So, any one of you alt-right losers wanna explain this little beauty to me? No mental gymnastics allowed (I know that is what drives right-wing woo, but try to use a single neuron for once)

If you can't, then be men for once in your life (no man voted for a sexist, orange pig to lead like a dictator) and admit defeat.

I'll wait.

I'm white, I don't claim to share an ideology with that guy.

The muslim attackers are muslim, and claim to share an ideology with the majority of muslims, which they refuse to deny for the most part.

How many large scale wars have been fought because of Radical islam in the past 20 years?

South Sudan


Muslims are invaders.
Their deaths are justified.
That man was simply defending his nation from foreign enemies.
Muslims are not peaceful. They come here to change our way of life.

Who the fuck is making these stupid memes and where can I shoot them for abusing my waifu tomoko?

White people are responsible for what Muslims have done; they poked a hornets nest of dumb, sand-nigger retards who will find any excuse to blow up.

American's are the world's biggest terrorists; they chose to vote for parties which invaded and destroyed the Middle East, and now we suffer from these policies.

Cold War
War of Independence
War of 1812
American Civil War
Invasion of Granada
Yugoslav War
Bosnian War
The Police War on Blacks
War on Drugs
British Invasion of Persia
Greek Civil War
War of Succession much for "Dump's Homemade Alternative Facts" huh?...

No, your disgusting ZOG nation has started these wars.

One million dead in Iraq, thanks America!


>destroyed the middle east

Sand nigger, your part of the world was a shithole for a millennia before the "evil racist white supremacist neo-nazi USA KKK REEEEEEEEE!" even existed.

None of the white attackers do it in the name of their religion. Yes they are often Christian, but they never kill FOR the religion. ISIS is different, they're literally doing what the religion says.

I'm not a fucking sand-nigger, I'm white and I hate them.

It doesn't matter how much of a shithole they were, your disgusting nation stirred up shit there with legions of brain-dead troops.

Thanks for attacking Assad bro!

That's racist.

>white people are a ideology
I suppose they are forcing us together.

Obama was a far more effective dictator. Trump hasn't done anything that wasn't going to be done by both parties anyway. If not larper, fucking do some research, retard. Or just save everyone the bother and jump.

I hate repiblicans and democrats. They're both run by JIDF

There's even a name for it - Taqiyya

Deception, Lying
and Taqiyya

Does Islam permit Muslims to lie?

There are several forms of lying to non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances, the best known being taqiyya. These circumstances are typically those that advance the cause of Islam - in some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them.

> Trump hasn't done anything

BWAHAHAHA other than degrading people, banning Muslims, firing people who investigate him, criticize the media, hiring incompetent clowns to the cabinet, stealing free healthcare and allowing supporters to shoot up trains then yes, Dump suuuuuure isn't a dictator!!!! *sarcastic smile*

islam =/= skin color
islam = ideology

white = skin color
white =/= ideology

I know u plebbitretards are still falling for the "islam=race, therefore anti-islam=racist" meme, but plz, don't be that stupid.

also, back to plebbit.

also, sage.

"white people" isn't an ideology with a book that says to get rid of non-white people

What is "the past 20 years"? Every single one of the conflicts I listed is ongoing


OP's butthole destroyed and scattered to the winds

Well, well, look at all the fragile and butthurt white people!!

You really are retarded, aren't you? There should be a required IQ test in order to use the internet.

Islam is a religion and ideology, being white is being part of a race, or group of races depending on how you define "white".

You can blame an ideology or religion that instils ideas that lead to terrorism. You can't blame an entire race for what people in that race do because not all people in that race will follow the same ideology or read from the same book that claims to have all the answers to life. I also don't know why you assume that this position is a republican position.

Being white isn't an ideology. Islam is.

???? So you are comparing an ideology with a skin color ????

Think of how stupid the average person is...
Then think about that half of all the people are even more stupid than that..... guess where I rate you,

>get utterly BTFO
>claim victory anyway



Just like how your illegitimate (small)dick-tator lost the popular election, right?

I didn't realize white was a taught religion lol
Kill yourself

Please don't hesitate to mention any other way you'd like to be assblasted.

lol we all know most Muslims deep down want white people to fail

Was the white guy doing it for his god?
Does isis do it for theirs?
Does being white mean we need to kill everyone not white?
Does ISIS/Muslims (same thing) flat out state their ideals are yours or your grave will be filled?

Foolish notions from a foolish person. You should be ashamed.




ok you win both groups are responsible for both
how do you resolve it besides a race war

There shouldn't even be mosque there.

No muslims ---> no mosque ---> no mosque attacks.

Sand niggers belong in Africa and Sand Nigger countries.

One is a raciest generalisation based on the colour of skin.

The other is based on an actual religious ideology which says its okay to lie and murder you.


pick one faggot

This post makes zero sense. Your shitposting is terrible.

>Always 1 post by this ID

Remember to sage and report this obvious bait

>whole bunch of wars started by different reasons by different people
>whole bunch of wars started by one ideology specifically

these are both very different.

The London attack was completely justified. Remove kabab. This was just the start. Sand niggers woke up the king under the mountain.

We don't hate Muslims here. they are based.

They choose to be muslim despite all the fucked up shit that comes with it.

I don't choose to be white. There's your fucking difference.

How many of you fucking retards are going to keep falling for the same fucking bait 5 times a fucking day?

Islam is an ideology that, when interpreted plainly and literally, calls for Muslims to do what ISIS does.

White people is a skin color that a few races have. It calls for the reflection of much of the light spectrum.

Now some people use white people as code word for western civilization because "Kill Whitey" is more acceptable than "Destroy all remnants of a civil society."

Whites don't identify as a collective like muslims do.

"White" is not an ideology, faggot.

Being white isn't a choice, being a terrorist...... I mean a Muslim is.

One is a choice, one is a descriptor.

Sage and ignore shill threads.

Are you fucking retarded?

>white people are not responsible
We specifically praised him here and we are extremely excited at the fire rising and white people striking back. Perhaps you have mistaken us for some other group.



OP: religion, ideology, and biology are three different things. You are what you eat mate, start by cutting the dumb fuck to half a ration.

White is an ideology. You can chooze to acknowledge you are white and recognize unfair preferences that other whites and Uncle Tom minorities have for you, or not (hence the rationale behind white privilege - the poor wittle white man's fear).


It's counterterrorism faggot

Also white people aren't a idioligy you stupid cunt

*ideology, but trips so it's right

Liberals are so fucking retarded. It's like they have blinders on and don't understand how beliefs and ideologies work.

ISIS does things because of Islamic ideologies. These things are commanded in Quran. Whether or not all Muslims believe it, or that certain passages must be interpreted differently, there is a clear line drawn from their actions, and the beliefs and dogmas of the religion.

White people attacking a mosque is just a plain hate crime. Being white is not an ideology. Being white isn't a set of beliefs. That white person could have any other beliefs, religious or otherwise.

There is no line you can draw from just being white, to a specific hate crime. The London mosque attack was not done "in the name of white people". "White" isn't a belief. Being white, isn't an ideology, it's not a dogma, it doesn't tell you what to believe. It's just the color of your skin. Surprise: White people can also be Muslims too. Whoa...

ISIS works completely on their interpretation of the Islamic religion. They have certain beliefs about their holy books (incorrect or not) and those beliefs cause them to do terrible things.

That's why theres a difference, and that's why people call you a fucking retard when you draw stupid comparisons like this.

FPBP, op anus confirmed destroyed.

Yes. The white guy was acting on his own, and the shitskins act as part of terror networks. Is this really so hard to understand?

this is called a straw man faggot. no one says islam is responsible for all of isis but lots of people will make the argument that their is a problem within parts of islam that is obviously causing some people who are insane to become radicalized by utilizing aspects of the faith/book/teachings

>killing shitskins is a bad thing

are you retarded enough not to realize islam is terrorism and causes most of everyday attacks i bet your one of those face book flag fags who cry not all muslims when a refugee shoots 100 fucking people. Such a void less asshole wouldnt doubt your a new convert either who is playing your little rat taqqiya games like the nigger you are.


you treat the rare, non radical mudslime as the norm.

go the fuck home wrong flag fag


yes they are

Race and religion

Wow OP is a douche. It is impossible to argue with a retard.


The London Mosque Attack was a moral good.
Done and done.

It is when our leaders use it as an excuse to bring in millions of "refugees" from those countries afterwards.

>Posts retarded shit exposing liberal ignorance
>Claims to understand the right
>Doesn't understand the difference between a white man responding to repeated terrorist incidents and an ideology that wants world domination
>Claims others do mental gymnastics

Wew lad

Japan manages to have no terrorist attacks. Moslems mean terrorism. Even the few Moslems they let in committed crimes. Moslems prefer to marry first cousins, which mean increasing numbers are nigger level retarded inbreds.

never would have happened if the jew didn't bring in niggers and muds into white lands.

Islam started it. White people will end it.

Islamic State just follow the Quran. Most Moslems support them secretly. NTDWI is lying, degenerate taqqiya. How do know a Moslem lies? His lips are moving. The Serbs knew how to deal with Moslems.

>degrading people
Oh shut the fuck up and grow a pair.
>banning Muslims
*failing to ban immigration from countries terrorists come from, most muslims unaffected
>firing those who investigate him
Trump was not under investigation
>criticize the media
The media is shit and needs to be criticized
>hiring incompetent clowns to the cabinet
Well, that's just like, your opinion man.
>stealing free healthcare
No one deserves 'free' anything
>allowing supporters to shoot up trains
Last time I checked, Trump didn't hand out any pardons to any shooters

"white people" is not a religion. Sage

white guy had mental illness, Islam is a mental illness. clearly mental illness is to blame.

Dude, you did this yesterday and got BTFO, take the day off.


Who says that white people are not responsible? We will gladly take responsibility. Be afraid.

Dub confirmation
Anus destroyed

"White" people don't have a holy book condoning and promoting their jihad?

why can't leftist think thru their shitty memes

You're not very bright are you?

>no man voted for a sexist, orange pig to lead like a dictator
>no man

OP gets exactly what he came here for - a prolapsed butthole

>white people are a religion

>So, any one of you alt-right losers wanna explain this little beauty to me?
Loyalty to the in-group is treason to the out-group. Yet people speak of loyalty as a virtue. Wonder (((where))) they got it from?

You've been endlessly destroyed for your stupidity by every poster. With replies that aren't even difficult to come up with or comprehend. I feel your entire post is a reflection of your own self-healing jealousy for not being white. Which is fine. Being white is great, I'd be jealous too. But you know, if you weren't such a useless twat, we usually invite people to join in and share our culture.

Cheers!.Here's to 1 million more.

>legions of brain-dead troops
yet they are a thousand times better than those shitskins you love so much cuck.

5.8million illegals voted in the election. Therefore amongst legal votes (the only ones that matter) Trump won the popular vote. My god, read a newspaper for once in your life.

Holy fucking retarded shit batman!
Islam is a religion, white is a race.