When Hollywood wanes, what will be the next mainstream culture? Nobody is going to watch Chink soap operas.
When Hollywood wanes, what will be the next mainstream culture? Nobody is going to watch Chink soap operas
The metalocalypse will bein.
Relax, women also started wearing their hair short and being decadent in the 1920's. Then the late 1930s happened
why they are cutting their hair ? they are preparing to be the alpha male in society ?
lol bitches . in a room with any man you can not be the alpha male . you are acting the alpha male icon
Those women were beautiful though.
VR porn and then sex robots.
corpse doll yuck fashion
why are they turning into villains
I don't care. Scarlett is still fuckable. But to answer your question, user, It'll be just like when film first started. More independent productions along with Hollywood.
What a try-hard cunt.
what does this even mean?, australia is the only country where telling someone they put effort into something is an insult.
Why is she wearing all those stupid ropes?
She looks like a San franciscan back alley tomb raider
Wow Eminem looks so different nowadays.
ugly bitch
I honestly can't imagine a haircut I would be more disappointed about if my gf came home like that
they look good. as a white man i always wondered what it would be like to have sex with another man and these short haired women fulfill that need.
Holodecks or neural interfaces. It will be like the VHS vs Betamax war for market dominance. My money is on neural interfaces.
Not the fucking Elf/Goblin queen at the bottom though, right?
Heard stories that she often stinks to high hell and has horrible personal hygiene.
Fucking bull dogging ass bitches. Fuck celebrities
Yeah, I know! I hate blondes!
The wrong type of effort, mate.
the next mainstream culture will be webm's from Sup Forums
Katy Perry is portuguese descent you should behave your women portubro.
>When Hollywood wanes
>Nobody is going to watch Chink soap operas.
*animated* chink soap operas amirite?
>Nobody is going to watch Chink soap operas.
Brazilian soap operas?
It has infinitely better acting than Mexican and Turkish soap operas, at least. And they already have some popularity in Europe.
Melania has long hair
Melania is married to trump
take that however you will.
Anime revolution
Soviet war movies.
Isn't there one set in Ancient Egypt?
And one about the Bible, sponsored by the IURD?
The Brazilian soap opera game is nuts.
reboots of old shit we've already seen before.