Is Yellowstone thingy only a problem for burgers or for us Europoors too?
Is Yellowstone thingy only a problem for burgers or for us Europoors too?
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welll, we could probably survive the few years winter due to ash and other particles in the sky
and it would also be a good opportunity to start killing people coming into europe and purge those that are already here
so, we would probably be better of
also half of world jewry emediatly dead and the other half overrun within a few months
>American refugees
>56% White
Europe is doomed
>Is Yellowstone thingy only a problem for burgers or for us Europoors too?
>implying someone would in america would survive yellowstone
All of that ash in the atmosphere will fuck global climate for a decade. Temperature will drop hard everywhere.
>Burgers would actually solve the global warming problem
Oh the irony
if someone could survive the long winter it would be europe
world economy is about to fall apart, billions will die
Its a problem for the entire global. Depending on the scale of the event when it happens (when) the ash could cool the planet on a similar level to a nuclear winter or ELV-asteroid impact.
Yellowstone going would also trigger other activity all over the planet in short order. Japan gets leveled by earthquake, SEA wiped out by flooding, the Arabian fault line could react as its overdue for a lot of shit resulting in a lot of dead mudslimes etc.
TLDR you might wanna stock up on canned food and rifles.
>TLDR you might wanna stock up on canned food and rifles.
Idiot, you're supposed to stock up on cryptocurrencies
Yeah, but they're mostly third worlders. We gon be alright, famalam.
the sun will be blocked out for years and crops will fail
millions will starve
there would be global war and starvation
>implying someone would in america would survive yellowstone
> someone would in america would
Well, the entire northern hemisphere will have volcanic winter. People will starve to death. Social unrest will lead to the rise of extremist. On a personal level, you'll need to go outside with a breathing mask. The volcanic ash will destroy your lungs if you are not using a breathing mask (look up silicosis).
Depending on the severity of the Yellowstone eruption it may or may not trigger a new ice age. Hopefully not.
Please archive it
>forbes com/sites/robinandrews/2017/05/20/this-is-what-happens-when-you-breathe-in-volcanic-ash/#4d7f19391c5e
we have a few nuclear reactors lying around that we dont use. we boot them up again and rely on indoor farming
it should be possible with a concentrated effort
Without a sun the entire world will be a 3rd world.
Unless of course about 800+ nuclear power plants are built to fuel indoor Monsanto crops
Actually, considering the political changes, along with the environmental ones, the masks you will wear will most probably look like in the pic, and you WILL join the regime if you want to live.
>Monsanto crops
The goal is to save people, not to kill them faster
>falling for the GMO meme
We're mostly all doomed. Unless you have a bunker and live in Siberia.
The ash alone would fuck the food supply big enough for a few billion deaths.
>800+ nuclear power plants are built to fuel indoor
indoor of what?
There is no Vault-Tec corporation to create vaults for us goyim, not even to keep us as lab rats like in Fallout. (((They))) care only about themselves, I am sure they have bunkers but won't bring in billions of us "useless feeders". Remember the Georgia guidestones?
Pic related if of silicosis, caused by asbestos and volcanic ash.
ther is no radiation so you dont need underground bunkers
It's really cool that this meme where we call Americans 'burgers' has caught on. It is really clever and I chortle to myself every time someone uses it!
>ther is no radiation so you dont need underground bunkers
I thought you germans were supposed to be smart
Not the entire world, only the northern hemisphere.
Theoretically, we could move to countries in the southern hemisphere like Australia, New Zeeland, or even Africa as refugees...
imagine that, white man refugee in Africa
Oh don't worry. We'll survive. You'll be burned on a pile of tires by starving Africans and eaten, though.
>radiation after a volcanic erruption
slovenian education
>ther is no radiation so you dont need underground bunkers
You are correct, no need for underground bunkers. The problem is volcanic ash is very small but very sharp (literaly very small glass knives) and it will infiltrate eveything. We would need to seal off our air vents from the outside.
We would need indoors air production, like in nuclear submarines or a very powerfull air ventilation system if we are to get air from outside.
Then there's the problem of water, which is contaminated by said particles, let alone any vegetables and animals, they died already. We need to grow food inside.
couldnt you solve it with filtration?
>surviving without underground bunkers after a volcanic eruption
turkish education
yes, by using microfilttration membranes on portable water supplies.
But we need to act BEFORE Yellowstone-chan blows her nasty trans-volcanic load. Otherwise billions will be caught unprepared and will die.
If you are not a survivalist , then it's about time you become one and get in contact with a survivalist network in your state, especially if you are in US. I know many americans are survivalists, time to join them. There are youtube prepareness videos for events like surviving in a big city when a disaster strucks.
what would you die of that an underground bunker can protect you from, that you cannot be protected from otherwise?
And yet you pour in thousands of shitskin refugees.
Worst case scenario sun gets blocked out and bottom of the food chain dies causing chain reaction die offs.
Not so worst case scenario ash covers parts of the north American continent and people have to rough it for a few months. That's for people not in the vicinity. People closer have higher chance of getting fucked up by it.
Is the Yellow survivable? I'm in socal and think I might make it
your fucked if you think your coming to mexico for safety
You need underground bunkers to avoid the volcanic ash turning your lungs into jello.
gas masks and protective suits also do the job
also sealed houses with airlocks
You don't die that easily, first you have years of terrible lung damage.
Who's going to stop me? The mexican intellectual police squad?
Yellowstone isn't happening in any of our lifetimes, so who cares?
Might as well discuss the Sun burning out.
You think that after decades of being invaded, we will have reservations of returning the favor? Besides, I doubt you'll be able to do anything about 20 million armed people.
>Worst case scenario sun gets blocked out and bottom of the food chain dies causing chain reaction die offs.
Yes, but the question is the magnitude. Yellowstone is an actual supervolcano. and geologists say it is overdue for an eruption.
>Misdirecting from the fact that all Monsanto crops rely on casinogenic pestacides to survive in even indoor conditions.
Sealed houses might work on the periphery. The weight of the volcanic ash would otherwise flatten many American homes. If you're in the area surrounding Yellowstone, you're pretty fucked.
look around you. what do you see? thats right. stones.
who do you think stones loyal to? you? or other stones?
>f you're in the area surrounding Yellowstone, you're pretty fucked.
If someone lives in the area surrounding Yellowstone then they are honestly retarded. The first rule of surviving a volcano eruption is you don't live near a volcano in the first place. If you do, then you deserve to die.
>Has Any American Would Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Would to do Die More Like?
The Caldera will experience hundreds of years of localized thermal events prior to another supereruption in the vein of Mesa Falls.
If you are still alive by then you will have lived a very full life.
You don't need pesticides when you grow crops in a sterile environment. Nips already did it.
Rivers won't stop flowing because of a volcano and the wind won't stop either. So you can also use hydroelectric and wind power.
There Have Been 296 Earthquakes in The Vicinity of The Yellowstone Supervolcano Within the Last 7 Days
a full-blown eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano would have the potential of being an E.L.E. (extinction level event).
most probably the ash will cover the northern hemisphere. I doubt it will be ELE. The ash will have to cover the entire planet. That would happen only if the eruption would trigger a chain reaction from volcanoes in the shouthern hemisphere as well.
Worst case scenario, we become refugees in Australia, New zeeland or ther southern countries.