I just fixed America
I just fixed America
Looks fine to me.
Uruguay doesn't speak Portuguese, though
I don't think Mexico did before you came.
Point is, they'll learn to
What reason to unite uruguay to brazil?
Bot that I care all subhumans traitors to spain are vermin.
Laziness, I didn't think much about Uruguay. I probably should've given it to Argentina
I thought Brazil was Portuguese?
How is annexing a socialist country into a democratic republic helping America? It's just adding leftist voters and assuring leftist majority.
>leftist voters
What do you think California was created for?
Faggy lefties are not the majority, they just have the loudest mouths
fixed again
Don't make Ancapistan too large, it's more of an experiment.
Why give up military bases and ports in California? Take it back by force, pussy America.
fixed south america
ancap need the jungle. brazil needs to be white and there arent that much whites to need that much territory
get rid of shitskin chilean and they are mostly like us
I'm talking about Canada you idiot. Annexing Canada would do nothing but give lefties a super majority. Also Cali was a swing state til about the early 90s. Do some history research Ivan.
>I'm talking about Canada you idiot.
I know.
California will be a containment state.
>giving newfoundland to quebec
For what reason?
You deport them first. And only landowners should be able to vote.
>What reason to unite uruguay to brazil?
o boy here we go again
but if you make it too small, there will be too many people per sq. ft.
if there's too many people packed into a small space in the Caribbean federation or ancapistan then when you're walking around you might accidentally tread on one of them
and i've heard they REALLY don't like that
>2 socialist countries still
>Le I fix continents by merging countries cause I failed my geography classes
>argentinian talking shit about other nations
very very thin walls on your glass house, friendo
implying someone gives a fuck , they're like 12 people. brazil is the only relevant country down there
This meme is trash, in reality canada is roughly 50% conservative, the only reason dude weed man was elected was because people were sick of Harper. Also our population is 36 million
Please do it.
Wish you could hear the desperation within the remaining Canadian men. Please Trump save us all.
Devuelve Malvinas, Xilodonto.
All those borders are artificial anyway.
One Socialist country is for containment, the other one is national socialist. I know, "Amerindian" is a broad term, but I think in the face of extinction they'll finally be able to work together instead of killing one another for beaver pelts.
This is a good plan as long as Canadians leave. Otherwise, they'll just fuck up our country with their shit.
we insult your personal bitch and you go crazy
I got no problem with this, just stay out of our lands America, we don't need your FreedomĀ© here. Thanks.
i dont care either way, i dont think anyone in england does i think the only reason we haven't given them back is because everyone forgot we had them and no-one in england cares enough to remind anyone, like are they even worth the paperwork
scratch that i think their main purpose is just to keep people like you eternally assblasted for some reason
Yeah but we don't want Ontario. Or really BC for that matter.
Thank you for leaving Quebec apart - the ROC deserves to be annexed
You mean the Cisplatina Province?
It belongs to Brasil!
>exclude Quebec but include Louisiana
Why do people hate French Canadians so much
Seems about right. But central america belongs to Mexico.
We are a coporativist nightmare mind you ok.
>we haven't given them back
Implying you have any power, John
>Absolute trash
Delete this.
No gaucho wants to be a part of Argentina.
Get rid o Florida
Canada is ours faggot
I wouldn't recommend.
>No Argentina
Almost perfect. All that is missing is Cisplatina to be a part of Brasil.
Now, this is something all SA would fight o avoid.
It's a damned shame that California turned blue 2016. Definitely wish it was red, but alas, the "muh safe space" libtards juuuussst had to give California over to Clinton. Just retake California by force at least.
>United Costa Rica and Panama with Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua
I can't emphatize "I hope you die of anal cancer" enough
Fuck off from dota. Your kind is not welcome
Hello Uma Delicia
you must hate us a lot
This is the first fixed map I've seen that wasn't thoroughly retarded. Good job.
hue hue hue hue
If Uruguay had to choose between being Brazilian again or becoming a part of Chile/Argentina, they'd without a hesitation choose the latter.
But why would we take in the part of Canada that California loves after walling off California?
>I just fixed Amera
Aztlan not included. Fuck right off toothpaste nigger.
Why is Sup Forums so autistically obsessed with muh culture and yet has no problem just arbitrarily merging borders for no good reason other than there's less there?
I see this all the time with U.S. state map posts, is it just an autistic thing to put things together and change their name?
Can someone explain the autistic fixation you idiots have in grouping countries together?
I'd rather kill myself than living in a united central america or south america. All combinations you have posted here are not only bad, are stupidly bad.
Uma delicia
Cisplatina will be ours, it's inevitable!
Fixed it for you
Eh, you just need to give California to Mexico, then invade it again. Deport all the freshly Mexican citizens in California to their home country.
>giving up land
what the fuck
>Evacuating my homeland instead of exterminating the nigger like the vermin they are,
give back clay
>not having a wall around (((Quebec)))
you had one job
I don't think he knows about the great gaucho rampage
Please no
>mejeeko exists
into the treash
Nicaragua together with el Salvador? You just created the new holocaust kid.
I think we can save northern california.
the nature up there is pretty nice
Ha! They wish
>I just fixed America
>Increases Brazil's territory
We want to break it apart, not make it bigger.
The south and southeast should become an independant country.
This is pretty true. Harper gave the liberal party a great opportunity to polish its image with Trudeau's leadership. He attracted fuckloads of woman voters, and other left-wing people disillusioned with the creepy uncle NDP leader Mulcair. Meanwhile, anyone who doesn't live in an urban center didn't vote liberal. Hell, a huge percentage of their overall vote was from southern ontario.
Scheer might give us another shot. Brad Wall should have been gunning for the leadership though imo, but after tons of negative press for screwing up SK's provincial budget it's not gonna happen.
>ancap need the jungle
the absolute madmen will be eating each other
Central american federation could have existed if costa rican hadnt murdered Morazan
fuck balkanization, full reconquista baby
Yeah, though I like the idea of a bunch of wild anarchists running around in the jungle, if the rainforest is ancap it's fucked
Works for me
I like it, but Paraguay (or Uruguay, I forgot which one is the best one) is actually based. I don't feel like they should be annexed by any other power.
i'd be fine with this tbhfam
You forgot the whole panama stole the canal from Nicaragua. It took over 100 years to get it build now.
>mfw this beauty pops up
Newfis are not french they should be their own people, they really are like their own country and culture in real life any way.
It is time for the rake up here.
Hands away proto-Joaos! It's only, and only our clay.
Thanks for the template.