>AnCap is neoliberalism on steroids
>AnCap is neoliberalism on steroids
Other urls found in this thread:
>neoliberalism on steroids
I hope you meant to say classical liberalism on steroids.
>using neoliberalism unironically
what a fucking retard
>neoliberalism on steroids
Capitalists are scum
Shut up retard
>tfw really used to believe in the voluntary society
>tfw I will never be so naive again
Truly a burden bros
kys faggot
You know your flag is technically illegal right? Pirates are criminals so your flag is just you basically saying you are a criminal.
Make something happen USA puppet
better be Human scum than a fucking commie hive insect
fite me cunt
Ancaps aren't human
Any kind of liberalism is harmful and bad.
ancaps are the only Humans
They are mentally ill
The problem with anarcho capitalism is that it only benefits the ultra-rich.
You know, those who make the wagoons of shitskin invade europe. And the explosions and the happenings.
And who finance the antifa.
Get it faggot ? Please present yourself to crematorium nr 2 for your next instructions now.
Ancaps are as low and primitive as animals.
the ancap mindset is perfect, given the imperfect Human condition
same as the commie mindset is perfect for hive insects
the antithesis of ancapism being socialism (ie communism with a state), no wonder you fucking french can't stand the former
now kindly get your hands cut off, you worthless leech
Go masturbate kiddo
Explain who would enforce the law and who would prevent the rich from physically stealing everything.
What method do the rich currently use to steal?
By chance would it be the government? Its monopoly on violence?
your own fucking self, with your own fucking guns
who knows? you might even start your security firm and get rich yourself
but that would sure require you to stop being a fucking commie thief or a lazy self entitled leech
>get your hands cut off
He acknowledges having the subhuman mentality of niggers and mudslimes.
Going to put a tire around someone's neck and light them on fire next, subhuman?
I never realized before how accurate pic related describes ancaps.
After all, modern civilization was created by involuntary association. By authoritarian government having a monopoly on violence and using it to forcefully organize society.
You definitely have no clue about the real world, basement dweller.
What do you mean?
Cletus and his cousin-wives waving their shotguns around would surely be able to defend themselves against a real military force with an actual command structure.
They don't today
>getting rich
Typical capitalist entitled leech. Not everyone can run their own home defense system. Besides if another corporations is stronger they can overpower you.
>video related is ANCAP paradise
As one actual french anarchist said
>Property is theft!
You can stop the anarchistic larping. You just want to remove all restrictions and taxes on bussines. Enjoy getting black lungs digging coal for the jewish clans.
No doubt about this, lol
Wasnt that your whole argument? The rich steal so who stops them?
Also, corporations are government entities, they do not exist without a government Noam.
>property is theft!
Misquote. Government appointed property is theft.
leftist anarchists are not anarchists
they're at best niggering savages
>implying even mudslime goatfuckers don't btfo merry craps each and erry day
Corporations are legal entities, but stop being pedantic to avoid his point; Money (resources) = power
>Government appointed property is theft.
Yeah we aren't talking about Leninism.
>leftist anarchists are not anarchists
No you aren't anarchists and I say that as someone who is completely balanced in dislike for all anarchists.
>completely balanced in dislike for all anarchists
lol no
you're a fucking socialist monkey, and thus quite fucking close to those animals
Well today you have the government to stop them.
>Also, corporations are government entities, they do not exist without a government Noam.
Well in an ANCAP ville what is to stop a group from forming together and raiding my house. or doing a driveby shooting.
>he thinks America went to the Middle East to actually wage a war, not to just sow chaos and ferment terrorism
Does it get more bluepilled than this?
Capitalists are basically animals.
Are Ancaps the same as the chinless black-block/antifa?
The only thing they're liberating is Is some pent up anger from some bored 30 somethings, using them as punching bags while the police watch and laugh at this point.
the welfare cuck you call military still get btfo
yep, but the most evolved ones: Humans
while non-capitalists are hive insects, at best
I didn't think Ancaps actually existed IRL
What stops that from happening now? Dont say the police, they are reactive at best and have a 20% solve rate.
There is nothing pedantic about it. Government entities do not exist without a government. A legal entity is something entirely different.
>>AnCap is neoliberalism on steroids
I think anarchism nullifies the philosophy of capitalism, don't you?
Corporations aren't government entities, unless you're trying to make a point about money in politics.
They're legal entities. It's a business/association that's treated by the law as if it's a person.
London is AnCap in perfection.
Saudis, Poos, Jews all welcome. As long as they have money, they're free to buy and sell anyone and anything.
Again showing that you can't even make a difference between marxian socialism and for example Prussian. Also why is everything economics to you people? Is there no higher goal in life than getting more money?
>I think
yeah, well, no
start to lrn2jusnaturalism
>newfag's first redpills
It doesn't work if there aren't losses of equipment and demand for higher production.
Improving ones lot in life and in turn, the lot of those you care about most drives everything.
Well, they're one in the same.
socialism is socialism, is socialism
is shit only fit for hive insects, however you put it
How come there has never been any society in history that's organized on the basis of voluntary association, and has achieved something noteworthy?
>he admits to being inferior to hive insects
>i-i-it's the jew
>links jewishpedia as an authority
keep telling you that, merry tard
Without a government that's called a militia.
And those who can pay fuck the others balls deep.
Welcome to ancap fantasy
The god of Judaism is the Shekel not whatever is written in the Torah. Of course ancaps want to remove all regulations on the jew york cabal.
>said nothing about jews
Make an argument whenever you like, subhuman.
>thinks prosperity comes form the state ruled society
>not realizing ancapism is the way how people most generally interact
>any kind of liberalism since 1789
>he was making a point about money in politics
Okay. How does money have such an influence on government?
Since central banks won't exist to print money, it will be more of a barter system of goods and services.
you aren't human
You make me puke with your ugly ideologies.
How do you even plan on creating your anclap utopia? If there is no state to protect the citizens you will be destroyed. What about infrastructure? What about the nuclear arsenal? I'm talking purely material not even starting on the moral implications of anarchy.
People "generally interacting" isn't what creates prosperity, or achieves significant feats, or advances our race, you primitive chimp.
That is not what happens in South Africa. There is even a company that protects and responds to crime within an area even if you do not pay.
Government has a monopoly on violence. How does money not have an impact? And how is the best way to combat it not reducing its power?
t. neoliberal
>calls others on not being human
>slosh in his socialist niggering shit
no need to create anything
states will crumble on their own
through things like space conquest and robots
>People "generally interacting" isn't what creates prosperity
>i-i-i-it's the state that creates prosperity
>through destroying wealth
>which is how you measure prosperity
you double nigger
>said the bastard child of liberalism
I'm not saying it doesn't have an impact, I'm asking WHY does it? What is it about money in particular that lends it such influence?
>how is the best way to combat it not reducing its power
When a kingdom takes over an enemy's castle, is it easier for them to control the territory around it by fortifying and operating out of the castle, or by dismantling it?
No, it's actually the mirror of communism.
Wouldn't it be better to not bother anymore?
30 years-ago I could see you holding this position, however in the time It would take to become a thing, automation will be doing _All_ manual labor and allot of repeat labor like law practice displacing allot of lawyers.
In the end, it will probably go from capitalism to a sort of socialism or a hybrid.
I DO NOT sport socialism at this moment in time, don't reed it as that; but when machinery does everything, It's kind of the only thing left.
I'ts approaching so fast that I don't think anarco capitalism will ever get a chance in first world countries.
>through destroying wealth
Not an argument, brainlet.
>prosperity is measured through material wealth
Only in your unevolved, primitive little mind.
I don't think it's nice to call the mentally disabled not humans
It would be different if all the government did was protect the people and the boarders. But that is not what it does today. It has fingers in every industry, in every life and in nearly every action anyone takes. The solution is not to limit who can interact with it. There will always be shit people. No one is made of finer clay than any other. Limiting its ability to influence others is what prevents it from happening.
You think all governments are malicious by default, that's why we're having trouble here.
>Limiting its ability to influence others is what prevents it from happening.
When Hitler was elected and ended the Weimar Republic, did he not limit the Republic's ability to influence Germany?
Why does Germany still exist?
Because even the most corrupt and degenerated states are still functionally superior to any anarchist societies could ever be.
AnCap can only be successful in a homogeneous, moral society with near-universal respect for the social contract and near-universal weapons ownership...
Because Free Men walk armed, if they so choose...
Early America, shortly after our Revolution, was probably about as close as anyone has ever gotten... and it must have been glorious...
pls define
It is not that they are malicious by default. A sword is not, a gun is not, a ship is not. It is who uses it. And no man is made of finer clay than others. An immortal philosophical godking would be a great system. Unfortunately we are short an immortal philosophical godking
>be 15 year-old corporate feudalist looking to make your internet meme ideology yet more edgy
>add Stalinist gun to flag
>Pirates are criminals
says (((who)))?
>No man is made of finer clay than others.
Sounds an awful lot like Egalitarianism... which is the handmaiden of collectivist tyranny...
Some men ARE better than others... but all should be equal before the law...
Which is not the same as "All men are the same"...
I don't follow the no man made of finer clay thing. There are clearly good and bad people, right? And there's leaders and followers.
If you could instill in an entire population of people the principle of non-aggression and all the other things necessary for the ideal Ancap society to exist, why wouldn't you be able to instill similar principles to teach the society to be able to search out and rally behind good leaders?
>tfw no free city Arcology where you may physically remove communist
feels bad man
>Neoliberalism (neo-liberalism)[1] refers primarily to the 20th-century resurgence of 19th-century ideas associated with laissez-faire economic liberalism.[2]:7 These include extensive economic liberalization policies such as privatization, fiscal austerity, deregulation, free trade, and reductions in government spending in order to increase the role of the private sector in the economy and society.[10] These market-based ideas and the policies they inspired constitute a paradigm shift away from the post-war Keynesian consensus which lasted from 1945 to 1980.[11][12]
>Anarcho-capitalism is a political philosophy that advocates the elimination of the state in favor of self-ownership, private property, and free markets. Anarcho-capitalists hold that, in the absence of statute (law by centralized decrees and legislation), society tends to contractually self-regulate and civilize through the discipline of the free market (in what its proponents describe as a "voluntary society").[3][4]
wikipedia is so boorish. I was hoping the retard would expound upon their totally pointless bullshit in this general direction so it could go all memeball gag thread, damn it.
juj picked the wrong image too
Comes from bastiat.
Nigger it's literally a part of the definition. Pirates commit theft.
Egalitarianism is the forced equality of results... which means it is the handmaiden of collectivist tyranny...
Comes from Judge Bork.
And people forget that Marx and Engels learned their collectivism from the French, 50 years after their revolution...
The Enlightenment ended with two revolutions - the American one which ended in Self Determination... and the French one, which ended with the execution of Lunatics like Robespierre in a fit of Self Preservation...
You remember Robespierre... he was the Lunatic that thought up "All Property Is Theft"... where have you heard that before?
Having Lunatics in charge is a Bad Idea... .the only real way to get rid of them is to kill them. Which the French wisely did.
Ah, then
>If the natural tendencies of mankind are so bad
We don't claim that.
Just the natural tendencies of the vast majority of mankind.
The portion that is good are the ones that should be tasked with leading the rest. That's the essence of government.
And for why it's not safe to permit the bad ones to be free, idk what his context is for that, but ours is that it's unsafe for the stability and progress of the society.
No such thing. Leaders lie and manipulate, and take more than their share.
>Comes from Judge Bork.
Obviously a great, well-accepted thinker, and not even a little bit of a political hack.
Why aren't you necking yourself?
>The portion that is good are the ones that should be tasked with leading the rest. That's the essence of government.
Burkean conservative, eh? I bet you think power doesn't corrupt, too? Too bad.
Morals aren't objective, user.
>Burkean conservative
Never heard of it.
And power only corrupts the weak willed and weak minded. Stop choosing those types to lead you.
"more.. than... their... share..."
This dances along the edge of "telling someone else what they need".... and "fair share"....
The second you allow someone else to tell you what you "need", guess what?
I loathe professional politicians... they are sociopaths.
The job of government is not to lead or even tell the truth. The job of government - and "leaders" by default - is to instill confidence by any means necessary... including lying.
Support your argument.
>Morals aren't objective, user.
I can agree with that much.
>Burkean conservative
Read more, faggot.
>And power only corrupts the weak willed and weak minded. Stop choosing those types to lead you.
You say this while the West is led by a pedophile ring and organized crime? No true scotsman, I suppose.
>This dances along the edge of "telling someone else what they need".... and "fair share"....
>The job of government is not to lead or even tell the truth. The job of government - and "leaders" by default - is to instill confidence by any means necessary... including lying.
Government is redundant. Fire the fucking thing.