Sup Forums BTFO!
Sup Forums BTFO!
Did @feminism_tag tries to protect Syrian's lives too?
Obama drew a "line in the sand" not Republicans and he backed out when it was crossed.
Obama and NATO are directly responsible for the crisis we have now.
Seriously? What's wrong with you guys?? Why this hate? Refugees didn't do anything bad! why do you blame them? If you want to blame someone,then blame the leaders of this world! it's all their fault if today we still have those stupid wars. They are all humans beings. LIKE US.Their countries have WAR. Do you know the meaning of the word ''WAR'' ? They didn't had choices but to come with us just because they had problem in their countries! And a few years ago they had a happy life JUST LIKE US! ...please at least try to understand them... and don't blame them..We all know who is the true enemy or we don't? ... what's wrong with the world?
white people are so retarded they cant formulate why caring about your own people is better than caring about other peoples lol
if the government becomes the father then women will be free to be less carful in her selection of a mate what does that mean. The African American IQ is 85 but it was fast approaching whites IQ when LBJs great society was put into place. It was projected to be on par with whites by now.
Life is not simple an act of kinds today can led to great suffering tomorrow.
Liberal shits don't get to set and enforce my moral standard. They don't use the same moral equivalence for themselves. Again, they don't get to enforce MY moral standard.
The exact same as using a white man's empathy and desire to me just, against them while never setting their own standard.
Oh look it's "I get to kill babies, but if I choose to let them live, you have to pay for them" again.
Does it get any more irresponsible and morally reprehensible?
Intelligence can't be seen as attractive. It always ruins (((their))) plans if a population is to clever.
abortion is deliberate
that kid drowned
accidents don't justify murder
learn the difference stupid fuck
Where did I blame the Refugees you daft cunt?
You sound like a huge retarded faggot. Lurk more and shut the fuck up.
Didn't even read your vomit inducing essay, safely discarded it instead
The first is alive, second is already dead.
Libtards are this fucking shallow.
Seriously, anyone with even a modicum of common sense knows these are two completely different things.
One was deliberate and the other an accident. This is the next generation of world leaders lads. God help us.
You can't save everyone, infact it's harder to save people from other countries, especially if they're overseas.
There's no hypocrisy in this. We genuinely do not care about offspring of shitskins. We do however care for the white unborn child.
So they admit unborn children are in fact children?
These posts are secret redpills if you comment on them when your friends.
You're only not a hypocrite if you believe both sides to be the same, so either a fetus matters and so does the boy, or neither matters. Any other combo is 'hypocritical'.
Well, just reverse the images and their same stupid logic applies but against them.
Who moved him?
True, the further problem is they are downright murdering the unborn and we are... ?? Not dedicating our lives to these people? Isn't opposing the war, demanding a hunt on ISIS, and building safe zones for these people helping them?
The problem is we actually have alternate solutions, and the picture is a massive exaggeration.
I'm pro choice....
Kys moloch worshipper
I doubt anyone here actually believes 'every life is precious'.
Shit thread btw.
Apparently they moved the fetus to look more like a clump of cells
Implying (((they))) exist
Yes human life is precious animal life isn't
does this mean they're pro-life or do they want to kill born children too now?
>hey, I don't want to have to pay for you to murder your kids
>hey, how about we don't import millions of uneducated, illiterate, young men from war-torn countries that are part of a cult which is actively calling for a holy war against our countries and encourages those young men to kill infidels and die for their religion so that they can go to heaven?
or that's the explanation I'd give normies
desu I just don't give a fuck and dream of a race war where whites actually somehow wholly unite against brown people, because if we did, they'd all be dead in like a year