Why do people still believe in God, Sup Forums? I can't understand it.
Somehow, a bearded invisible man in the sky makes more sense than science. "Faith" is just the hope that this bullshit fairy tale is real.
Not to mention that this "god" doesn't deserve any worship. From what the bible tells me, he's a narcissistic, childish omnipotent being that created us with free will, then punishes us for using that free will. What, was he surprised? What did he expect us to do? Sit there, bored to death in this so called "paradise"?
And why the fuck do people still believe in him if the last we heard from him was 2000 years ago? Sure, people claim they hear from God if they just "listen", but really it's just their own thoughts that they construe as "God" speaking to them because they want to believe so badly. It's like the only thing that keeps them going. I don't think some people would know what to do with themselves without their belief, really. But I'd rather be connected to reality and the fact there is no god than have "praying" and wasting an hour every sunday going to church and giving money away to people who just pocket it and don't really help the poor with it.
Honestly, fuck god. If he does exist, he'll have to beg for MY forgiveness, anyway. My girlfriend died Christmas 2015. He could have saved her if he was real. I was already having doubts about there being a god, but that solidified my belief there isn't one. Of course, the main reasons i don't believe is that none of the Bible or any major religions make any fucking sense at all.
Do you believe in the magical sky wizard, Sup Forums? Or are you woke?