What happened to her?
What happened to her?
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she visited Sweden
fuck she used to be cute
got hotter tbqh
She was killed and replaced just like Miley
"coke can" Dan
Who the fuck is this niglet?
She became transracial
Literally blacked
the monarch program
She stopped her skin bleachin's
>me Michael, Cake Soap, Jackson
>when i bleach and I catch a really white color, its even whiter than the real white people.
>white like Michael Jackson, babes!
She quite literally got blacked.
started riding the '(black) dick bicycle'
A record company gave her a big paycheck to dress, look, and act however they wanted her to do.
I doubt she has any say in her appearance at all.
Dan "Hold Her Tighter, She's a Fighter" Schneider happened. It's not rocket science OP.
Bring non white happended
Spell: Polymorph (Level 18 Arcane Mage)
Can people here not tan?
She's just the average Spraytan American.
when did it become cool to be nig?
>What happened to her?
looks like her nose shrank, didn't it?
Also there is fake tan gold/bronzing. It's a different color that black people like to use. Maybe she does that, too. Probably some real tanning in there as a base.
Wow my dick is hard
>he missed the 00's
the average south European looks like that in summer, being pale looks ill, too much tan produce skin cancer but a little makes them more sun resistant and generates vitamin D wich is good
It's trending to be dark skinned.
Better than looking orange like Drumpf.
late 80's eary 90's
It starts with a J
It's Sex, Drugs and Hip Hop now, Amerilad. And you fucking created this.
Nicki Minaj has slowly been transferring the curse
In America, this is a 'white' person
Your answer: (pic related)
Fuck off that is spray. No one tans that drastically.
Why do we not accuse her of blackface?
lol he looks almost finnish when white
Looks like she's on the Bogpill
The sun.
I'm torn. Old Ariana was such a qt but new Ariana is sexy, but degenerate.
>Ari turned to shit
>Victoria ages like fine wine
Really makes you think
Shes a fucking cunt.
We are the true shape shifters.
Very interesting
that faggot is so ugly
This is what Argentina means when they say they're white.
Her boyfriend is a jew
is it just that mediterraneans can tan easily as an adaptation to the climate?
This is the same girl??
Degeneracy hits hard.
jew know what happened
From innocent girl to Chonga. Is this the new transition for American girls?
Reminds me of Christina Agilera.
nose job
Probably more plastic surgery, minor
Got a tan
personally, she looks a fuck of a lot better now
I would marry that girl, but would be afraid she would cheat on me, cause she's so fine.
lucky mother fucker
i would smash that like a tennis ball during grand slam
this. holy fuck thats the same girl? Amazing what makeup can do.
All she needs now is tits and shell be fuckable
she paid the toll
daily reminder he did nothing wrong
>called her a vapid whore who wanted him to spend 5k$ for private flights in the middle of his tours
>wanted him to cancel his big gig with kanye west and whatever black artists he looked up to
>acted like a spoiled rich brat (everyone has heard the death to her fans statement)
>when she asked why he wouldnt throw away his money for stupid shit he explained he grew up poor and rather would send it to his family
this fucking retarded girl
GTL brah
What do you expect from a guido brat? Ever been to Jersey? Arian (((Grande))) everywhere. Guidos are almost as bad as rich Taiwanese/Chinese girls. Vapid whores.
Her ancestors got blacked.
I guess she did something with her hair?
Also not politics
She got blacked
fell asleep in the tanning booth?
she has literally been BLACKED
dan get them in the van.
Is ariana grande a hapa? She as slanted eyes.
Coalburners produce terrorists
She's actually going out with a white rapper for all the un confident betas
What's going an with all these rare as fuck flags?
She did not keep her mouth closed when passing a nigger and caught negroiosis.
Flight from white.
You can choose your flags now.
Basically a fat Hispanic woman best ally
Woke! The future is brown.
Being this naive
B L A C K E D .com
Are bitches like this the ones responsible for the current trend of at least half the goddamn women out there dunking their head into a bucket of makeup before going out?
Seriously, I want to know where this disgusting trend came from.
It's the beauty industry in general. Lots of money in peoples insecurities.
Kardasians aren't white retard
Where do women get the idea that this is attractive? Like, literally what are the sources of it?
Almost every guy I know hates this shit. You'd think women would listen to them.
Beauty industry literally markets towards girls insecurity. The ultimate goal to tie a woman's self image to the amount of makeup she wears.
Strong, independent women are what these companies encourage, as long as those women buy their products.
There is no money to be made in the beauty industry on women who are at peace with their body.
have you seen their parents....
Let me clarify... Armenians are not white
Sold her soul to Moloch
(((Record company)))
She got blacked so hard she turned a nigger
kylie looks like an ugly frog without makeup