Why does pol hate boomers so much?
What are some experiences and criticisms?
Why does pol hate boomers so much?
What are some experiences and criticisms?
Boomers are generally nice to me, but i tend to not like them because they still only understand the world through the conditions they grew up in, they don't think anything has changed for the worse or needs to be improved, boomers like their shell
Basically they're still stuck back in the 80s and 90s. World stopped for them sometime after the .com bubble.
Over $100 Trillion in Debt (Federal, State, contingencies on SS, Pensions, etc.) borrowed from their Grandchildren and too stupid to know or too selfish to care.
They set up social programs to pillage the young. Most Boomers are politically retarded.
They are the people innpower positions today. Thy are most of the senior politicians, military leaders, religious leaders, business leaders
The were born into the best possible economic position in human history and squanderd and people younger than them will have a lower standard of living than their parents for the first time in American history.
They had all the chance (and still do). To alter the path of the west and make it sustainable and limit entitlements and get the fiscal house in order but they won't.
They are ideologically immobile and they refuse to see any other position than the ones they themselves hold.
They are the primary drivers of the division you see in us politics and the decline of the west.
They were given the sacred duty of protecting the society to hand off to their kin and they are handing off a world much worse than the one they were given
But they got there's in he end at the expense of the rest of us
they drive up the price of real estate worse than chinks
They don't really care about progressive movement or conservative foundations.
They care about exploitation and entitlements for themselves. They like the idea of socialism > capitalism because it allows them to be absolute rulers rather than having to compete and be constantly on the move for innovation and quality of work.
Boomers are the ones who ushered in mass immigration plans. They like that cheap labor in order to line their pockets and live a fat cat life at the expensive of economic progress.
Question this... who is funding the globalist agendas? Who is funding the radical left?
It's the boomers.
The young liberals are no organizers or funding heads of these movements. The majority of boomers see the younger generation as slaves. Ignorant prostitutes that are to be used and abused.
Boomers are some the most entitled people I've come across.
60 years of nigger tier entitlements all for themselves and fucking every generation after them. gen x is almost as bad.
To follow up my previous post.
This old boomer was throwing a shit fit one day near my house, a neighbor's father. He often was over there helping his son out with things.
We had a chit chat about politics, turns out this guy is an old CIA, prime during the 80's.
One day he starts ranting about how he should have the right to pay anyone any wage he wants, $2 per hour, $3 per hour.
Thing is... minimum wage is based on inflation. Not living standards. I'm sure he knows this.
But Gen X isn't as big nor is it as ballsy.
Gen X will talk tough but when it comes to conflict they break down quickly. They don't have the tightly knit generational network that the baby boomers have created for themselves.
Boomers on the other hand conspire together, blackmail, frame, fraud, use every network resource they could to attack someone. It was an open an accepted part of their culture.
The voted for unions and abused the union.
The stories i'v heard about boomer unions and the abuse is just disgusting.
> punching in and going home, coming back to the work to punch out at the end of the day
> alcohol use on the job
> actually sexual harassment, touching, groping, pressuring sex for job security, not the microaggression bullshit that we hear about today.
> being lazy and reckless, destructive at work, then hiding behind the union for job security
my dad is the poster boy for boomers.
yesterday i heard him talking to one of his friends, his friend said they were getting their finances in order in case they died early so it would be easy for their kids to handle. My dad laughed and said "I dont care about that" My dads mom died and my dad spent all the money he got from the inheritance on the drive back home on a new car.
If i end up oweing money when he dies im straight up moving to mexico not even memeing.
> My dad laughed and said "I dont care about that"
Most boomer's I'v talked to lately are very much atheist.
They talk down on Christianity all the time.
They are a mentality of entitlement and being in control of everything. Which is why hate the idea of God / word of God.
This is why they don't care about leaving anything for their own children.
As I'v heard directly from boomes, they see it as when they die, you go into nothingness, nothing else exists, so who should really care about leaving behind anything for their children.
I'm not sure if they actually believe this or are just being edge lords living in denial.
Pissed away their birthright and their children's birthright by importing a fuck ton of shitskins cause God forbid I can't afford my condo in florida
>One day he starts ranting about how he should have the right to pay anyone any wage he wants, $2 per hour, $3 per hour.
>Thing is... minimum wage is based on inflation. Not living standards. I'm sure he knows this.
thing is....we dont need a minimum wage
>oweing money when he dies
Oh come on your system can't be this retarded. You can't inherit debt.
Look I even checked it out for you. It's not possible. All it can do is eat up all your inheritance. If there's not enough in the estate to cover all debts - too bad for lendors, including the government.
Only worry if you've co-signed. Which I hope you haven't if you know he's an idiot.
The world is going to be a much better place when they're gone. We can use them as a lesson on how not to go full retard.
The greatest generation fucking handed them all the wealth and easy life then they fucking hoarded it all leaving gen x jack shit.
I work with them every day
They complain about currency dropping because it cuts into their holiday spending
They paid off their $30k mortgage decades ago and complain about kids today being lazy for not affording $300k basic housing
They tip $2 "cuz that gets ya a good meal back in the day"
When they die the world can start the painful process of healing.
>Why does pol hate boomers so much?
Probably because they went along with jewish globalism and feminism that cuts real wages in america so jewish multinationals can use 3rd world slave labor to undercut any legitimate business in this country. And they're a-ok with replacing their working age kids and grandkids with niggers, forever ruining their countries and dooming their bloodlines just for a few more years of retirement, which they don't deserve at all, and have squandered multiple times over.
> we dont need a minimum wage
You do if you want a stable economy. Minimum wage isn't based on what someone thinks people deserve, it's based on the value of the dollar and the population size.
This is why upping the minimum wage does nothing to create better for workers... lowering the minimum wage doesn't nothing to create better for workers.
One effect that changing the wage has is on investors. Simply having a minimum wage keeps this stability.
If the minimum wage were upped to $15 per hour, then everything else would go up with it. If the minimum wage were lowered to $5 per hour, then the economy would have to lower itself in order to keep flowing sales.
This is why screwing with minimum wage is reckless, but delusional idiots see this as their opportunity to get more in life.
The young lefties (bernie bots) see it that if minimum wage were to go up, their lives would somehow be easier because the number of dollars in their hands is now more.
The counter to this idea are another group of shitty business men who think that if the minimum wage were to go down or go away completely that they will be able to exploit workers even more and make more money for themselves.
They don't understand the economy, they just see the dollars in their hand and they see the items with a dollar price tags and think to themselves.
> geee uggghhh how can I gibs me more of dat without having to work more.
Bernie wage fags and anti-minimum wage idiots are the same, they are just looking at it from two different angles.
Just look at the state of the world. Yeah, thanks boomers. You really did a great job not fucking everything up for the rest of us... Oh wait. And now that the west is going to shit, where are they? Are they out in the streets demanding a change? Are they seeing the errors of their ways a desperately trying to right the wrongs they caused? No, they sit on their fat entitlements and let the world crumble around them. They fucked us. They fucked us hard and deep. The west is burning and they won't even piss on us to put the fire out.
They consumed their parents, then they consumed their children. Just to stay high. Pathetic, shameful existence.
>stable economy
but america had minimum wage in 2008, 2000, 1995, 1986?
>uh those parts dont count only my cherry picked parts that I call ((stable))
also, just to completely BTFO you. what is the total number of american workers, and what is the total number of american workers making minimum wage?
'63, '64 was more of a gen x'er desu
>Why does pol hate boomers so much?
>What are some experiences and criticisms?
What are you writing a fuckin book report?
Stop spamming pol with this fucking shit.
It's Sup Forums, not fucking /analysis/.
>people younger than them will have a lower standard of living than their parents for the first time in American history.
That's not because of boomers. It's because corporations have been really good at forcing wages downward while CEOs, executives and shareholders have enjoyed record profits.
If wages had merely kept pace with inflation, you'd be making over $20/hour starting salary.
In countries like Australia where min wage is $15, everybody wants to get a job.
Now Wall Street has saddled millennials with over $1 trillion in student loan debt. No other country on the planet pays as much as the US does for healthcare and education.
I hate their parents more
Cucked, allowed leftism to rise in the west, didn't defend the west, lived easy, spoiled lives and shit on youngsters for being lazy and entitled, OVERWHELMINGLY vote the shit parties, the FUCK YOUR FUTURE KIDDO parties in Europe
Boomers worked half as hard for twice as much, adjusted for inflation.
I understand why people are bitter.
And who allowed it? BOOMERS
>Minimum wage isn't based on what someone thinks people deserve, it's based on the value of the dollar and the population size.
But it's not you insufferable retard. The entire point made is that min wage is NOT locked to inflation, meaning minwage today is worth far less than 10 and 20 years ago.
It should be around 15 dollars an hour just to be what it used to be worth. If that makes you say "hurr but I'm paid only slightly more" realize YOU ARE BEING SCREWED TOO. Dumb fuck. It's not a minimum wage problem, it's a problem with the elites.
Wages have stagnated since the 70s, but profits have only increased. The problem is they're all going to the top 1% and 0.1% even more.
>If the minimum wage were upped to $15 per hour, then everything else would go up with it. If the minimum wage were lowered to $5 per hour, then the economy would have to lower itself in order to keep flowing sales.
You are living in the counter example to what you just proposed and you don't even know it. You're fucking retarded.
You're right, you can't inherit debt through an estate, At least here anyway. But if his Dad owes after he passes, assets are taken out of the inheritance to pay it off. If it can't be its written off.
Who runs and work at those corporations, you moron?
They have their heads up their asses and think they deserve everything and to hell with everyone else, even at the first of fucking everything up even for themselves.
No wait I think I'm confusing them with Trump voters.
Boomers run those companies
>And who allowed it? BOOMERS
The boomers have been victims of low wages for a lot longer than we have. If you ever get a change to read a macro-economics book, look up the perils of concentration of wealth.
> alcohol use on the job
> actually sexual harassment, touching, groping, pressuring sex for job security, not the microaggression bullshit that we hear about today.
literally the only thing cool about boomrs
No they haven't,
The wages have stagnated since the 70's. Most of the boomers haven't suffered from wage stagnation, gen x and millennials
Well I guess a lot of poor boomers too.
But let's be honest boomers either want cheap labor or want to buy cheap shit and they created the globalize world where all we are are flesh units to consume ever more and chase debt.
This is the world the boomers built
As I said: they ALLOWED it to happen, to grow and get worse for decades and decades, without doing anything. And the situation in EU land is different than Murica anyway.
Do some historical research and find out for yourself.
(Obligatory) Faggot
Because they are jealous of the guys who have accumulated wealth. Every new group of 20 somethings does it. When millennials are in their 50s-60s what ever generation of 2040 is called will be talking about how the millennials had it so easy and fucked the world for them.
Fuck off, boomer faggot
Statistically the millennials have it terrible as anyone since the 1930's
Boomers had it the best
This is a fact
>Boomer detected
Do you realize that you destroyed your own nation, or do you just ignore that?
I could write a rant spanning a dozen posts about why I hate boomers but I will TLDR it
>inherited the strongest economy in the history of mankind
>pissed it away and left their children and grandchildren with a society that is completely fucked in many different ways
>they didn't have enough kids so they fell for the "Import millions of Mexicans and other third worlders to boost the economy and support your retirement" meme
>had very few barriers to entry when they entered the job market, yet when they do the hiring they refuse to hire anyone who doesn't have a masters and 10+ years experience for entry level positions
>as one last "Fuck you!" to younger generations they will clean out Social Security, Medicare and public pensions as they ride off into the sunset and leave the rest of us with their bill - a fitting end to the greediest generation the world has ever seen, one which inherited great wealth from those who came before them while simultaneously robbing future generations of their wealth
BOOMER!!! Enough said.
Not all are stuck. I was born in 1961.
The world started going to serious shit in 70's
I have never been in a power position, pretty much worked like a nigger my whole life but without the gibs.
I'm an atheist, but not an outspoken asshole. Believe what you want. A baby Jesus scene doesn't freak me out either. If you're really an atheist, why the fuck would you care.
To sum it up, you are just as guilty as the people who say everyone here is a NEET. You are generalizing. Most of us never have enough influence to amount to shit.
Boomers are cancer that gave birth to millennials, a somehow worse cancer than themselves. can't wait until boomers and their shitty, whiner unhealthy shithead kids all die around the same time. -gen x
>If the minimum wage were upped to $15 per hour, then everything else would go up with it.
Try to imagine the macro economy as a pie.
Capital owners and wage labor. How much money can money produce? Some get 20% returns on their investment, some get 1% on their bank savings account. The mean is probably 12% Labor produces all the rest of the wealth, around 88%. Does labor get paid as though it produces at the 88%?
As the CEOs, executives and shareholder take greater and greater and greater shares of the pie, there is less and less and less for the employees. Wages should be higher. Then people have more money in their pockets to chase more goods and services. Demand/Consumption drives the economy.
Does the price of everything rise when people are economic slaves? Yes. Does the price of everything rise when people are paid a little better? Yes.
Right now, wages are stagnant and prices have risen non-stop every year. This is an endless cycle that punishes people without capital.
So this "blame the boomers" is a fake news meme, probably crafted by the Kremlin to turn Americans against their crass commercial culture.
see thats what i thought but he told me i could end up oweing money when he dies. i guess he just meant that but it freaked me the fuck out.
Boomers are completely obvious to a lot of things in our society, race being the primary one.
They also let immigration explode out of control. Their parents didn't do that to them, and their grandparents didn't do that to their parents. They utter failed to preserve what they inherited.
>since the 1930s
And what happened shortly after that, hmmm?
>Try to imagine the macro economy as a pie.
stopped reading there
Take a basic econ class you moron.
Also not this guy but want to add most greatest gen people I meet are far more down to earth than spoiled boomers. They know how shit gets in life from the 30's influence and the war.
They made uni free. Wrote up policy to get everyone a house and opened the housing market to China, making housing prices soar locking their OWN children out of the market.
They constantly complain and limit the amount of gibs being handed out, except when it comes to them. Our federal budget shows 64.3billion goes to aged assistance (14% of the total federal budget). For comparison, 10billion to the unemployed and sick.
Fucking this. It's already been shown that millennials work as hard if not harder than the past generations.
It's total bullshit.
In my experience baby boomers are entitled, selfish, lazy and project these traits onto others. They also hate their kids.
They were the first generation in America to be fed a steady diet of Jewish neo-Liberal neo-Conservative propaganda. All their life they had everything so good that they never questioned why things were really happening, why all the crazy fucked up things like the Cold War and Vietnam were going on, why the CIA and American government was busy toppling democratically elected regimes in central and South America and propping up terrorist groups all over the world.
They were truly a generation of "Good Goys".
Ok not talking about each individual boomer but when speaking about giant swaths of people aka a gennerations you have to generalize
In general, you people have never voted for the necessary sacrifices and chances our government. Ended
In general you people are wealthier than any other group yet you also receive the most governemtn bennifit through pensions, and government care.
In general people in the positions to change things have been boomers for 20-30 years
In general your wages were higher and epences lower
In general boomers who ran businesses opted to outsource for heap labor and in general boomer consumers went into debt even as they demanded cheap shit
In general boomers run the hospitals and colleges and insurance companies that are using the governments easy money to exponential increase educational and healthcare costs
In general boomers are awful.
Notna particular boomer, not a particular group of boomers but when looking at thebaggregate whole this is what has come of your reign
And the fact you don't understand or see it is a great example of a classic myopic boomer position
>But let's be honest boomers either want cheap labor or want to buy cheap shit
Since we're being honest, millennials have been very inventive when I comes to being frugal. I lived on ramen noodles for easily 2 years in college. We like cheap shit too - it's what we can afford. I graduated in 2007 so I'm technically Gen Y.
Wages desperately need to rise or the American economy will plunge into African nation tier GDP. That crisis is coming.
>ignore the fact that the dollar has lost 98% of its value from garbage governments waging pointless wars
the minimum wage should be $30 right now. the system is on the verge of collapse and its no secret.
all that remains is to see what replaces it, yuan? yen? crypto coins?
My dad is the perfect boomer
>gets SS and VA healthcare due to token Navy signup during Vietnam
>lives in subsidized old folks home for $300 a month
>saved nothing
>puffed up my ego significantly but offered no substantial support and taught no usable character traits and habits
>impregnated my mom long after their marriage ended, had an unwanted second kid in myself
>never kept promises or played catch with me
At least he's witty and holds his booze well. Also never hit me.
>I graduated in 2007 so I'm technically Gen Y.
Feels bad man
Gen y is just some other marketing firms term for the same group generally
You guys are millennials
Most common definition is people born between ~1980~2000 but the exact years change depending on what company or study you look at
>Also never hit me.
im circumcised and cant buy a house
no no no, you stupid faggot, you worthless Fuhrer used the LEFT-TURNING Swastika of faggotry and black magic, which is why God struck his ass down when he became consumed by dark forces. Please fix your image!
Boomers just tend to have a very irritating "worldly" smugness. They're the ones who started this obsession with the "other" and not what goes on at home. They don't take much responsibility for the shitshow they've caused, either.
I don't hate them, but I get WHY people hate them. The fact that some of them have the gaul to show up to nationalist rallies and unironically call these people Nazis and shit is just fucking ridiculous.
They fucked Gen X pretty hard, too.
I just don't like that they have such shit internet security habits
how many fucking passwords does my dad have, holy shit. every single time he needs to put in a new password for something, he has to create some new cutesy thing with my daughter's name or his dog's name
meanwhile, i've had the same password since 1996 and can just append variations to the end of it, depending on what retarded requirements some jackhole came up with because babby boomers kept getting hax0red
they voted for a kike shill by 80%
>not having unique 32 character alphanumeric passwords for every login
Companies pay the lowest wage they can. There was never a period where companies were just offering quadruple the salary they needed to out of the kindness of their heart.
It's about supply and demand. As we began to import shitskins, allow offshoring and allow women into the workforce suddenly the supply of labor jumped from 60 million able bodied males so 90 million males, 90 million females, 30 million illegals, oh and a BILLION GODDAMN CHINKS.
CEOs are highly specialized employees and there are very few good ones. Any profession where you are truly irreplaceable to an organization has seen the same rise in Salaries. Tom Brady is making hundreds of millions while a hall of fame QB in the 80's would make a couple million over his career.
>Maybe I just came along too late in life in the wrong part of the country.
I paid for my education, and worked all my life.
Who didn't make sacrifices?
You are speaking of people in powerful positions?
Buddy WW1 was when professional salaried politicians were created. By the time I was old enough to enjoy any benefits of post WW2 boom, they were long gone. I came of age in 83.
Maybe the "boomers" should get rolled back to the mid 50's cause I didn't see or do any of that shit, and neither did anyone I personally know that's in my age group.
I have no pension plan, my social security outlook is dismal.
People were running hospitals and colleges and insurance companies since loooong ago. and I do not believe they lowered prices. Many big pharma companies were in place long ago too.
Bayer Herion was available in the 20's "Safer than morphine"
It's a shitshow, but it has been a shitshow for awhile. It;s not some fucking horoscope year thing, it's a people in power thing. The people in power have been out to fuck us
since before boomers.
Gen X here.. don't blame us.. we had nothing to do with the fucked up state of America today.
>In general you people are wealthier
That's because they were on the tail end of corporations offering pensions and retirement health care. Now there is no pensions or retirement healthcare. And that was before colleges start over charging for their degree programs - they called it the "Chivas Regal effect". They jack up the price only to make their degree programs seem more prestigious, not because they cost any more.
I paid about $40 per semester hour in 2006. Now it is $300 at the same college. Do you suppose the courses are 8 times better quality? Of course not. It's the same curriculum. Do you imagine it cost the college 8 times more to have a min wage teacher's aid teach the same classes in the same buildings? Definitely not. So where the fuck is all the money going to?
Even if a CEO destroys a company through bad decision making, they usually are able to leave with a multi million dollar golden parachute. Gotta love how capitalism works these days.
The minimum wage would be $30 if we had the kind of tariffs china has and women stayed in the home.
Actually having the same password for everything is not very safe either. For me I use an encrypted string based on certain parameters of every different website I need a password for. Even my PIN numbers for CC's and debit accounts are encrypted
They made their livelihood during the economic boom following WW2, a war in which none of them fought in, yet call younger generations entitled.
They think they have a right to soapbox on the internet without anyone responding and what they say is always stupid platitudes and virtue signalling nonsense and because they're old they're somehow immune to criticism.
They need to be silenced as they are lowering our country's average IQ
As a millenial I have had enough of the boomer hate. They may be stupid but we all are. The real reason the world is fucked is because of people like Napoleon emancipating the Jews. Churchill and Roosevelt are to blame too because they coulda let Hitler do the job that needed to be done.
^ this... socialists are not unique to the left or the right, they exist on both sides.
This is why people who don't want a minimum wage are socialists and people who want a higher minimum wage are socialists.
They see the economy as a piece of pie rather than a flowing river or cycle.
>Even if a CEO destroys a company through bad decision making, they usually are able to leave with a multi million dollar golden parachute.
clearly what we should do is bail out the failing company with taxes, this golden parachute conncept is just TOO triggering!
>Why does pol hate boomers so much?
they're influential and very entitled
they absolutely refuse to acknowledge that young people have it rougher than they did
they can somehow lament the decline of America but also believe that they had nothing to do with it
>What are some experiences and criticisms?
the best that I've see so far are the boomers complaining about ageism in the IT industry
they got a job when you could learn as you went and employers were desperate for anyone interested in computers
so no shit now that you've lost your cushy IT job that you've had for decades you're not competitive in the current market
this isn't the fucking 80s
kids now need professional certs and job experience for entry level positions, recruiters don't give a fuck if you "know computers"
That's because they are in such demand(unlike your unskilled, inexperienced and unemployable ass) that they are able to negotiate those contracts ahead of time. That's how western capitalism works. Leverage, negotiations and contracts.
The company agreed to those terms because in the off case they did work out they would reap incredible rewards. But just like there are only a few quarterbacks who won superbowls, only a few CEO's are mega successful. There just aren't that many people who are CEO material but the demand is so high they are forced to offer insane contracts to try and compete for a very limited talent pool.
Once you get a real job some of this might make sense.
> greater shares of the pie
There is no pie you fucking idiot, the economy is a cycle, a flowing river of currency.
Way to not read the whole post dumb nigger
>I didn't I didn't I didn't
It has nothing to do with you individually you MYOPIC BOOMER FAG
I said that in my post, it's not about YOU. The end result of your entire age group has resulted in a worse world, it's not your fault, I'm not blaming you, im blaming your generation as a whole
I'm a boomer... when I was growing up I thought the same things you "whipper snappers" feel ( that's what the "old folks called us". and that's the current difference...you react to your feelings and limit your thought process. After you get older and discover how to not only survive but succeed, you'll realize how foolish you were in your youth. You are going thru social and financial changes that we all go through. I don't hate todays youth...fuck, I envy you sometimes and I trust you will figure it out, and you will. Two pieces of advice if you will allow me ...1. Life is like a shit sandwich...the more bread you have, the less shit you gotta eat and 2. It isn't the face you fuck, but the fuck you face.
>It isn't the face you fuck, but the fuck you face
> minimum wage went up heavily around all those years.
And the economy was still stabilized.
The recessions or whatever you want to call them were caused by global economic changes, trade deals.
>posting on Sup Forums
you need to kill yourself
More like setting him up for failure from lack of discipline
Let me rephrase that for you
>its not the girl that lets you fuck her face but the girl that you want to look in the face while you fuck, that you should marry
My company have all boomers in permanent positions. The younger folks are paid less, and is either a contractor or temporary. We get paid less and do more work. At the same time, all the supervisors who are also boomers or older all want younger folks on their department and sometimes even try to recruit young people from other department to the point of cannibalizing each other.
All I hear them talk about when I am alone with them is complain how we got it easy in school with the internet. Among themselves, they often talk about buying houses and mcMansions at 100k that are now worth couple million.
And they gloat at younger folks for not owning houses.
Like I said, minimum wage isn't about what people deserve, it's based on the value of the dollar, population, production.
Only idiots think changing minimum wage will fix anything.
Removing minimum wage will cause investments to crash along with workers and employees fighting each other.
Raising minimum wage will only cause everything else to be raised.
> it should be around 15 dollars
Then your gas should be around $6 per gallon.
> buh buh but the government could just regulate gas to be lower priced.
Gee, whats the difference between $15 minimum wage and $10.00 minimum wage...
A fucking number.
Underpaid workers isn't a government economic issue, it's a worker / employer issue.
That's what most of the idiots haven't figured out yet.
They were told unions are evil bad, terrible.
How do you think the boomer's got good wages in the 70's, 80's and 90's?
You think the business owners were just compassionate and felt like they needed to give more to the people?
actual truth