Guys, I need that map comparing the handful of Crusader invasions of ME compared to the Muslim invasions of Europe

Guys, I need that map comparing the handful of Crusader invasions of ME compared to the Muslim invasions of Europe.

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Where can i buy a loli like that?

There you go

You are aware that that picture is mislabeled, yes?

That little sandnigger is crying because she made a mistake while reading publicly, got nervous, and started bawling her eyes out. The guy is actually comforting her and trying to make light of the situation.

UNFF i want a yazidi slave soooooo bad
fuck OFF faggot

Uh. Right. Gonna need source for that

I'm asking for the picture showing the map of Europe and middle east comparing the Crusades vs. Muslim invasions.


ISIS controlled territories? See the flags. Perhaps in other parts of the ME too.

I remember someone once post an alleged list of the prices, and it was far cheaper than you'd think.

It's up to the person making the claim to provide evidence. As far as we know, that's just some tv show with a caption added.
I suspected it wasn't legit, didn't really look like a child sex slavery kind of setting

THANK YOU, good sir. Much appreciated. Have an Emma.

>picture is fake
She's at a Qu'ran karoke contest and shy. Still pretty gross indoctrinating kids so young.

>tfw got boner from seeing that picture

OP are you trying to advertise that ISIS has cute lolis?

Came here to post this. I'm not a fan of Muslims either but we don't need to lie to combat it. It does that well enough itself

Sup Forums btfo

>lol le deus vult!!11!!!!!13,!n!! Kek wills it le based christians!!

All fat basemend dwelling sons of whores who dont even attent church once a year need to stop saying that, fucking hell you can't even name 5 christian holidays with their correct meaning

Cringeworty as fuck

Why would anyone want a puppet like emma? Also the image you asked for is missing something crucial: sources. It's not wrong, but you'll convince no one without any sources

The German crusades somehow dont count?

The Christianization of the American continent doesnt count?


You can find it here too

Here is the first pic

all you pedo's talking about 'cute loli's' I hope you get your toe-bones ripped out one by one.

This user is right. Unlike most cringekeks, I was actually on Sup Forums in 2014 when ISIS started rolling out their videos and I saw this one. Not a child auction

Here is the second pic maybe you can combine the 2

I wonder who is making the fakes. I guess people trying to discredit those warning about Muslims.

sick fuck

You enjoy your empowered hambeasts. I'll take Lady Watson.

Keep your disgusting leftist whores off our board, thanks.

Don't be retarded, sure you're technically right that claims without evidence are worthless, but it won't change peoples minds. You want to debunk false claims? The onus is on you, right or wrong.

Face it, people are willing to believe OPs pic because sexual slavery is endemic in Muslim societies, and there are endless examples, from the Rotherdam atrocity to current-day Saudi slave markets.

She's not a Leftist. They just know how to manipulate her into supporting lefty causes. She's just a glamor girl for christsakes.


That little girl was reciting the Quran and made a slight mistake so she got nervous and began crying.
The dude is saying it'll all be alright.

Pretty much adorable/10

Who cares. The left uses fake images all the time. It's time to play dirty.

Hope this helps a bit.

she's still amidst isis
nah I'm sure nothings happened to her

part of the blame america first crowd?
someone needs a history lesson.

Can you guys help me find the Ben Garrison comic about the jews screaming about muh six million? I found that one very funny, it kind of looked like this with the bull horn.

Show the German crusades, then. And why would the British Colonies be on a map about the crusades, you fucking dumb Austrian?

Yeah I mean I hate mohemmedans just as much as the next guy, but that doesn't mean I can't be a fag and acknowledge a gay heartwarming moment that one of them had once

Muslims also launched invasions into China's western imperial lands. All of the "stan" countries of central/east-central Asia were at one time part of China pre-Islam. Muslims have invaded everywhere from south-west of China, to the Iberian Peninsula, and enslaved more people than Christian Europe, it's just the West is always too busy feeling guilty for muh white privilege than to actually learn facts.

it's interesting that you can find it heartwarming despite knowing what those guys are all about

>The Christianization of the American continent doesnt count?

WTF does either have to do with the defensive maneuver that the Catholic church backed and everyone pretends is someone something to be ashamed of.

The crusades were a great thing we should celebrate.

I'm saying that taken totally out of the greater context of their organization, that this 90 second interaction is pretty adorable.
Kind of like how a psycho killer can still genuinely care for someone like his mom or something.

That's a fake pic. pls stop using it. it's been debunked

They probably all ded nao.

I don't get how comparing these maps shows Muslims in a negative light. They attacked multiple places in Euope. While the Crusades battle map only has twelve markers.

Is it supposed to show how the sandniggers are as aggressive now as they have always been?