Why do Conservashits vote against their own economic interests?
>my jew daddy´s salary has gone up 937%
>stop blaming jews
Democrats were in power during 20 of those years, what's your point?
Are you going to post this for the next 2 years every day?
You dont need government gibs like a metropolitan metrosexual when you have a job.
Why do (You) post
1. The same pic
2. Some variation of your pic with the same text colors, font and general format
3. Always just say one stupid word 'conservashit' (oh so clever)
Your agenda is apparent. So other than getting paid to post this, why do you spend this much time on a board that abhors whatever philosophy you fellate
Not related exactly to OP's pic, but just because it isn't in my interest doesn't mean I don't think it I don't feel it is the right thing to do. I believe a flat tax is fair, regardless of my income compared to someone else.
Because fuck your mouth and stop posting this thread
Raising self awareness might one day convince right wing retards to align their economic priorities better and stop enriching corporate elites that run the country
American = subhuman.
Executive pay and blaming minorities have nothing to do with each other
Yeah those same minorities are happier with an even more unfair system than the one we've already got.
Riddle me this why those meanie bosses in the U.S. WANT more immigration?
>Implying my boss doesn't deserve a raise in income more than me.
The poor guy works himself to death.
>fire white workers
>hire cheaper immigrants
>pocket the profit
>your income has risen 937%
wow he actually blew you goys the fuck out
(((your Boss)))
Thanks . Apparently I did
The capitalist scum will one day fall to the glory of equality!
It raised to that level under Obama, it would of risen higher under Clinton.
Glad to see this spammed thread in its 6255th incarnation is staying up while horrible people like the archivist are banned
>Liberal slips in
Well Sup Forums has officially turn to shit, off to 8ch I go.
There, was that so hard?
At least this time you didn't 1 Post by this ID. I figured I'd push your buttons quite easily with my post.
Now a piece of advice. Posting the same thing over and over again verbatim is considered repost/spam. And then coming back from a ban is ban evasion. Thanks buddy, keep sneaking in your propaganda when I'm not looking ;)
And Reps the other 20. what's YOUR point, imbecile?
there have been three Dem Presidential administrations since 1978, totaling about 18 years, what did those admins do to reverse this trend? NOTHING? Oh, thanks user, for your shit thread
pretty much this. Immigration has always been a tool of big business. It's like bussing in workers from out of state to break a strike.
minorities are the reason income hasnt gone up.
they refuse to unionize and negotiate for more pay.
Because voting democrat is voting against their social interests.
It's social death or economic death.
Conservatives have a better grasp of what the word 'savings' means so they can better endure an economic death.
Plus a social death will also mean an economic death.
Government size increased massively over that time. In fact it is doing that constantly since 1930-50s in Western civilization.
Money went full fiat over the time income inequality massive increased.
etc etc
>labor market flooded with cheap labor
>your boss fires you and your friends and hires cheap labor instead
>now ex-boss makes loads of money off the backs of cheap labor while you're forced to collect unemployment benefits
(((Your boss)))
my boss is a jew though
check mate liberal
Basically this. The only Democrat who was concerned about this was Bernie (regardless if you think he had good solutions), and the Democrats played the dirtiest game in town to get rid of him. Honestly isn't that proof that Democrats are a bigger piece contributing to this problem than Conservatives?
>implying having your money redistributed to people who sit on their ass all day is in your economic interests
OP this isn't kikebook. Take these shitty occupy memes somewhere else
In what way does the left do anything about these problems?
WHy should I make what my boss makes? let alone make anything more then my position, if I move up or become boss I will be paid precisely
My boss is a feminist dyke
Hey Occupy Democrats. When you had control of the house senate and white house in 2008 why did you chose to do nothing about this?
>minorities are the reason income hasnt gone up.
They also breed like rabbits. The more people who immigrate to the US equates to less value for each individual person. Imagine that.
I'm white and democrats are rabidly anti-white and anti-male.
I'd rather murder them than vote for them.
Because they aren't self entitled liberals who want free gibsmes.
Feminism's also helped. Women need to work too! Double that workforce! Lower those wages!