He works

>he works
>he pays taxes that go straight to Israel
>he pays for welfare queens
>but muh job security! muh wife! muh house

Literally all you wagecucks get in life is an office to be an indentured servant, a roastie to take half (usually more) of your stuff, and a dwelling to die in.

NEETs are never truly happy.

thx for le taxes kind stranger!

pardon me, teehee forgot to take off my hat

>not working cash in hand



Sure thing. Enjoy your day.

>Kekistani flag
Checks out

I wish I could be a NEET, too bad I realized we can't all be.

I'm now an employed engineer.

ok ((burger))

Today, I woke up at 10 pm, had a large iced brew (homemade of course) , pondered about the state of the world and read news on the Syrian Conflict, made $455 (see pic related) with a few clicks on my ipad, posted Emma Roberts on Sup Forums , had a comfy pizza lunch and now am lying down for a bit and will meet the qt 3.14 in a bit for a comfy steak-and-sushi dinner followed by a night of wild lovemaking the likes of which wagecucks never have the energy for. Then I will sleep and wake tomorrow at noon.

How did your day go?


what stock? :)

my bad, actually $490. How much did your ((boss)) pay you today for your 9 hours of hard labor?

I did 400$ today, for 30 mins of SEO work without leaving my bed.
but I need to get into trading seems legit.


I'm a game warden. I get paid $60k w/benefits to work a Panama 8 schedule, ride around on ATVs, side by sides, and boats and can fish at work. I win.


how do I do this user? Always thought game warden would be a cool job to have

It sure does

So you have an alternate income. Congrats.

>a jew
wew lad

I was an MP and a guy I served with back home put in a good word for me. All I really had to do was not fuck up the interview. I don't know how hard it would be for someone without LE experience.


In 20 years time, NEETs will have nothing, while I'll be making my own money, have another house, and have my own business.
You are stagnant worms.

*making more money