
Please see pic related newfag and know your fate.
>>be le me
Yes yes we know, who the fuck other could you possibly be.
>love /r/pol
>So what do we 4channers normally do
>we 4channers
I know this is baiting troll but this filth is exactly what made Sup Forums shit with all the media coverage for this site for past 15years. The influx of mouthbreathers is just repulsive with their sheeple phrase "be me", just pasting shit brainlessly to fit in the "culture". Sad day to live.
Actually the retardation that the MSM has captured on 4chin only works to conceal our true nature.
Ho fellow Redditor! Fear not these oldfags. The Donald has long since invaded and defeated their racism. This is now a safe place for all based non-whites. Welcome, centipede.
Nope,everything was better when newfags where redirected to red dit or other shit so they didn't fuck up and fall for the b8s and slide threads
You still need the shit smacked out of you for bringing ants in here.
The White man's Islamophobia is just the Jewish man's manipulation of the west in-order to wage more wars for Israel and gain more land and funds for the Jewish homeland.
The Aryan forgets that he and the Arab both have a common enemy and share many of the same beliefs.
Simply the fact that the Arab is not of European decent is what is stopping the Whites and the Arabs from bonding against the root of evils.
Think about it, the Jew was given Israel (Originally Palestinian-Arab land) by the UK. The Jew uses the excuse of "Self-defense" by massacring harmless Palestinian non-combatants who were protesting the illegal Jewish settlers who are slowly conquering more and more of Palestine's "legal" land claims. In fact, those land claims are already gone. (E.g. the West Bank)
The Arab blames the West and their support of the Jews and Israel thus the hate for the West. Who told the West to aid Israel? The Jewish lobby at Washington.
Friends, the Arab man is supposed to be our ally. All though the events in Syria and other Middle Eastern countries have drove endless hordes of refugees into Europe and polluting the White's land, I will still argue that the only reason the shit storm in the Middle East has gotten so bad is due to the Jews and Israel.
To my National Socialist friends: Have you forgotten how the Arab is sub aryan? How the Arab has once been friendly with the old regime of the Third Reich?
fuck off pajeet, we're full
The problem with this (besides be anti-Semitic) is that the Middle East was bad before Israel was given back to the Jewish people. There might be some truth to a Jewish lobby, but there is a lobby for anything so that doesn't go very far. Haha friendly with the Third Reich, is that supposed to garner support?
this is a bot thread
it was made already a few hours ago
>>>be le me
>Yes yes we know, who the fuck other could you possibly be.
Also quite interesting to note how le OP is also using the maymay arrows story meme with such familiarity.
And there you go.
>live action roleplay
>used in reference to someone typing on their keyboard
Kill this thread already.
>hating shitskins
Pajeet you write like a degenerate