How can i be white nationalist and a Christian at the same time...

How can i be white nationalist and a Christian at the same time? I've read the bible and Jesus teaches us to help the blind, the poor and so on, but my beliefs are that we should practice eugenics and NOT help anyone else than our own race, but bible does not support these ideas. I feel conflicted even though i know Christ is the way and the truth.

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You sound awfully calm considering you think you're going to hell

Why do you worship semites and enslave yourself like this?

God isnt real.

Like i won't support Muslims, Jews and other non-Christians (expect maybe pagans if they don't attack my faith), but what about African Christians and Middle Eastern Christians and other non-white Christians, also what about abortion? I think disabled babies should be aborted.

I don't think i'm going to Hell, that is up to God to decide, but i want to be a true Christian

>copts and miaphysites
We'll burn them at stake this time for what they have done
I personally have taken natsoc and enhanced it with Christian ideals, like the iron guard of Romania
Don't be restricted by Hitler, make a new ideology

Okay, let's hear it. What's your excuse for not being out there helping the poor?

There aren't any poor people where i live expect junkies and so on and i don't care about them desu

Are you blind, what are the proof of god existence ?

Also how faithful are you user? Ex atheist etc?

>we should practice eugenics
Unless you want to kill babies, you're in the clear.
>and NOT help anyone else than our own race
Help them in their own country, boom, problem solved.
Failing that, apartheid can be defended. But you won't get to gas them all, sorry.
Kikes are fair game though, you can unearth malicidium.

Where christ chan is from ?

The triad of religions from the middle east are in promotion of a globalist and monotonous society. Inert racial beliefs aside many Christians, Muslims and Jews play the conversion game where the one with the most followers wins. This means converting people outside of your culture and race which leads to the decline of the ethnic state. Aggressive conversion theologies are not nationalistic.

From a Malaysian artist who visited this place I think
You know, Malaysia Mike

then embrace your roots

You can be a white nationalist without being a retard who thinks hardline eugenics would ever be enforced in modern Europe, and you can be a white nationalist who still has a sense of altruism, you simply look out for your own borders when things get dicey (like Medieval Christendom).

In reality, the way smarter people practiced eugenics in the old days was by making sure the respective suitors of their children weren't pieces of shit and were decently intelligent. Kinda like you can still do, today, if you're a good enough father.

You can't, dumb christtard

Malaysia Mike didn't invent the character. He just stole it and ran with it.

Sorry for the heresy, but i find her design cute

Shit, who made it then?

What part of you shall not murder don't you get?

So who is her real propriétaire ?

fuck off mike you ugly nigger

Why do you think God wanted a place for the Israelites? I wouldn't say God is against nationalism.

You cant help others if you poison yourself. We must keep ourselves strong and help others where they live not bring them here.

You want to help non-whites?
Immigration and gibs don't help them, they need to develop their own communities, and this mean even their best and brightest doctors having to stay in their own countries and outside of ours.

Depends on your Christianity. Europe and the USA, Australia, etc. have a "cucked" Christianity, that exacerbates "turn the other cheek" and "vengeance is mine, says the LORD" to the doctrine of if your wife and children are being raped and murdered before your eyes, and you have means of stopping them by force, don't do anything cause that's mean and we are supposed to help the sinners. That is a heresy too common in the West.

Be violent in your defense of the faith. Like be your White Christian brothers and sisters first, strengthen yourself in the Spirit, then, celebrate the White Mans burden to help the lesser races. But from a position of strength. Not while the Western Churches are willingly being raped to death across the world.

Leviticus - Read carefully
And if a man lie with a beast, he shall surely be put to death: and ye shall slay the beast.
And if a woman approach unto any beast, and lie down thereto, thou shalt kill the woman, and the beast: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

But let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and cry mightily unto God: yea, let them turn every one from his evil way, and from the violence that is in their hands.

Also Ezra and Nehemiah banned all interracial marraiges regardless of religious conversion, including marriages that were previously allowed in Torah such as marriages to Egpytians.

Ethnonationalism IS the ONLY approved of system of governance in the Bible. ONLY

But that's the Old Testament, what about the New Covenant? There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28
Aren't Christians brothers no matter the race? How are you sure that "beast" doesn't just mean well beastiality (remember, Moses married an Ethipoian)?

Please don't let the devil took you onto the gray path. rather let the Holy Spirit led you to the right path of righteousness.

Also Jesus and the Israelities weren't white, Jesus was racially Jewish, it's ridiculous to think Christianity is only for whites when some of the most important Christians lived in places like Egypt and places like that.

There's nothing wrong with helping people of other races IN THEIR LANDS.

White nationalism works perfectly fine in Christianity, Christ did not tell you to surrender your homes to aliens and commit ethnic suicide, he told us to treat aliens well, as the Israelites were aliens in Egypt, but he did not say to surrender your lands to foreigners.

Also, Eugenics is perfectly fine provided you're not killing people. Encouraging the most fit to breed is not condemned in the bible, though it doesn't really say that the unfit should not breed either. God did tell humanity to "be fruitful and multiply" but was he addressing individuals in particular or humanity as a whole? Anyways, the best way to be fruitful is to have the most fruitful have the most children, we're currently living with dysgenics.

But WN is perfectly compatible with Christianity, God would never want his people to lose their lands unless they've done something verboten, such as abandoning the lord. Which is an example we've seen repeatedly in the Book of Judges. Israelites lose their belief in God and ignore his commandments... then they are then conquered by outsiders. Then Israelites believe in God once more and follow his commandments...God sends a judge to deliver them from foreigners.

WN is perfectly compatible with Christianity just as Israelites kept their lands when they walked with the world. God is not a globalist, he smashed the tower of babel for a good reason.

>old covenant
Look Jesus said "I came not to abolish the law" and Paul clarified this saying "the law written down as ordinances/by the letter, was put away." and He said again "Do we abolsih the law, God forbid we ESTABLISH the law."

The spirit of the law was never put away with. Where did you see in Scripture Jesus tell you that the standards that he had for Israel does not apply to goyim? It doesnt Peter said that God holds everyone to the same code of conduct.
>no bond nor free male nor female no Greek nor jew.

Paul ALSO said in Ephesians 5-6
>Slaves obey your masters
>woman obey your husbands
The only thing Paul used to justify his commandments to the Churrches in goyland was the old testament most often Torah

Your gods kid drove a bunch of money-grubbing kikes out of the temple with a whip he also said this in the book of Matthew.

> But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father in heaven. Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn ‘A man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.…

The Israelites committed genocide upon genocide all with the blessing of their God don't think that being a Christ-fag means you have to be a pussy. Also think of future generations why would you condemn them to being a low IQ mud-people? The Bible is full of contradictions if you still insist on following it choose the versus that won't condemn your race to the dustbin of history if followed to the letter.

Also no one book holds the whole truth dont fuck with organized religion senpai.

How can you help others if you can't help yourself OP?

You can't fix everything. You also must honor your father and mother.

I would sell my soul to know who is the real drawer of her

Also what is this:
If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.
Luke 14:26

Also the Hebrew does not say he married an Ethipian thats a lie. It says he married an Cushite. Which those articles clarify as well. Cushites were sons of Cush who were sons of ham.

All Cushites were white men who lived in either of these places
>Saudi Arabia and nearby sand countries
>Places in Persia and India also

She was a daughter or Ruel the Midianite, Midianites were sons of Abraham literal Hebrews meaning WHITE

Christ didn't gave us the perfect economic system, or the perfect society model. It's all about the individual: We are brothers.

You should act always in consciousness. Eugenics can be a humane, charitable act. It can be also a monstrous act. Sometimes giving money to the poor is a good thing, sometimes can be counterproductive.

Acting like a true christian is acting responsibility.

>I feel conflicted even though i know Christ is the way and the truth.
The answer seems pretty obvious then.

Also She was called a Cushite, which means either two things
1. She had Cushite blood as in white blood of Ham along with her Hebrew heritage
2. She was a nomadic Hebrew living in Cushite land.

Cush was most often identified with Arabia outside of Eithiopia, and guess what? All Bible Atlases record that Midianites lived in SAUDIA ARABIA and were nomads sometiems traversing the water and crossing itno Africa, for shekels

just google the adventures of christ-chan

I told you to read it carefully. 9/10times the word "beast" or "Behemah" refers to people not cattle. The jews refered to cattle as "heads of cattle" but when they talk about "behemah" they refer to them as "bodies of beasts" They call them "men" and say they have "feet" not "hooves" (which is also a word in Hebrew). Not only that it says

>And if a woman approach unto any beast


The Hebrews were Semitic and probably looked like Armenoids, i don't buy into that they were "pure white" and i don't have a problem with that, but i guess i can believe blacks aren't truly human.

I just also want to mention from what I've been told and as much I have read, the fact that Moses married a white Hebrew woman not a Black Ethiopian is in all Jewish and Catholic tradition. The only thing even close that I've seen is some say that she had dark tan skin that was beautiful, like bronzed, but they still clarify that she was white, but thats only som epeople.

>white nationalist

if you sincerely identify yourself as one, kys. white skinned people share nothing in common just like how black skinned people share nothing in common. you can be white and have a completely different culture & ideas from another white person. hitler wasn't a white nationalist, that's a kike lie. he was an occultist who wanted to engineer a master race, like atlanteans. swastika is an ancient symbol and he used many more in parades etc

the best you can do is to be a nationalist and work for the betterment of your own country. when you're done with your country, you should help others to do the same. that's how the world peace will come

t. white turk

No they looked like this. This is the city of Ur which Abraham came from, he looked like that. jews are whites simply because the Bible literally says that anyone who isn't white is a subhuman animal

Also I've only skimmed through these but they seemed at least partially useful. My advice is to read with caution but I'm providing it anyways bc I don't have time and you might find something better than I have who knows. Godbless I dont ever agree with any website 100% so don't think I approve of literally everything but they will have some good bible verses to use

There is in Romania a right wing party Called "Noua Dreaptă". (The New Right)ă
As mentioned on wikipedia, the group's beliefs are:
-militant nationalism and strong Orthodox Christian religious convictions
-opposition to sexual minorities, Rroma (Gypsies), abortion, communism, globalization, the European Union, NATO, religious groups other than the Eastern Orthodox Church, race-mixing, territorial autonomy for Romania's ethnic Hungarian minority, and immoderate cultural import (including some American culture, manele music, and the celebration of Valentine's Day.
Facts about members of the New Right:
-the members of Noua Dreaptă( New Right) revere the leader of the Iron Guard in the 1930s, Corneliu Zelea Codreanu.
-some members have also engaged in violence. Incidents have been specifically reported involving physical attacks by Noua Dreaptă members against Mormons and gays.
-protested against the gayfest in Bucharest guarded by police so they don't cause violence.

Noua Dreaptă is part of the European National Front. The European National Front has many parties in EU countries, such as:
-Renouveau français, in France. This party encouraged its sympathisers to vote for "no other candidate than Jean-Marie Le Pen"
-National Rebirth of Poland (Narodowe Odrodzenie Polski). Based polacks who really hate muslim refugees.
-National Democratic Party of Germany (Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands)-they are literal neo-nazis.

If you are from an EU country, you can contact the nationalist party of your country (google European National Front) and see how you can help.
Pic related is the flag of the New Right in Romania at a protest against homosexual marriage.

Okay thanks, i'll check them out someday


But let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and cry mightily unto God: yea, let them turn every one from his evil way, and from the violence that is in their hands.

And if a woman approach unto any beast, and lie down thereto, thou shalt kill the woman, and the beast: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

Listen to me it says "any" beast, thats in hte Hebrew as well not just the english that's not an added word. It means whatit says. The jews called non whites beasts. I'm sorry but you're going to have take me very seriously and do not disregard the informatino. You got what you wanted a very "racist" pro white bible. But it went full 1488 I hope you're okay with that,

Here is your NEW TESTAMENT verse against race mixingm one of many. But Peter here compares racemixing with Beasts (arabs includied not jstu blacks but also Chinks) to angels and men mixing like in Genesis in Noah's day and here it says the last days will be as noah but instead of Angels and men mixing it will be Men and Beasts (non whites)
1 Whereas angels, which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord.

12 But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;

13 And shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, as they that count it pleasure to riot in the day time. Spots they are and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you;

14 Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable souls: an heart they have exercised with covetous practices; cursed children:

15 Which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness;

16 But was rebuked for his iniquity: the dumb ass speaking with man's voice forbad the madness of the prophet.

op is an idiot who believes in a religion made up by kikes and identifies himself with a kike psyops ideology. if me trying to wake him up from his deep slumber is considered as shitposting, so be it

white nationalism is for the untermensch

>worshipping a kike on a stick

Eugenics can be done through incentives rather than outright abortion or sterilization.
You can help nonwhites without importing them by the millions.

Early catholicism/Primitive christianism/christian gnosticism.

ALSO King David is descibedin 1 Samuel as having RED HAIR. Jews are Wihte

Remember Babel, wherein God separated people into tribes.

Remember Revelation, wherein a united world is an evil thing.

Supporting either is going against God's plans. We don't have to hate the other people. They are all God's children. This does not mean we need to support the destruction of our, or another, community and people. We should celebrate them.

You're about as Christian as Muhammad.

Forget Christ and free yourself. Come back, white man, to the religion that build Europe and the civilization.
Accept Dionysos as our Lord and Saviour! He who is endless and circular, born two times for he died once; son of the father Zeus and a mortal mother, who died before her son saw the light of earth. He will strike down the wicked, but follow him and you will be free and never bored.
Give up your false god and embrace true love.

What kind of morals Pagans are offering?
There's no salvation in it anyway nor right or wrong can be settled

>implying there is such a thing as right or wrong
>implying youre morals shouldn't be beyond good and evil
Christians morals judge actions by their origin, but you should judge everything by their consequences.
Killing people is not bad, eugenics aren't bad but Christians belive so.
Christianity has beaten everything joyful, assertive and autocratic out of man and turned him into a sublime abortion. You are way to obsessed with good and evil and didn't notice that your religion lacks everything that is good (in a non-moral way)

Fork Christianity in to your own religion.
It's not like it itself wasn't a fork of about 20 trillion other religions.
They are all rip-offs of each other.

The chances of an after-life PERIOD is extremely small.
The chances of an after-life where you suffer for eternity because you hated some people that were a different color NON-violently is even lower.
And aborting babies that are going to endure suffering themselves is an Objective Good, no matter how viciously against it any religion is.
Not all life is precious. Some life is pure suffering. Shits not cool to let it suffer.

>I think disabled babies should be aborted.

white people don't need salvation, cucks need salvation.

>White nationalism means you have to be cruel to the inferior and never help people

Hi Shlomo.

GOD split the races at the Tower of Babel into their own tribes with their own languages and cultures

Why would you undo what GOD has done?

Religions are nothing but a set of morals.
Just make a new one. Become the ubermensch.

Good way to lure me heathen. Repent

>has no arguments
>repeats some phrases because he can't think for himself
>believes what the pope tells him is right and wrong
Kek, talk about being cucked. You traded your free will for a dogma which poisons you

i don't need to argue against someone that don't know right and wrong

If you really believe in Jesus then pray and talk with him about those beliefs you have.

Saying that you are a Christian and coming here to ask spiritual advice doesn't really make sense.

Also Matthew 23:8-10

Like I said there is no such thing as good or evil, right or wrong. But I can see if something is bad (in a non-moral way) when I see it. And Christianity is poison; shutting down your mind, giving you dangerous thoughts about unnatural subjects like altruism or good and evil.
But it looks like you're at the point of no return, not listening because your dogma tells you so.
I hope OP is able to escape this illness that kills the western civilisation

In other words, OP is a conflicted Christ cuck.

The bible promotes race mixing

Fuck christianity. True white men use logic to guide their life and don't need a crutch because they fear death.

>not supporting non-Christians

Thats not how it works sorry

Read the pagan myths. You can see the morality of our forefathers within them. Only brainlet sandniggers need a fucking LIST of commands. Generally though, honor/reputation is all, which entails many many sub beliefs to maintain that.

the terms, It's situational even for me too, so what's your point?
If it's not then God is no God and i don't have to worry

Jesus would have been against eugenics and would probably have been an anarcho-communist, anyone trying to convince you otherwise hasn't read the Bible.

If Jesus came back today he would stick up both middle fingers and say 'save yourselves, bitches'

This shit from Matthew always bothers me and activates my almoinds and no one ever explaines it to me.

There were a lot of pro-family texts like
>"“Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever” (1 Tim. 5:8)."
>“honor your father and mother.”
But there is always that shitty text from Matthew...

The quote from Matthew is in the context of, for instance, a son converting to Christianity but the Father still being Pagan, thus turning them on one other.

>racist >christian pick one.


But what about passage from Luke
>“If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple” (14:26).