> She was three months pregnant, her family said, and too “tiny” for officers to have felt threatened by her — even if she had a knife.

Cops should have been able to wrestle her to the ground no problem, but instead they chose to execute her in the street for no reason. But you all will defend this.

At 3 months she wasn't showing. Don't threaten cops with weapons. People who die from doing this are doing our gene pool a favor.


Is ok

>pregnant with her 5th child

>they chose to execute her

She chose to bring a knife to a gunfight.

Play nigger games win nigger prizes.

What kind of messed up, racist country is it where you can't even brandish a deadly weapon at a cop

Next time use the fucking taser retard cop pig mother fucker Jesus fucking Christ fucker. Don't come bitching to me now when people target cops for death you fuckers have it coming to you.


>charge cops with a knife
>get shot
I see no problem here, fact that she was black just makes it better

I hate all the faggots whining about "meanie cops", but whatever happened to just shooting them in the leg?

Pull a knife,
Lose your life

Dindu nuffin.

>bringing knives to a gun fight
are niggers really this stupid?

You're a fucking idiot who doesn't understand the reality of deadly force encounters. You do not have the right to have an opinion about a topic of which you are ignorant. No go fuck off somewhere else, moron.

I don't know to go find a link to the audio recording from the dash, but she was showing them stuff in her apartment and then says "are you ready" to somebody before they start yelling get back like forty times

She also told them her children would turn into wolves and attack them it sounds kinda kewl

It's not a viable tactic.

Legs are much harder to hit, don't always stop the threat and contain arteries that mean you'll probably bleed out anyway.


That's a fucking meme pushed by mental midgets who don't understand the reality of a lethal encounter.

Deadly force is met with deadly force. Trying to use a poor tactic like shooting them in the leg is very likely to result in you dying.

>too “tiny” for officers to have felt threatened by her — even if she had a knife.
Because a knife isn't a force multiplier.

>bringing a knife to a gun fight

They certainly didn't know she was pregnant. She wouldn't be showing at only 3 months, or at least not very noticably, so let's go ahead and squash that bit of deliberately inflammatory info right now. Fuck how small she is. She has a knife she dies. Nothing trigger happy about it. Bitch deserved it.

A cut artery is death. Knives will always scare me more than guns

Cheaper and less paperwork.

If you put a cops life in danger don't be surprised when he acts accordingly.

Bleeding heart liberals are absolutely priceless. Keep insisting blacks are always the victim, see where it gets us.

That's just crime prevention.


Bitch, if a 12 year old comes at me with a knife, I WILL hurt them : knives don't need any strength.

You aim for the center mass. Less chance to miss and less chance to be stabbed by insane nigger.

>three months prgnant

So she could still abort it on the govs dime? Why does this make it any worse?

>aborts kid

Indiana Jones showed us why u dont do that. Dumb bitch

Doesn't work like that in real life, you need to have good aim and shoot the weapon out of their hand not try to hit the legs

>So she could still abort it on the govs dime?
Apparently she did.

>Write the story as if this woman with a protruding belly was gunned down
>3 months pregnant
>No bulge whatsoever
>Charge cops with a knife
>get shot
>why god why

Why risk you life trying to wrestle a nigger.

>She was three months pregnant
>implying you can guess with american women even if its triplets on month 9


What i dont understand is why dont they just shoot the weapon out of their hands? We all knoe cops can 360 no scope headshot niggers from two miles away with a bb gun, ao why dont they just shoot the knife?


chill fatty, not all cops are as incompetent as yours. This is why this shit never happens in the UK

Fucking this. Good point user.


>Cops should have been able to wrestle her to the ground no problem
you first, stupid

Shooting to wound is a myth. Never say otherwise ever again.

>just use a tazer
If it hurt her the niggers and you would probably still be chimping out

Fuck i was not expecting that

I love you aussies, here is a (you)

So, whats so big of an issue in the US if shes preg?
I thought its okay to kill unborn babies there?

Let me know when they get the tire tracks off the bodies from last week.


>Be American Nigger


>think all cops are racist

>have dark spawn in womb

>expect free pass for wielding a knife in the presence of police

Another useless dreg culled from the gene pool.

>knives are totally harmless guys! just wrestle with her, i'm sure she wont get any lucky stabs or slashes in before you disarm her

was this real, or an act demonstration?


Oooooooh noooo

That sucks

I have an incredible solution to this problem: don't brandish knives at police officers

>charge at officer with a knife

>somehow not expect to get shot

fucking niggers man, they dumb as fuck.

>kid dressed up as a gimp

kills me every time

Too complex for a sudden encounter, too risky if the attempt fails. People have two hands and can conceal secondary weapons in their clothing.

I thought a 3 month old fetus wasn't really alive according to libs?

Probably a demonstration, I'd imagine we'd see blood splatter if it were real

They really are.

>are niggers really this stupid?

>My sides

>ao why dont they just shoot the knife?
you want to hurt an innocent knife?

just keep shooting niggers, they will learn or die.

Look at how steady the camera is. I'm pretty sure it's a demonstration. It's definitely known by police that someone with a knife can still kill you even if you've got a gun as long as they're close enough.
Even if you do manage to shoot them you've got to be careful because a person charging with a knife can still have time to stab multiple times before the injuries finally catch up to them, it's why, whenever you see a video of one of these shootings, the officer usually dumps the entire magazine into them.


>suddenly libs care an out an unborn baby.

this is drumpf's america

What was the point of this post?



Actually its just a bunch of cells only one kill

She has a funny night name.
She was killed by the Nomenklatura.

Police demonstration

too stupid to spell a name and thinks it looks like an insult

>threaten a cop with a deadly weapon
>somehow the consequences of the niggers actions are the results of the police officer


Its called a clip yuoo dip

Chimp out incoming

>three months pregnant
what does this mean????????

She doesn't sound like the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Did they say she charged? I figured she just had the knife because she was afraid of burglars

>Cops should have been able to wrestle her to the ground no problem, but instead they chose to execute her in the street for no reason. But you all will defend this

Knives are actually really deadly and anyone who lets one near them is dumb. Dont threaten or attack cops. They are trained to defend themselves.

According to the left the fetus does not count as a human, so I don't get why they mention that.

I wouldnt get my uniform dirty over a feral niggress with a knife either.

>Attack police with a knife knowing they'll shoot you in the leg and you'll be fine
>They shoot you in the leg
>Hit your femoral artery and you bleed to death in minutes

Ask some anons from the British Caliphate about how harmless brown people with knives are.

>what does this mean????????
one of her johns paid to bareback

I shit you not, this is the mentality of niggers today.

They convince themselves that their actions have no consequences, they tell themselves that if they are harmed by whites or the police that the whole country and hollywood musicians will have their back and there will be huge outrage and reparations, as if they are martyrs.

This mentality is breed in them at a young age, mostly through relatives and their kind of rap music.

They are that delusional and fucked in their heads.

Intentionally shooting to maim is illegal.

I don't get why people keep getting themselves killed like this. I've dealt with cops in the past and at no point did I ever think "I should be holding a knife right now".

>But you all will defend this.

Because you're master-baiting ass will just drop the context and leave out information. This same woman came after cops with a pair of scissors before. So they KNEW she was violent. When they came to the house to take a police report about someone stealing something from her, they sent two guys because they didn't trust her.

Everything was going fine and then she screamed "you ready" and then there was commotion with the cops calling for back up. There was some struggle, trying to get her to disarm and then she was shot. That's what the dash cam recorded, now we know she used a knife.

I don't get why people don't understand the concept of self-defense. Whoever initiates the physical force is in the WRONG period, because they're the ones that turned a non-violent situation into a violent one.

Anyways, you know all this information is ignored so OP can do the "PLAY DUMB FOR YOU BAIT" bullshit. I'm so sick of this board. I'm so sick of people not just making posts to talk about what they want to talk about. It's gotta be "HA POL BTFO LOL IM JUST PRETENDING TO BE RETARDED" with every fucking thread.

>“She didn’t charge nobody or nothing,” Williams told KOMO News.
>She said Lyles had “mental health issues” that were going untreated.
I'd say that the nigger woman didn't deserve this, but she already had 'several children', and was soon to have another.
One less child on welfare, and one less crazy mom to raise those children to be thugs.

its no surprise that a eurocuck would not know proper gun terminology

its called a magazine.


>falling for 6th grade tier bait

Back in my day police officers would shoot the revolver right out of your hand and give you a slap on the wrist.

Thats because your glorified security officers/ rapist assisters aren't trusted enough to weild a spork without crying in fear.

>Seattle police kill 2 dindus at once

wtf i love Seattle now

I don't give a fuck about some nigger getting shot. Defense not necessary.

Holy shit, this boongo slinging fire today.

Stay woke m8