will the ultimate happening happen soon?
old thread:
will the ultimate happening happen soon?
old thread:
Other urls found in this thread:
the Golan heights have a bunch of volcanoes
this merges the Syria happenings with the volcano ones
oh look fucking psy ops and mass hysteria again
digits confirm
Is this proof of the noosphere?
Digits lead to a Thoth thread
This is madness!
Happening, pedophile kikes burn!
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 means IT'S FUCKING NOTHING AS ALWAYS
Get time
I felt it since last year, our doom is taking its time.
I want bodies stacked in the streets
Until it isn't.
north korea will be nuked/invaded/liberated, war
don't believe me? look at those digits
I just watched the movie Threads (1984)
Now I don't want a war.
Well a tropical storm is heading my way
Fuck. I just logged on to /r/pol/ to check on this. I don't know what it was, but it just felt like something was up. Just strong unease
current possible happenings:
>weird Trump tweet about China
>WW3 speculations
>terror attack in Brussels
Yellowstone will make Fallout real
>1001 Holy fuck.
Rolling digits for some North Korea shenanigans.
Guys, can you feel the global mind collective vibrating and humming with energy?
If they are stacked in the streets how will i get to work?
People will die.
Yellowstone is the only thing im concerned about at the moment.
July the 1st.
but what will happen?
Kek digits in one thread
Next thread is Thoth digits
Looking for Odin digit. Get of the one eye.
Sup Forums is always right
>I just watched the movie Threads (1984)
its over
You are the worst jew wizard.
Watch this.
Mass terror attacks in europe.
all your links are from fag flags
probably the same user
okay it's not north korea
It is coming. And i welcome it.
if I were German I would feel the same way
Is something going on?
What's an Odin get?
Knee deep in death of course
I fucking hope something happens. I have been feeling weird the past hour, before I came on Sup Forums and saw all these threads.
I dont feel shit
you forgot to archive that
Everyone wants s piece of each other.
It's going to be like the ending to the book of the Mormons.
In this thread we summon Hitler 2.0
>tfw safely outside the blast radius
who /falloutVRsurvivor(tm)/ here
Yeah that movie is brutal as fug
ITT: more confirmation bias. Unless this posts ends in 66 then its ayys
its like watching a train wreck in super slow motion. We all see it coming but there is nothing we can do about it. Just train and prepare so you aren't fucked like the oblivious normies. Work out, get some firearms, get supplies etc.
Is this a disguised shemitah thread? Because the "DO YOU GUYS FEEL SOMETHING REALLY BIG IS GOING TO HAPPEN" meme threads have been here for fucking years.
No pls, yellowstone would just be a complete bummer.
Fair enogh
no idea just got home from work
I live in Texas, it was like 1-3 cm of ash right? that's not too much, right?
Ima need new boots!
Any suggestions?
Everything is lining up perfectly. This is the end.
Pic related
Do (((they))) control the weather Sup Forums?
>No one ITT has realized that Yellowstone went off and theres no one there alive to report it
to late, the rumbling has begun and the sun shall go dark for 3 days
*Vrum vrum*
also checked
You don't know that war it's only deflection to impose their agenda?
Create the fear > sell the "protection"
Happening cancelled :^)
Digits says that The Final Judgement will happen by the end of the year.
It will go dark when it goes dark, don't rush it.
I'll continue with my super volcano prediction thread.
Next in the list: Aira Caldera
Yellowstone will not destroy the entire US
I felt it yesterday night during the skyking thread, not sure what exactly, kept looking outside expecting to see something. Think Trump's gonna do something to revenge that guy who got his brain stolen?
It is coming. In 2 days you will see its face. I welcome it.
>1-3 cm of ash
damage to crops that's for sure
>not knowing about the summer of chaos
>thinking summer starts anytime before June 21
Summer of Chaos starts tomorrow. Buckle up senpai.
Must be why I'm coughing so much lately.
Most depressing movie ever. Was good though.
End of the world digits get
Remember sometimes people get a wierd feeling before an earthquake or perhaps volcanic eruption, what you are feeling is your brain sensing a change in the magnetic field or some shit.
The Long Valley Caldera
The Nazis burried a secret, earth core superweapon (Projekt "Schwarze Sonne"/ project "black sun") deep under German soil to be detonated several generations after a potential loss as revenge so the to be expected degenerate mankind will be wiped into extinction once and for all.
>what did he mean by this
>Tfw on East coast so I at least won't die immediately
So that's nice.
>it aint me starts playing
What the fuck?? Link me to it? If they detonate will I die?
Just the most important part of it: my house :'(
A whole summer of chaos?
ill be okay.
Pretty spooky when I saw these threads. This morning I looked out at the mountain from my porch and got the sinking feeling that it was all going to coming crashing down
>Doesn't even believe in the 1,000 year reign
Do you even eschatology, mah man?
Campi Flegrei
WW3 or the Great Tribulation is coming and the flashpoint will be in Syria when Damascus is completely obliterated. The year 2033 will have been 6000 years since Adam and Chawah were expelled from the Garden.. Also 2000 years since Yahowsha(Jesus) was murdered.
7 years prior to that is when the Tribulation is supposed to begin.. Also we have officially been in the "Last Days" not for around 20 years. These would have started a Jubille(50 years) worth of time from 2033.
Go to blessyahowah.com if you wanna read more on this stuff, it's a very well organized and informative site.
> TL;DR The Great Tribulation will begin in 10 years.
you can't kill that which has no soul juden
uh oh..
Triple zeros = Reset incoming
It's been a good run, lads
my yard isn't very big and I own a shovel.
I just want to fuck some giant titties
yellowstone is the final redpill
it's like something really far away is coming here
do you feel it?